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and she trailed off | joining - Printable Version

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and she trailed off | joining - Evanescent - 10-30-2020

Evelyn, Evelyn...
Why do we bother to stay?
Why are you running away?
Don't you feel like severing?
A conglomeration of feathers snapped open under the moonlight, the glossy tips enlightening themselves with the sphere's glow. The female's head lowered, though her black, bottomless-looking eyes remained fixated on the moon. Or, more particularly, the sky. A blanket of black overlooked her, scattered and fizzing with a multitude of stars. Evelyn thrust back a furred hind-leg, polished claws furling themselves into the terrain; her posture steadied, or tried to, a low growl erupting from within her pharynx. Fly. The singular word bypassed her mind's barriers, ushering her movements onward. To improve themselves, perhaps, though Evelyn knew that wouldn't be happening so efficiently anytime soon. She had been practicing for only a couple of months, not to mention she every now and again decided to take some nights off and procrastinate.

Her fangs gnashed, bob of a tail whipping the air from behind her like a tendril. Alright, enough with the preparations. Her thoughts remained firm, as did her each and every movements. Her paws scuffed the earth and before she knew it she had taken off into the night sky, as she had promised herself. Of course, nothing was too great, as usually expected. Her sleek ebony wings pumped rapidly with the hopes of having her physique continue through the air, forepaws outstretched before her. As much as she wanted to, she knew better than to risk a glance downward: her gaze had to remain intent on her preliminarily available surroundings, so forcefully she kept her eyes on the mountains ahead of her.

Now, truth be told, Evelyn had never flown these particular skies before, had never looked down upon this very terf. She couldn't help but allow for a slight smirk to play at her lips, and absentmindedly she peered down. Just a glimpse, just a glimpse, just a glimpse....

And that's when it all came crashing down, like a monument of Jenga blocks toppling over. Her wings flicked backward, paws flailing in the air as she could feel herself diving suddenly downward. For a moment the bobcat's world seemed to spin from around her, trees passing by as quickly as a cheetah's chasing figure, the moon shrinking above. Evelyn let loose an involuntarial yowl: "Gahhhhh!" Try as she might, she simply could not get her wings to carry her back upward, could not adopt a genuinely steady posture, though that was in this moment a given: she was flying down a couple hundred feet from the air, her surroundings blinding her alongside the faint blur that was the moonlight. Her eyes crinkled shut, but not quickly enough, it appeared. The wind sifted through her fur as her physique raked itself across a few trees, and then as it crashed down into the snow.

She spit.

She coughed.

It was no hope.

Her world darkened, head fuzzing, as then she slipped into unconsciousness.


feel free to come and have someone try and find her 0;

Re: and she trailed off | joining - kinglykingstone - 11-11-2020

//eyyyyy, same lyrics twins!!!

Hani and Alani heard the cry before they saw the body tumbling from the sky, the two-headed leader racing in its direction and ears picked towards the sound of a body crashing through the trees, the sickening crunch as it hit the snow. "hello?" cried out ALani as they approach, hoping for a response. When none came, they approached quicker, a sickening feeling in their twin stomach. They stopped beside the winged feline, Hani's nose pressing against her pelt. There was still a heartbeat, still breathing.

"We need to get her back into the mountain, but how?" commented Hani as he pressed an ear against her chest, wincing at the way her breath rattled. Alani shook his head, unsure, before taking in a deep breath. "HEBI?" he cried, hoping the much larger jaguar could come to help them take the bobcat up the mountain.

Re: and she trailed off | joining - sykes - 11-11-2020

tell him i'm not sure what is real and what is not
Loey had seen the other's fall from a little further away than Hani and Alani, and as such turned up at around the time Alani called for Hebi. His eyes darted to the mound of blood, fur and feathers and, without paying much mind to either Hani or Alani- which was not a usual occurrence, rest assured- sidled up to the injured creature to assess the damage- it was true, yes, that Loey had been the leader of the Templar rather than their medicine cat, but he had also undergone rigorous training under both Lime and Jujube in the ways of medicine, and was rather skilled at it. He just hoped beyond all hope he wouldn't have to use his expertise, as he hadn't in quite some time and perhaps it would be safer for someone else.

Noises behind him reminded him of the twins presence and he turned at once, examining their figure and remembering who exactly they'd called for and, oh- oh, right. It was probably safer to move the injured girl before attempting any kind of healing, but just how were they going to do that- between the three of them there were two bodies which would make it easier, and Loey himself was rather large and muscled after months of farming and moving literal boulders from a landslide... They would have to share the stranger's weight, it seemed, unless Hebi turned up.

"Hani, Alani, would you two try and get her onto my back? We could share her weight between us and get her somewhere safer." he spoke, cerulean gaze flicking between the two faces and then back to the injured girl. They needed to act fast, a fall like that usually meant death upon impact, and it was lucky she was still alive at all.

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