Beasts of Beyond
countless grains of sand -- open, snowbound visitors - Printable Version

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countless grains of sand -- open, snowbound visitors - london r. - 05-13-2018

After she had received the rubber ducky from Jacob, London had gone to find Melantha and the two had made their way to the Typhoon. The journey had taken a while, but not quite as long as the albino clouded leopard had believed it might. The salty scent of seawater that greeted them seemed almost overpowering against the crisp air of the tundra, especially for someone who had never been close to the ocean before. She had seen quite a few lakes, some small and some big, but those sights seemed insignificant in comparison to this rough climate. One could feel the ocean here, through the rough breeze, hear the waves lapping up against the shore, smell, and practically taste the salt in the atmosphere. It was truly magnificent... if it weren't so hot and humid.

"I think we're just about there. Look, there's a bridge! Maybe that's the way to get to their home?" the girl would muse, her British accented voice seeming to almost get carried away by the wind. It was true that this place was rather lovely, but London had yet to ever experience conditions like this before. The unfamiliarity evoked some nervousness from the girl, as she did not know what might happen next. Maybe she would get attacked again, like the first time she had met a pirate, though hopefully that would not be the case, as the feline would rather not come close to death over here on this strange foreign terrain. Though she could always conjure some bandages if that were to happen, she would rather not have to deal with all of that again. Instead she would like to have a pleasant interaction with these pirates, that would be just lovely.

Re: countless grains of sand -- open, snowbound visitors - melantha - 05-13-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt;"]Salt. That is the first thing she notices. It permeates the air, making the atmosphere damp and heavy. Mountain lions are perfectly adapted to survive in the extremest of climates. From subzero temperatures, to high altitudes, and scorching deserts, her kind can be found thriving in spite of what one would be led to believe. But the ocean? A jungle? Such environments are a little but beyond what Melantha is accustomed to. In fact, Melantha finds the atmosphere to be all-around oppressive. She is not fond of being able to quite literally taste the air, but that does little to dampen her excitement. The snowseeker may not display such emotions upon the chiseled canvas of her plain visage, but she is practically buzzing within.

She has never seen the ocean before. Admittedly, Melantha can not give two shits less about meeting Snowbound's allies in the Typhoon. The girl is not the most social of creatures. However, she is eager to see the ocean in person. She has heard of it's boundless horizon, but pictures and stories do the real thing very little justice.

Remaining silent throughout most of the journey, the young mountain lioness keeps a watchful eye on her surroundings. The whole reason she offered to join London on her journey was to make sure that the albino leopard remained safe. "Smart," comments the creature in response to her traveling companion's words. She bobs her head in the direction of the bridge. "Only one entrance and exit. Makes guarding the border a whole lot easier." Except from the weird beasts that might emerge from the depths of the ocean. She tries not to think about it too much--as excited as she is to see the ocean, Melantha is not a fan of deep water. Observing from a distance is just fine.

Re: countless grains of sand -- open, snowbound visitors - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-14-2018

To be truthful, Caesar didn't know how he felt Snowbound being allies with The Typhoon (or were they Neutral? He could care less). He wasn't big on alliances in the first place, nor 'friends' in general. It was just who he was, and that was the way he liked it. The only reason he stayed in The Typhoon in the first place was to just earn their respect and eventually see if he could take over. Just like he'd take over this entire damn Universe... maybe. He had high hopes that definitely weren't ever going to happen, but he believed they were.

Caesar, admittedly, didn't enjoy the ocean too much. Especially not after being tricked into drinking sea water by NPCs for their stupid tradition of the Entrance Ritual. But he had to get used to it, since y'know, he lived here. The Savannah crossed the bridge, planning on going out for a hunt, when he spotted two figures heading towards the border. With a flick of an ear, he made his way over with a bored expression on his face. "You have a reason for being here?" He asked.

Re: countless grains of sand -- open, snowbound visitors - Beatrice - 05-14-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][align=center]⋆⋆⋆
Alliances, neutral pacts, enemies. These thoughts were not foreign in Beatrice's mind, but this would be her first true experience with the political aspect of these words. Having lived most her life in a peaceful village without politics, she admittedly knew nothing. Granted, she wasn't stupid. She knew not to piss of those you liked and to guard yourself against those who disliked you. She also knew to tread lightly when dealing with those who were undecided against you. The Beast had taught her all of this, and she ate up this knowledge hungrily.

She couldn't lie either: she was curious, and she was drawn forth by their strange scents. Bea had smelled the tundra only once, and that had been when she was crossing through the steal a soul. That job had been miserable, and she prayed her benefactor wouldn't send her back to that horrible place. She shuddered thinking about the freezing weather of late winter.

The she-dog came to a halt beside Caeser, but she kept her distance from the Savannah. She didn't trust him as far as she could throw him, but she was here to keep up appearances. [b]"I'm Beatrice, and that's Caesar. Since he didn't ask, I will! What're your names?" the red heeler questioned, offering the girls a smile of greeting.

Re: countless grains of sand -- open, snowbound visitors - melantha - 05-14-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt;"]A stranger approaches. Long and thin, a sleek predator of dappled gold emerges from the distance. Coal black eyes glow dully--bored. The male seems familiar. Perhaps it is his appearance? He is oddly reminiscent of Atbash... Melantha makes a mental note to ask the new girl later if she has a brother. Until then, the plain-faced huntress regards the savannah tomcat with an equally blank expression. "We come bearing gifts," counters the girl. Well, more like gift. Singular. Just one yellow, rubber ducky. Why Jacob insisted that they bring a rubber ducky to a clan of pirates is beyond her, but Melantha has a soft spot for Jacob. She does not even question him, most days. "Is Pincher around? The gift is for him, specifically." Mel then glances back at London, as if to ask if the beautiful snow leopard had anything else to add. Maybe she brought something in addition to the terrifyingly yellow toy. Mel hopes so. She is afraid that Pincher will be offended by their meager offering. Then again, if the bastard dared refuse Jacob's sweet gift, she'd gut him. No hesitation.

For a moment, the young huntress is lost in the dark fantasy of slaughtering the bad guy in the name of her most beloved leader. She barely notices a second creature's arrival. This one is softer-spoken, but Melantha is hesitant to say that she likes the girl anymore than she likes the first. No matter what these people look like, no matter that they are allies, Melantha is slow to trust--always on the lookout for potential danger. Her scrutinizing olive gaze lingers upon Beatrice for a heartbeat before the lithe wildcat determines that the other poses no real threat. "Well met," replies the predator gruffly, offering a polite nod. "My name is Melantha. I am the Snowseeker, or second-in-command, and this is my traveling companion. I will let her introduce herself, though." Mel sucks at being nice and friendly, but she has some concept of manners. She feels like introducing London without allowing the girl a chance to speak for herself would be rude, so Melantha relinquishes control of the conversation and steps back in content silence.

Re: countless grains of sand -- open, snowbound visitors - Beatrice - 05-16-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][align=center]⋆⋆⋆
A gift? For their leader? Interesting. She was not aware that allies and neutrals alike brought their counterparts gifts, but then again, she was new to all of this. She was fairly young (though not incredibly so), and she was very new to the whole idea of alliances, neutralities, and enemies. She made a mental note about gift-giving since the Beast had not offered her this bit of information.

Melantha. The girl repeated the name in her mind, toying with it in order to remember it. She silently observed the other for a few moments, sizing she and her soul up. It was strong, determined. It was the soul of someone so incredibly loyal that it could perhaps ultimately be limiting. Before she would allow the Beast to further taint her mind with the idea of stealing the Snowseeker's soul -- or attempting it --, she barked, [b]"Nice to meet you, Melantha. As for Pincher, I'm sure he'll be here soon. If he's not, I'll run and get him." He had to show soon. After all, wasn't he rather fond of Snowbound's leader, Jacob? Or were those just rumors that traversed the grapevine? Only time would tell, she supposed.

As Melantha explained her co-traveler would introduce herself, Bea turned to gaze at her.