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raindrops ❀ joining? - Printable Version

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raindrops ❀ joining? - charrie graveyard - 10-29-2020

"What are you doing Lily?" It was the phrase she kept repeating in her mind all through her journey away from home, thoughts of failure swarming her mind practically daily. You aren't cut out for this, you should go back. Who do you think you are? They're going to laugh at you. They'll probably kill you on the spot. YOU STUPID BITCH! She physically winced, ears flattening. It was her mother's voice, the last words she spoke to Lilith before she departed. It wasn't something she liked to remember, but she couldn't forget it, no matter how hard she tried.

What if they were right? What if I fail? The tropical flowers on her pelt quickly wilted as thoughts churned in her mind, deep purple chrysanthemums replacing them. Was she even going the right way? That panther she had met a few miles ago told her it was just up this mountain, but she could have sworn she heard him chuckle quietly as they split paths. Shaking her head, she took a deep breath. No, no, it has to be up here. I can feel it. I mean, she had spent all this time looking for it, asking other travelers which way it was and going from trade post to trade post, they were the experts! They couldn't be wrong!

Before she knew it, Lily was standing at the scent border, the chrysanthemums on her back now replaced with bright pink dahlias. Shaking her pelt, the tigeress would cast her dark purple petals into the air in the process, causing them to fall gently to the ground like a scene from a romance movie. It certainly smelled like animals lived here... hopefully they were the ones she was looking for. Clearing her throat, she ignored the pounding in her chest, tail curling tightly around her paws. "Um... hello? I'm Lilith Annalise Canopus, I was wondering if I could join?" The demi-goddess called out, pink hued gaze scanning the area around her for any sign of life.
though the pressure's hard to take,
it's the only way i can escape

Re: raindrops ❀ joining? - kinglykingstone - 10-29-2020

Word had traveled back to the leaders of Elysium through their many merchants, word of a traveling tiger searching for the group. As such, the two-headed feline had been lingering at the border when they heard the heavy steps of an approach. Their cloak draped over their back and hood down, they had lingered hiding until she called out. Joiners were a rarity anymore, though they'd had a few visitors. They wished to have a read on the tiger before they approached.

Hearing her soft voice calling out, Alani turned his head to look at Alani, gesturing forwards. They moved then, making their presence known as they took in the flowers that coated her golden pelt. "Lilith Annalise Canopus," echoed the silver head, a vague interest in his tone as they came to a stop on the border. A soft chuckle left Alani, seemingly amused at his own joke. Their tails twitched as they took in the tigress. "It is good to meet you, Lilith. I am Hani." His blue eyes flicked towards his brother, who picked up speaking.

"And I'm Alani! We're the like, Astral Seraph around here! That's the leader of the group by the way!" He paused to look at her, tilting his head to the side as green eyes scanned the other. "You can relax! We don't bite! And you're welcome to enter our lands, though there is another step you must complete before we fully welcome you into our group, though that won't be until the next meeting!"

Re: raindrops ❀ joining? - charrie graveyard - 11-02-2020

Jumping slightly as the other entity revealed themselves her head would tip in curiousity. Two heads? She hadn't seen anyone like them in a long time, not since she left home at least. A light smile appearing on her maw, she would dip her head to Hani and Alani gratefully, tail tip twitching. "Well... thank you both for such a warm welcome. I was expecting a lot worse!" Lily said with a nervous laugh. Another step? Well, this was a ruffian group... so she supposed an additional test was probably proper here, even if it alarmed her slightly. Keep cool, Lilith, keep cool. She thought to herself before responding. "I'm curious to know what the next step is, but I guess it can wait until the meeting!" The tigeress said, taking a step forward before hesitating. "Are you certain it's alright if I enter the territory now though?" She would ask, not wanting to intrude and despite what they had said.
though the pressure's hard to take,
it's the only way i can escape

Re: raindrops ❀ joining? - kinglykingstone - 11-10-2020

Hani and Alani watched the tigress with curiosity, wondering what was going through her mind. They would turn away, beckoning with their tails for her to follow. "Come with us, we will explain everything and show you where you can stay." Hani said as he moved forward, hoping she would follow. If she did, he would continue forward, if not he would stand and talk.

"The next step is not much, a formality passed down from former leaders." Hani said, gesturing vaugley with a paw. "It's just kinda like, swear your loyalty, promise not to be a dick to your groupmates, ecetera ecetera." Alani said, taking over the conversation. He nodded at her last question, grinning. "It's totally chill if you come hang out till you get all sworn in, all travellers are welcome in the lands of Elysium."