Beasts of Beyond
ROCKS AND RUBBLE // o, cleaning up - Printable Version

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ROCKS AND RUBBLE // o, cleaning up - eggplant18 - 03-17-2018


So, this town was home now, right? He would be honest. It was a dump. Sharp rubble, as well as scattered dust and ash littered the place. Not to mention the less-than-stable-looking buildings dotting the sorry place. Renovations and cleanups were a must.

The dragon would admit he was a little bit of a clean freak. The sight of all the rubble made him ache. He wanted to do something.

Strolling around the town’s center, Ska’arq absently began to pluck bits of stone and rubble from the ground, building a pile in the middle of the clearing. He pulled vines from walls and stacked splintered wood. Standing back at his growing but pitiful pile, he frowned. Shouldn’t others help out too? It was where they lived now, after all. ”Would, um... would anyone, uh, like to help out? With, uh, cleaning?”


Re: ROCKS AND RUBBLE // o, cleaning up - venus - 03-17-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]Home. Wow, that was actually kind of weird, and really jarring - as if Venus couldn't quite grasp their stuffed mind around the concept that this dump was now home. Was it sobering? Melancholy? No, Venus had already pointed out the pros and cons to the formation of a group with Venus taking a starring role in, and in doing so found that the pros far outweighed the cons of the plan. So why the sudden second thoughts? Brushing these thought under the rug, ironically as the feline did so they heard an unfamiliar tone speak up and cautiously ask if anyone would like to join the larger dragon and his new home cleaning.

It was a foreign tone, but a familiar face - the man who called those towards him to join his cleaning session being one who Venus had spotted at the impromptu meeting Beck had called. The one that had seen the foundation of this Tanglewood. And as Venus's sapphire hues rested upon the dragon's form the inquires of the dragon buzzed around in the feline's mind for a moment as Venus pondered on whether or not to actually humour the boy and help him. Maybe. It was an obvious answer that Venus did not want to help him clean, but putting aside these baseless wants over needs Venus brought themselves to approach Ska'arq and flash him a polite greeting visage. "Sure, I'll help." So determined in their efforts to do the best cleaning in which the likes of this decrepit group had ever seen, the silvery hued Turkish Angora came to a complete standstill. Venus' mind soon became lost in a sea of clouded thoughts. "Uhh.. what should I do though? Preferable something less um, dangerous. Or dirty for that matter." Or anything really. As the feline's list of preferred things to not do grew, the feline was soon running out of things to help with in this radioactive swamp. Godspeed to Ska'arq and his problem-solving skills.

Re: ROCKS AND RUBBLE // o, cleaning up - eggplant18 - 03-17-2018


It was nice to know that he wouldn't be ignored and left to clean up on his own. Even more so that he wasn't the only one bothered by the heaps of debris littering Tanglewood. Ska'arq chewed on the scarred tissue of his cheeks, a yellow-orange flicker erupting from his necklace as Venus approached. He could vaguely recall seeing her around the town now and then. He failed to return the polite smile, instead offering a nervous twitch of his lips.

Okay, so she wanted to help clean up, but not get involved with anything dirty. That, in itself, made no sense to him. Cleaning was a dirty job. They lived in a rubble-filled dump. The forest was caked in mud and surrounded with swamplands. The dragon didn't say anything. If it made her uncomfortable, he would humor her and find something else for her to do.

Staring into the distance, his foot tapped as his mind ran over things that would help this place seem more like home. He twisted around and fiddled at the pack strapped to his ankle, tugging out a notebook and pencil. Flipping to the back, he tore out an empty page and began to jot down bullets. "Well uh, I need to make a list for things to do, hold on..." A forked tongue poked out of the corner of his jaws as he began to scribble down notes. Rubble cleanup, weed picking, vine removal, door fixing, ash and dust cleanup, hole repairs, bedding creation, twig gathering... The list began to grow.

"Do you know how to sew? We could use some sacks to put leaves and twigs in. Or pillows. Both would be great. That, or you can go around to empty houses and gather the non-broken furniture? Like vases, pencils, plates, things like that. We'll gather them in the center and people can come and take what they like for their homes." His anxiety seemed to vanish. His mind was working, cyan gaze flicking around to the town around them. There was so much to do. Flipping the page onto the back, he glanced back at Venus. "Oh, uh, I don't think I ever got your name? I'm Ska'arq."