Beasts of Beyond
Newbie - Printable Version

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Newbie - Aussiedoodle22 - 10-27-2020

Hello, I'm a wandering traveler and my journey has somehow brought me here. I will say I'm quite excited I can never find anyone willing to do an animal-based roleplay.

A few things about me I am a college student so I'll be busy but believe me that doesn't stop me from roleplaying.

I will say I'll probably be keeping my character rather on the dull side compared to what the site allows you to create but I am doing this to enrich the story on my end leaves a lot of room to really have my character express themselves when they see one of the more unique characters.

Other than that I can't wait to talk and roleplay with every one of you!

Re: Newbie - SirDio - 10-27-2020

Ey-Hey-Hey! Howdy there!

Another wandering traveler - awesome! I joined the site early August out of wanting to do animal roleplaying. The community is really friendly here, I'll definitely say that! We have discord servers as well.

Ooo some 'normal' (there's so many unique characters it's hard to tell what's 'normal' anymore, lmao) characters -- that'll be a breath of fresh air! I look forward to roleplaying with you!

Re: Newbie - Orion - 10-27-2020

Hey, welcome to BoB! It’s a pleasure seeing you here. My name is Orion, an admin/owner here, so don’t hesitate to ask any questions if you have any!

I do the same! Keeping a character design simple and then developing from there is always waaaay more interesting imo. Seeing all these amazing character concepts though is always a treat.

<333 Awh same!!

Side note, we do have a Discord if you’re interested in joining there also! It’s a great place to ask easy questions and talk with peeps for quick responses.

Re: Newbie - axiom - 10-28-2020

ahhh welcome to BoB! i specialize in chaotic stupid characters with too much angst.

i believe most people here are in college or around college aged, so, don't worry, we get your school-life-what-is-balance existence.