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disrespect on your whole-ass ASS!! // political slam poetry - Printable Version

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disrespect on your whole-ass ASS!! // political slam poetry - VALE - 10-25-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ australian crow
The crow, perched on the faded ears of a decrepit jackal statue, screeched. Vale hopped in place, screamed again, and fluffed up vis wings. Then the crow stopped hopping, cleared vis throat, and looked very seriously down at the animals that appeared out of the desert to see what all the commission was.

"We are gathered here today, to sing a beautiful song of my own devising," Vale said, very serious-like. The crow bobbed vis head, nodding, and hopped from foot to food. "Now, this is a topic very dear to my heart. I'm so sad about the outcome from Stryker's visit, and I would like to draw attention to some facts that I believed were overlooked since the event."

Vale ruffled vis wings, cleared vis throat again, and nodded. "I invite you all to sing along on the refrain! In fact, I encourage it!" Then Vale took a deep breath, the deepest inhale Vale'd taken that day, and proceeded to scream.

I once met a faerie who said I was scary
He pretended he couldn't hear my cheer,
Until my throat went hoarse from the force
Of demanding he hear my voice

You can't hear a threat! You can't hear a threat!
You can't lead, if you can't hear a threat!
You can't hear a threat! You can't hear a threat!
You can't lead, if you can't hear a threat!

Lookie loo, do you even hear a boo?
Because you ignored my challenge, right in the open,
And nobody knows when you’ll stop acting green,
Because a leader who listens, like you pretend to be,
WOULD HEAR ME, not fear me

You ignored a challenge! You ignored a challenge!
You can't lead, if you ignored a challenge!
You ignored a challenge! You ignored a challenge!
You can't lead, if you ignored a challenge!
And if you can't hear a threat!

Faerie Man, are you still around,
Because I heard you scream at every sound!
Are you hiding? Are you even good at fighting?
I know I'm a monster, but you're mediocre!
Prove me wrong, come a little closer!

You cower, you coward! You cower, you coward!
You can't lead, if you cower from fear!
You cower, you coward! You cower, you coward!
You can't lead, if you cower from fear!
And if you ignored a challenge!
And if you can't hear a threat!

Giddy, the crow hopped from foot to foot, wings fluttering. "Hehehe, now, what did we all learn? THAT GAEL IS A COWARD AND A HYPOCRITE. Very good, brain-of-mine, that's correct! I did challenge Gael, which is a tradition from when the Pitt was founded, and Gael did absolutely nothing!" A cackle tore out of Vale's throat, and the crow twitchily trembled on vis roost. "Haha. Hahaha! HAHAHA! Why do any of you listen to a coward like that? I thought we were supposed to be fearsome!"

Re: disrespect on your whole-ass ASS!! // political slam poetry - j a c k . - 10-26-2020

Jack had heard the screetch, and it was with a disquiet sort of interest that the small feral cat walked closer towards the crow, vir form had always been subject to change: yet it was always reverted into this, small crow. So fragile and meek, it felt almost juxtapose in comparison to the character of vale. Jack heard the broker in the other's voice, their voie cutting into song- a shanty, such a clever way to challange the leader.

Yet, jack felt his mood sour with the words, the context. Slowly he prowled out of the undergrowth, each step sounded like the crack of thunder, of ripping flesh, falling fur, and the sudden sight of scales. Such a small creature fell apart and with the loss of jac's patience, so did his form shift and mold into that of the dragon of winter. Ice blue eyes narrowed down at the now fractionally small form of the crow. What was once disquiet now made a sense of quiet anger.

"A shanty sung, now i think it's time for the refrain" Jack's once jolly voice, he had been known for hos sounded void of any emotion, beyond the quiet discontent flickering in their eyes, like a flicker fie he looked down. Where his claw's sunk into the sands ice made glass like figure's off the remains.

"A pittian’s life, so piled with strife
Yet here’s a singing fool
We’re loyal first, with bloody thirst
For each other and Gael who rules

Here, oh let it be known
For a fox hunt’s the crow
By high noon or night
The bird end’s it flight
And tired, the fox seek’s its due

A new recruit, bespied his rule
And thought vey make a try.
I’ll run vim through, Gael’s  got me too;
That’s how vey loose an eye

Here, oh let it be known
For a fox hunt’s the crow
By high noon or night
The bird end’s it flight
And tired, the fox seek’s its due

The thrice told tale, Vir’s on the rail
Gael’s known since Jervis’ reign
Yet here vey stand, to claim again
To one ‘gain claim in vain,

Here, oh let it be known
For a fox hunt’s the crow
By high noon or night
The bird end’s it flight
And tired, the fox seek’s its due

Was there a clever smirk upon the once kodkod's maw? The Imperator's presence if not Vael's own screetching would drawl the attention.

[glow=#add8e6,2,300]I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO[/glow]

[glow=#add8e6,2,300]AND SAW IT THROUGH WITHOUT EXEMPTION[/glow]

Re: disrespect on your whole-ass ASS!! // political slam poetry - SirDio - 10-27-2020

"I leave for a few days and this happens!" The dark force chided, tired face twisted into a snarl, blood on her face, and a mangled mass of scales clutched by her talons. "Are you sure it's a song, Shapeshifter? Or some talons on stone."

She looked to Jack, amused at his refrain, but spikes on her back shifted as she turned back to the crow. Vale could have at least looked more intimidating, she knew vey had the ability to. She was terrible at rhyming. "Only few stanzas from me, you shall get."

"Let it be known, this burning day,
That a pittian proclaimed, screamed at the sky to say,
Our leader is weak and unfit to rule!
But I say otherwise, oh yes I do.
Gael is strong and sound of mind, his daughter too!

I am a beast of chaos, indeed
But even I can see when the deed
of bloodshed is needed
and when it is unnecessary!

So think before you speak,
my fellow Pitt member.
Words are pieces on a chessboard,
and there is always a queen."

She sounded tired, annoyed at the situation she decided to return to. In reality, she liked the discourse that was happening now, ever since that white lion showed his alabaster face on Pittian sands. She just wishes some people were quieter about it, and not screaming about it every chance they had.

Re: disrespect on your whole-ass ASS!! // political slam poetry - VALE - 10-27-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ australian crow
Vale hopped on vis claws, pleased the dragons came over to offer their words. The crow bobbed vis head, listening intently, but then shook vis head at the end. “Don’t you see, you’re proving my point. Why did you two come out to play, while Gael hides away?” Vale tutted to vemself, scuffling on the jackal statue’s head.

Round two! The crow seeks its due
I scour on my tower for the fox who cowers,
But all I see are dragons lacking brainpower,
For I’d see them empowered to rain a fire shower,
While Gael ignores their power.

I’d see the world seeded with bloodshed as needed.
The Typhoon’s cartoon goons succeeded,
And you’re too blind to concede their deed.
But what should I have expected?
I’m an ittle wittle crow and you two’re bigheaded!

Is the faerie man afraid of my tiny brain?
Or is he chained to his bed with a flu strain?
I’m a bane on his reign,
But I don’t claim the reins for personal gain.
Remind me again, who lost an eye for Rhy?

But, you know me, a lost eye’s an entree.
I eat my own limbs like a homegrown buffet.
The decay is a display to portray
All the feelings words can’t convey.
Because a knife for life’s strife? Cliche.

Oops, I roasted myself! Take a note
It’s better than what you wrote!

Now tell me, you two, why you depend
On a boring old man nearing his end?
He has no plan to expand our land.
How can we live on a wasteland
When our enemies occupy a dreamland?

Re: disrespect on your whole-ass ASS!! // political slam poetry - SirDio - 10-27-2020

Take it as one wishes, Cherna was beginning to see why poems were not her forte. She had a way with words, yes, but hated trying to rhyme with improv. Vale's words knocked on the doors of her beliefs, and she listened intently, creating a beat by slamming her hand down on the sands without knowing it. Slowly she nodded, thinking of what to say for a moment, before...

"You hold a valid point
Lacking brainpower though? Please take note
I'm new to the lands, and I held power in my old
I bide my time and wait to take hold.

You'll have to spill for me
What the issues this 'Typhoon' group are
for, again, I know not what happens by the sea.
I've yet to travel that far.

Our leader says he cares,
and I've believed him
but now that you've mentioned it
With his 'caution' we may not last.
And you have proved you'd do anything for a member.

Your ability to shift amazes me
you can be anything you wish to be
The only thing I've done noteworthy
was taking on a shielded head for no one to see!

You're beginning to persuade me,
keep your sweet-talking up.
I may consider this shtick worthy.
And reconsider my piece on this board."

She hissed to herself for a moment, before sighing. "I can't rhyme and rhythm to save my life."

Re: disrespect on your whole-ass ASS!! // political slam poetry - aine. - 10-27-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
The petite deer-fox may have an eye for poetry, but she felt fully content passing by when she heard Vale's voice screeching.  She had work to do.  The satchel on her side heavy with freshly gathered herbs.

She snorted quietly, eyes rolling on instinct.  Get over yourself, Vale.  At least Jack... That was impressive.  Just jumping in.  Her own voice would surely crack and stutter.

Aine felt an irritated noise build in her throat when it kept going. Fine.  Her hazel hues narrowed fiercely as she trotted over.  Round two?  She'd play this game.  She had no intention of seeing Vale on the throne.  She'd rather die than see the destruction that would bring.

"Hope you don' mind," god she hated rhyming out loud.  'm low on time."
Work to do, 'm sure da does too.
But you need to fall in-line.

All I hear is a screeching fool,
What are you, Stryker's tool?
Thinks everythin' is just for show,
you'd rather go-go-go, than really know.

But you don' know a thing,
guess what -- it was a Tangler who lit our jungle aflame,
more fire you'd bring.

Aine remembered.  The crackling.  The smoke.  Crow's triumphant voice ringing out in fury.  Her wings pressed closer against her sides.

You thin' you're scary?
Sorry to say contrary.
Live a life as long as da,
it's easy to get over ya.

But like I said, 'm listenin' to a fool,
I think you really are, just Stryker's tool.

With a breath, she stopped, eyes ice cold.  She had some real words to say.  "Y-You say you're loyal, 'an that's not for personal gain, but it takes disagreeing with one decision for you to demand power for yourself."

"What kind of leader would you be?  You can't take one rejection about allying - somethin we don't do here - 'an would rather continue to pick a fight when the one who backed you needed medical attention."

"Do you know?  Do you know how hard it is, to breathe, with broken ribs?  Life's not a game, Vale.  It's not for fun.  It hurts when someone dies.  But you weren't here.  You don't know how many we lost before you came.  'an you're just like Jervis; you'd rather just dive right into the flames, with no regard for our lives."

"Get over yourself."

Her heart felt like runaway train.  Chest tight.  Aine huffed softly, shouldering her satchel.  "'ve got real work to do."

"Oh, and don't you know?" Since zey seemed so adamantly offended by his absence.  "Da patrols regularly every day -- like I said; there's work to do.  Not that you care."

The fae rolled her eyes, giving Jack a smile before trotting off towards the white temple, notably indifferent to if anyone called after her.  Patients and herbs came before poetry fights.

[ out! ]

Re: disrespect on your whole-ass ASS!! // political slam poetry - Atticus Roux - 10-27-2020

So they were getting into political prose and poetry now? How annoying. Atticus could hear their mocking tones all the way from where he was resting, resulting in a loud groan. The tabby rolled over in his nest. He curled up into a ball with his paws over his ears, but his attempts were futile. Aine's bickering and Vale's defiant pleading continued to wrack his brain. Violently kicking off his blanket, he rolled onto his stomach and pushed off the ground with his hindlegs.

Jagged ears popped out from the entrance, eyeing the crowd momentarily before letting out a growl. "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND FIGHT ALREADY!" he complained. His paw kicked at the dirt with the debris aiming to go towards the group. "I'm trying to sleep. Ignorant bastards." With that, he turned back and wandered back into his makeshift home to lay down.

// [member=4836]gael[/member] unsure if you saw this so tagging <3

Re: disrespect on your whole-ass ASS!! // political slam poetry - VALE - 10-27-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ australian crow
“Oh, goodie, time for a history lesson!” Vale squawked. “I’ll take a quick little break from rhyming, just to explain all this bullshit….”

“First, the Typhoon are a bunch of pirates living on a jungle paradise. Their leader, Goldenluxury, once took over the Pitt. She’s interfered in our politics, external and internal, for a long while. She’s the one that ruined the Pitt’s fun when Vinegar—Tanglewood’s leader—was held captive here. Currently, the Typhoon and Tanglewoods are allies, but… they used to not be. In fact, I believe they hated each other, if my sources from the dusty old records are correct.”

The crow rolled vis eyes when Aine showed up and did her little bit. Ve fluttered vis wings, shook vis head, and turned to her retreating figure. “If you’re not going to stick around for my response, I won’t bother. Per the rules of a rap battle, you forfeit! You think I’m Stryker’s tool? Like you’re not sucking your daddy’s tool already!” The crow tisked. Ve covered the side of vis beak with a wing and winked at Chernabog. “Oh, yeah, it was a Tangler that burned the Pitt’s jungle down, but… you see…!”

“He was a Roux! Yes, discovering this was really boring, I did some little reading and digging around after Stryker appeared on the border. He’s… what, Goldenluxury’s cousin? Uncle? Long-lost brother? Whatever. Point is, Tanglewoods and Typhoon? They’re tight because of family. Wouldn’t be surprised if Goldenluxury and her pirate crew had a hand in motivating Crow about burning the jungle.”

“You might be wondering why it matters that the Tangler was a Roux. Well! The founding leader of Typhoon was a Roux. Then his daughter is… Goldenluxury! And Goldenluxury’s aunt, Roxanne, is her second in command! And Goldenluxury’s three healers—Roan, Rosemary, and Lawkit—are all Roux family members. If you ask me, there’s some nepotism afoot… it’s a little stinky. But! That part is speculation, perhaps they really are fair and all about their rankings. My main point is that the Tangler who burned the place was a Roux, closely related to Goldenluxury, and the leader who created the alliance between Typhoon and Tanglewoods! Suspicious, ayyyyye?”

“Now, the Tanglewoods have a nasty territory. It’s a swamp with a bunch of nasty gunk in it. Like I wouldn’t be surprised if their members laid shiny pollution eggs out of their asses! So we don’t want their territory, obviously.” Vale shook vis head and settled into a more comfortable perch on the jackal statue’s ear. “So! I’d much rather take the Typhoon’s territory. It’s nicer. And those pirates haven’t gotten a reprisal in too long.”

Vale, safely atop the large jackal statue, looked out to Atticus. "SORRY! I'LL RAP QUIETER NEXT TIME, BUDDY!"

Re: disrespect on your whole-ass ASS!! // political slam poetry - SirDio - 10-27-2020

Tiny ears flicked in annoyance at the dainty fleshweaver's words. Maybe Cherna should leave for another few days and see what happened. But it would be her luck to leave when something drastic happens. Oh, say, a coup? Doubtful, but not improbable. A rough shrug came from the beast as she listened to Vale's history lesson. Familial ties in power - where had she read something like that before?

A low roar, quiet but not too quiet, echoed from her as she thought. It was quite the history lesson, so she had to think a bit before saying anything. "First things first -- thank you for the history lesson. Second -- Is Stryker that white lion? I never cared to ask his name. Thirdly -- Why the fuck would anyone with sense live in such a nasty swamp? Especially if it's as bad as you say."

Looking to Atticus, she groaned and rolled her eyes. "Get earplugs." She grumbled, then stretched her neck a bit. She liked being loud when she wanted to, like when she joined the Pitt. Thinking of which, where had Jor gone? He was there one moment, caught her interest, then suddenly disappeared.

Re: disrespect on your whole-ass ASS!! // political slam poetry - VALE - 10-27-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ australian crow
"No problem, no problem... you've gotta be informed if you wanna make good choices, amiright?" Vale’s head bobbed up and down at Cherna’s questions. The bandit’s wings ruffled on vis back and a claw tapped the statue. “Yes, Stryker is the white lion’s name. I validated his claims that he did, in fact, lead the Pitt. Twice! He was eventually overthrown by Jervis, quite violently, but that fits the Pitt’s own traditions for acquiring power.”

Vale shrugged and added, quietly, “Beats me if I know. Maybe they’re too weak to hold better territory. Wouldn’t surprise me. Their leader seems like a pissant, from what I remember of the interclan meeting.”