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Oh, Ophelia -- Open, Visit - Printable Version

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Oh, Ophelia -- Open, Visit - SirDio - 10-25-2020


The deity had no idea where he was - it was the furthest thing from home, though. Another dimension, maybe? Another island? Heaven? Hell? Only time would decide. But for now, the deity wanted to move. The cool winds that hit his fur chilled him a bit, though his thicker fur was coming in. A gentle huff from his mouth directed the breeze slightly, but he dared not test waters of this unknown land. Tough grasses and bad soil greeted his hooves as he walked, finding the winding path that lead to the Inn. He blinked - was there humans? Oh, he hoped not. That was the last thing he needed.

Ears flicking, he strayed from the path to graze among the grasses, noting the mist that rather quickly moved in. With his 'Spirit sight' (his Clairvoyance) he thought he spotted something moving among the mist, disappearing as soon as he looked. Odd. Strange. He snorted, then let out his loudest bugle. A warning cry, a warning call. He was nothing to mess with. It was only humans that he feared the most, though. They had killed a god in his homeland. It terrified him. He could have been next, but he had to act as nothing happened. And now he's here, in this strange, uncharted land. Were there even any animals? If there were, would he even be able to speak to them?

These thoughts lapped in waves around his mind as he kept grazing, alert and aware of the mist closing in around him.

Re: Oh, Ophelia -- Open, Visit - teef - 10-25-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
the cry of war pumped in their blood, veins constricting with it, paws padding across ground. here was their home, and they were the guardian sworn to protect it. wish that they did, to find peace that never found them. the inn a solitary figure, a waystone, a splitting of paths. those who came would stay or would leave, leaving behind something in memory or physical body. not all who came to the inn left alive, not all left whole. crooked the wind that whistled and sang through branches creaking in it's force. mist rising and swelling, sweeping about feet and hiding tracks, spirits abound at play. frolicking in the afterlife, whispering of things to come in tongues none could speak. harsh the breath, lungs splitting at the seams, a punishing race drawing to an end at the sharp bugle cutting through the air and mists, ears swiveling forward as bodies melted away, fur replaced by hardening scales.

came the answer, a deep resounding roar. none would challenge them. this land was theirs. looming from mists wrapped like blankets about scarred shoulders, serpentine body breaching the mists. antlers of scarlet, eyes of sapphire gleaming from battle-worn body, lips curled back, mane a flare and whiskers coiled. eyes hard and cold, searching for danger, jaws spread with a silent hiss, seeking out threat to all they knew and loved. landing upon challenger, eyes narrowing as hiss sharpened and welled into a growl, remaining poised above, their anger flaring through blood too hot to cool. "you dare to challenge me?", they spoke, eyes flashing dangerously, the call of war thick and clamoring in their mind, seeking blood.

blood they could not give, blood they would not shed. guardian, protecting their home, kingpin, reacting to a threat, warrior, ready to battle, prince, awaiting reason. lightning gleamed in their eyes, fairytale creature lowering to their front legs, seeing no threat that required exposure of stomach lined and scaled as it was. children inside inn, pressed to windows at the sounds, mothers dragging them away. blood curdling in their veins, they forced their mind to calm, to push the call to battle back. "who are you, visitor.", they spoke heavily, their anger gone from their words, present in eyes. they would do anything to protect those within their lands, they would pay any price to ensure their happiness. "the spirits say naught, i am on guard.", if he was to challenge with such a bugle, he must be aware that someone would rise to the clamor. blinking once, they took in the elk before them, assessing him critically, mind filled with moves to make to defend and to create an offense. smaller bodies would have done better, his antlers and hooves his deadliest part. standing before him, barring the entrance to the inn, the kingpin stared upon the visitor, face a stony calm, eyes intent. perhaps any other way, the blood inside them would not call to lock in combat, to prove their worth against some being out there. exhaling shortly, they kept their stance, aware of the harsh welcoming they posed.

Re: Oh, Ophelia -- Open, Visit - SirDio - 10-25-2020


Head raising to the sound of a roar, he huffed. Wind harshened against his fur, drawing any scents his way. Godlike. He squinted. So there were gods living in these lands? He dug his hooves into the ground. Eyes settling on the winding dragon, clad in gold scales and posed in battle-readiness. A god. Green eyes narrowed. He would not be trifled with. A challenge? When did he challenge? A snort came from the Elk. "Challenge, or warning that I am not to be trifled with?" He reared back, then slammed his hooves down.

Then the fellow god lowered down, but Bahano stayed steadfast, unwavering. While he wasn't wanting to fight, he would if he had to. He shook his head gently at their question. "My name is Bahano, I am the God of Nature. I pose no challenge to a fellow god. I am only on high alert." He dared not take his eyes off the dragon should a fight happen. Spirits. Not uncommon for the deity to hear of, and he saw many a spirit at his old home. "Who are you, and over what do you have dominion of."

Re: Oh, Ophelia -- Open, Visit - teef - 10-25-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
upon greeting, eyes narrowing to slits, studying, assessing. calm they stood, the air still and thick around them, electricity dancing through their blood, eyes aglow with power of the heavens above, their body sturdy as stone. pulling the whisps of air, they drew in his scent, committing such a trail to memory. alone they had thought themselves, their pantheon long forgotten and left eons upon eons ago. exhaling, releasing hold upon air heavy enough to crush smaller things, they stared upon his form. up he reared, their eyes flashing at sight of underbelly through legs. hells, their blood roared in their ears, screaming for battle. chasing away thoughts belonging to a time different from this, they stared, recognizing something in him, the power he held similar enough to their own. battle would do neither good, not with innocent lives within buildings behind them.

chuckling, the beast found themselves grinning, "Resonating the warning from drums within this land.", they boomed, voice deeper than they had spoken to their group with, voice thicker and more alive, joyous their chest to find themselves no longer alone from their pantheon. "Lin Bai, God of War. My people are long gone. Gods are none to few here. Bahano, God of Nature, what path brings you here. I protect those living here, in this vessel and body of mine. I will protect them against any threat, with any means.", they rumbled, dipping their head in equal acceptance. High alert, both remained within, "Challengers come often, threatening their wellbeing. Warning or challenge, it is returned as strongly as it is received.", they had enough to worry about with the raid coming fast upon the heels of the first winter storms. Clearing their throat, the god exhaled, studying him curiously, "The lands I lord over are titled Alithís Evgenis. Winter comes swiftly, Bahano, death pacing not far behind. Trade me your knowledge, and I will trade my shelter and food?", they offered, understanding all too well the wariness he carried. Once upon a time, they too had felt that wariness, when they first came to this land, and lost their betrothed.

Re: Oh, Ophelia -- Open, Visit - SirDio - 10-26-2020


So the unwillingness to fight was shared. Good. He let a smile onto his lips. They were both separated, little could be done about that. Lin Bai and He were cursed with such plight. His eyes softened. "Such is the fate of some deities, Lin Bai. I fear I know very little of what placed me here. You are a noble War God, truly. Such can be hard to find. I have one question," he flicked his ears gently, taking a sparing glance around the area. "Are there humans here? Humans roamed where I ruled, and they roamed with metal spears and rode horses into battle." A bitter taste in his mouth surfaced, remembering the god of the stars, a god who took the shape of a bear, being taken down by humans. Angry at his fellow deities for their absent-minded choice to ignore the bear's death.

Forcing the thought from his mind, he kept his sturdy stance. "You look over this place? You call it Alithis Evengis? Interesting. Winter bites hard, yes. Death? Is your group threatened?" Concern washed his voice. While he originally thought Gods and Goddesses did not die, the death of the god of stars shook his resolve. A heavy sigh left him, grasses shuddering with it. "I accept the invitation. Thank you. Don't expect me to stay, however. I wish to explore this land. If you do need assistance, I will provide accordingly."

Re: Oh, Ophelia -- Open, Visit - teef - 10-26-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. god of war - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. formerly blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family. courting halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, laeglin, sloan and colwyn. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette. (strike is deceased/unknown status)
relaxed as he came, they soon followed, posture stooping and letting the fight drain from their expression, giving a worn breath. separated and to feel alone, the ones they had cared for long gone. shaking their head in soft and wry amusement, "the fate we bear is brutal. i came to in these lands, my betrothed disappearing from my sight, only to be rewarded by mangled remains not long after. noble brings agony here, but wise are you, bahano.", they spoked warmly, warmed by his flattery, soothed by the feeling of knowing another god in these lands. "humans have long been extinct here. that vessel was much easier to get around in, though i enjoy the power of this one.", they rumbled, a longing in their gaze, for things that could no longer be obtained. they had lost their own keeper of stars, their betrothed to the jealousy and hunger of the damned here, and eager they were to curb those such beings.

shaking their head at the memories of the lost ones they knew and had loved, they raised their gaze to the emerald gaze he bore, the light in their eyes dulling as the urgency to fight faded. "dum spiro spero. while i breathe, i hope.", they chuckled, reciting a favored saying of the group. looking behind themself to the inn, they dipped their head in it's direction, "i am the leader of this place, called the kingpin. we call this land home, and it keeps us here, fed and mostly safe. the threats we face are mortal, more mortal than i wish to admit. god of war that i am, i am powerless against forces not even i can stand against.", their voice seeped wrath and hatred for their situation, "bandits took what was ours when this body fell deathly ill. hubris of all living things.", they spoke, turning their head back to him before moving to the side. "i do not expect any of them to stay, the paths take us all in different directions and places. if i may so ask of you, in your explorations, to bring back information of these places you visit. i should like to enscribe it, for generations not so lucky to travel so far nor wide. we thank you, bahano. should you need assistance, we shall do our best to return it.", they rumbled softly, pushing the inn doors open with their muzzle, holding them open to let bahano indoors. rumbling as they followed, they chuckled, "i'm sure we have tales enough to last days. the children of my group would likely enjoy tales of conquest and glory, false or truthful.", they murmured, grateful for the warmth against their scales.

Re: Oh, Ophelia -- Open, Visit - SLOAN. - 10-26-2020

Baseline hum, life present in quiet clamour, a comfort unknown until taken. Common occupant the child located in a corner overshadowed and still, along yellowed pages wandering touch light. Short hir time among those rolling knolls decorated with withering buds yet expansive of those who once and now reside, records parsed with eager curiosity. Halted hir reading as silence prevailed, thick in the aftermath of a echoing call, notes dulled but powerful in contained walls.

Begun anew their conversations though direction shifted, innocent the eyes that peered through fog obscured panes only to be pulled back. There is no such action staged when abandoned hir prior placement, a vulpine shade slipping through the assembled masses awaiting word safety was assured, weak the one brave enough to call. Ignored such lacklustre plea, however, forth pushed Sloan with something none may understand.

That is my father.

No other was present, elusive the figure of mother that had no hand within hir growth, among their tally others kin, none like them. Stilled hir momentum when the doorway yawned open before a light touch, admittance offered to that viewed with skeptical eyes. Though welcome ushered the second God into interior unfound it in fox that tread closer with a raised tail, pitiful excuse for a threat drawn across hir lips, a snarl more akin to a grimace. Between did eyes shift awaiting explanation ze knew better than to demand outright, at their own pace may Bai explain what was deemed suitable information for one such as hir.
[Image: w-RKy25-Gfr-S5y.gif]
Roundest moon flutters on the river, night bird song coasting through heat hangs for a moment there cascades slowly down the thick air, landing somewhere by my feet waking up bugs try to repeat, a fine night to feel light
code by Wisker

Re: Oh, Ophelia -- Open, Visit - SirDio - 10-26-2020


The relief the god felt was like all the weight in the world had been lifted from them. No humans. No humans. The grief he felt for Bai, hearing of the losses they took, replaced relief with rage. Mortality was a curse, but he could do nothing about it. "Human vessels are weak. But, of course, one can train." he hummed gently.

Bandits. Such things had raided his worship temple back home, and their families paid with famine. His green eyes squinted. Ugly things took when people were weak. A low snort ran from him. "Bandits. They feed on stolen and scraps."

"All generations deserve to know of the lands they are in, yes. I will spare no details from you." He said as he stepped through the doors into the inn, cautious of his great antlers. He nodded to other npcs and took notice of Sloan. The elk's foliage-hidden antlers let out A dim glow from their markings. "Hello, little one."

Re: Oh, Ophelia -- Open, Visit - teef - 11-07-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. god of war - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. formerly blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family. courting halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, laeglin, sloan and colwyn. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette. (strike is deceased/unknown status)
letting him step before them, agony rippling through their core at the thought of losing another being so close to their heart. exhaling softly, they licked their lips, following behind him before chuckling at the sight of their child before them, "sloan, it's alright. he is not an enemy, but a friend.", they would murmur as they stepped inside the inn. raising their head, they looked at all of the bodies gathered around with a rumble, "it's alright everyone, stand down.", they would speak assuringly, crossing to sloan to press their nose to hir head in what was meant to be a soothing motion.

turning around, they looked to bahano with a soft rumble, tossing their head to the multiple bookshelves behind them on the main floor and the floor above, "we store our records here, or whatever is left of them, that is. with your aide, we will replace the lost knowledge with new knowledge", they spoke softly, gaze turning to the ancient book spines. this was home, something that they had fought hard for, and to find and keep.