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RED FUR :: o, weekly prompt - Printable Version

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RED FUR :: o, weekly prompt - tristitia - 05-13-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
Sekai has always been reserved. Even before what happened with Dystopia and others. While her brothers were more outspoken, and one was much more innocent, she had always been the studious child that loved to read books.

Now, she had been started to have her buttons pushed around by an old, and rather large, wolf. He kept grumbling about how lions were a devil’s animal, and that is why it is said that the devil strikes and prowls like a lion. That a lion didn’t have to be that large to do their job, that they didn’t need to have manes.

The lion cub’s ears flattened as she turned towards the wolf, eyes blazing with fury.  “Oh, kriff you! Just shut up about lions! You wouldn’t want me roaring about wolves!”
© madi

Re: RED FUR :: o, weekly prompt - Beatrice - 05-16-2018

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The little roar Sekai let out caused Beatrice's ears to perk. Sekai sounded very distress and angry, and try as she might to stay out of these situations, the canine padded over anyway. As she drew nearer, she spotted the young lioness and a rather old wolf. Curiosity bloomed on her red, brown, and white features. What the heck was happening?

[b]"What seems to be the problem?" the other girl asked gently as she instinctively stepped in between Sekia and the wolf. Dark honey eyes narrowed in the direction of the canine, eyes seeming to ask, 'Really? Picking fights with children?' For the life of her, she couldn't understand the immaturity of some individuals.

Re: RED FUR :: o, weekly prompt - Verdigris - 05-17-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Paper didn't understand those who thought a certain kind of animal to be the devil's hand-picked servants. He didn't particularly like snakes, for example, but you wouldn't see him preaching about how they were the spawn of Set (though it helped that everyone knew Wadjet was the god of snakes, not Set) and would bring about the downfall of society. Even if the forces of evil had personally created a type of animal to hunt down and slaughter the world's inhabitants, the lion would not fit that bill; by and large, male lions tended to laze about all day, and even female lions hunting in groups had fairly low success rates in terms of kills.

  The wolf's growling had initially drawn Paper over by appealing to his curiosity; however, upon seeing that the wolf in question was bothering Sekai, the jackal decided it would be best to step in. If the older male wanted a fight, he'd be happy to provide one- he could beat a wolf any day, he was sure. Before he could speak up, however, Sekai started yelling, and Beatrice had already appeared on the scene. Emerging from the shadows, Paper glanced at the wolf with a raised brow. "Thought I heard something about devils and lions," he answered, "but perhaps you'd like to repeat yourself for our sakes?" The statement didn't necessarily have to be a threat, but if he'd actually heard what he thought he'd heard, it would almost certainly be taken as one; that was fine by him.