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The Only Time I Ever See Her -- Swimming - Printable Version

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The Only Time I Ever See Her -- Swimming - SirDio - 10-25-2020

There was little solace in the Hybrid as she sauntered over to the trench, tail swaying over the ground, kicking up dust. Stheno found herself more and more on the anger spectrum, so a nice swim was in order. Probably not alone, though. [member=2879]GHOST[/member] was bound to be nearby. Whether or not the beast would join her for a swim was unknown. She wondered what went on within their mind, wondered if they had comprehensive thoughts, or were just mindless, feral. Either way, she was pretty okay with them following her around.

Stepping into the water at the shallower part of the trench, lips twitched as a thought came to mind. A song, actually. Though she hated to sing without an audience, the urge to sing now was strong. Stheno shrugged, diving down for a moment before resurfacing with a smile. Swimming really did help her exercise that anger. A soft hum left her mouth, before speaking - er.. singing.







Silence took over the hybrid before she threw her head back in a loud laugh - a cackle that those around the trench could definitely fucking hear. God, she really did just sing that. If someone, say, piss-cat Caesar, heard her, no one would ever let her live it down. But oh, well. It just had to happen. She had to let out some steam, and that song, and her laugh, definitely did the trick.

/// Translated -
Welcome to cold stone
We've been working on the cold stone
All the living long day
we will thank you for your visit
as we pound the stone away
Muda Muda Muda Muda ///

Re: The Only Time I Ever See Her -- Swimming - ninazu - 10-25-2020

Suddenly, Ninazu surfaced from the deep. Water rolled  off her brow and muzzle, and she blinked the droplets away. Stheno’s voice voice cut through the muffling water in her ears. Even so, the lioness couldn’t recognize the hybrid’s voice—let alone the language sung—until she flicked the water off her ears.

Having heard the last half, a sort of grin flashed on her muzzle. However, she waited, rather politely, for the snake-dominant hybrid to finish laughing before interrupting.

Her paws clapped together, and she nodded her approval. “Is that original? I have absolutely no idea what you sang, but it was nice. I imagine singing, to you, is what throwing coconuts at Caesar is to me.” A chuckle rose in her throat; the smirk climbed higher across her muzzle, and she glanced around the riverbank for the yellow menace in question. “Well, assuming nobody else heard, your secret’s safe with me.”

Re: The Only Time I Ever See Her -- Swimming - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-26-2020

Just as the devil appeared whenever his name was thought of, so would Caesar. Although not entirely on purpose, admittedly; he was drawn to the trench by the sound of distant singing and as he got closer, the savannah heard his name flow out of Ninazu's lips. "Wow, I never knew I was such an inspiration." He mused, his ears flicking as he came closer to stand next to the fire-wielding lioness. His gaze flickered over to Stheno quickly after, his tail tapping the ground as he spoke again, "If you're gonna make such a ruckus, shouldn't you, I don't know, speak something that others can understand?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: The Only Time I Ever See Her -- Swimming - SirDio - 10-26-2020

Splashing drew the hybrid to look around, and her eyes settled upon Ninazu. Her smile stayed, ears angled back in gratitude. At least she recognized talent, unlike some unruly few. "Indeed, I came up with it myself. It's a simple ditty, nothing offensive. I suppose singing does let out the anger and madness one gets with a certain few." Looking over to the shore, she shrugged. "I suppose it is! Thank you."

And then... piss-cat arrived. A twitch of her lip showed that she was less than pleased at the company who joined them, but she turned and smiled at him. "So it would seem." Words lined in barbed wire. She continued to swim around as he continued to speak, staying in the water as to not launch herself at him and take him the fuck out. Instead, a dark laugh bubbled out of her. "I'll speak whatever language I damn well please, piss-cat."

Re: The Only Time I Ever See Her -- Swimming - ninazu - 10-26-2020

The lioness sneered when Caesar stepped beside her. She jumped back into the water, hopefully splashing him, and then intentionally flicked her wet tail at him, attempting to land some droplets in his face. “You’re an inspiration to stalkers, that’s for sure,” she growled. She sunk lower into the water. Her mane extinguished, but the surrounding water heated up.

“Oh, piss-cat is a good one. But he’ll always be Lemon Man to me. He’s about a sour as one, anyway, and he looks about as good as a rotten one.”

She rubbed her temple with a paw. While she enjoyed smacking him around, the masochist only seemed to enjoy the torture. How annoying. “Careful, Stheno. If you punch him once, he’ll try to get under your skin forever, in the hopes you’ll do it again,” she warned the hybrid. [b]“I know from personal experience.

Re: The Only Time I Ever See Her -- Swimming - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-26-2020

i did not realize ninazu was already in the water oop, that's what i get for not reading everything

Whenever Ninazu jumped back into the water, Caesar went back a few paces to avoid being splashed, his lips peeling back in disgust. He wasn't necessarily afraid of water by any means (far from it, obviously), but that didn't mean he enjoyed it, even if he was right the middle of it. He just didn't like it on his face, leave him alone. Of course, whenever Ninazu flicked her tail, the savannah still ended up with some droplets sprinkling his face and he shook his head, whiskers twitching.

The nickname of piss-cat was not flattering, to say the least, but Caesar knew better not to let his annoyance show; after all, that's what caused Stryker to keep up with his less-than-likable nicknames. "What can I say, I'm a nosy bastard." The demon replied to Ninazu's comment about him being inspiration to stalkers, before once again looking back over at Stheno. "Can't enjoy anything if nobody knows what the hell you're speaking." Although he didn't want her singing at all, but if she must, he'd rather have something to make fun of her for.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: The Only Time I Ever See Her -- Swimming - SirDio - 10-26-2020

Stheno's response to Ninazu's words was a sharp nod, wading to shore to dry off. Head purposefully avoiding Caesar, she stretched as she got on land. She flicked her ears at Caesar's pissant remarks. "Mmmh. Why should others care about what I sing or speak? I have been very lenient in my usage of Japanese words as to try not to offend anyone. I place my words carefully like pieces on a chessboard." She yawned, fangs revealing within their gum sheaths.

If the piss-cat wanted her to sing English, then fine. Just this once. "The only time I ever see her, is when she's behind me in the mirror. Even from a distance, I can hear her. I try to listen but her whispers make my ears hurt." Smooth voice masked annoyed words as she continued to sing. "And on our dates, it's never daytime when she gets playful with a steak knife. I need a break, maybe I'll take five. Shake it up and medicate maybe I'll take five."