Beasts of Beyond
Hello! - Printable Version

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Hello! - Amaransa - 10-24-2020

Hello everyone! My name is Amaransa but feel free to give me whatever nickname you want! I have been on this site before  and I am excited to make a full return! I have been roleplaying for 8+ years and don't plan on stopping any time soon. I look forward to my time here and reconnecting with old and making new friends! Don't be afraid to reach out if you ever want to plot/rp or chat with me!

Re: Hello! - COSMIIX - 10-24-2020

Hello and welcome to the site! So happy to have you here and I am looking forward to being able to roleplay/plot with you! My username is threecaballeros but I mostly go by Andy, I roleplay quite a few characters here on the site. So, if you ever wanted to plot, I would def be down to do so! My dms and messages are always open to you, whether it be wanting to plot or ask a question about the site or whatnot

Re: Hello! - Amaransa - 10-24-2020

Thank you for the warm welcome <3 I look forward to roleplaying and plotting with you too! I will be sure to let you know when I have a character. Same with me! I will be sure to go to them if needed, thank you <3

Re: Hello! - axiom - 10-24-2020

ayyye, welcome back to BoB!

my memory is terrible--i don't remember rping with you, but don't i don't trust my memory on that?? either way, good to see you around!

Re: Hello! - Orion - 10-24-2020

Ahh welcome to BoB! I can’t wait to RP with you, especially since we had some stuff in mind already. :0

Re: Hello! - Amaransa - 10-25-2020

Thank you both <3

Nah, your memory is fine Axiom! We haven't roleplay yet, but I look forward to changing that!

Me too, Orion! I am excited to be a part of that!

Re: Hello! - kinglykingstone - 10-26-2020

[Image: tiny_pixel_king.png]
Heyo!! Welcome to BoB!! My name is Percy, I'm one of the members of staff around here!! I can't wait too get too know you!! If you wanna plot, you can dm me or add me on discord at RexAraneo#7356 !!!! I cannot wait too see what you have planned!