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calm before the storm;; open - joining - Printable Version

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calm before the storm;; open - joining - trojan g. - 10-24-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 45%; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;text-indent: 30px;"]Lost, alone, cold. These were the things the young girl felt when she had discovered her family to be missing, when she had decided to try and follow their scent in an attempt to find them once more. She tried to remember the lessons that had been taught, tried to follow them as close as she possibly could, but Brionne had never been good at tracking, so when she ended up on the Coalition's border, soaking, cold, hungry, and scared, she knew she hadn't done something wright when it came to searching for siblings and cousin.

Mismatched paws carefully brought the child forward, teeth chattering together as she looked around, scared eyes wide as she tried to figure out what to do, what to say. She couldn't fight if it came to that, her weapons long lost and even if she had them, she didn't know fully how to use them, training unfinished. "H-hello?" She would call out, the chattering making it difficult to speak, "Is there anyone there?"

Re: calm before the storm;; open - joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-25-2020

Ah, family. If only Caesar could sympathize with Brionne on missing his family - at least, on the outside. The savannah had a reputation to uphold and while it was true that he hated how soft his family was, Caesar did miss them. Of course, his reputation was that he didn't give a damn about his family and in a way, that was true... After all, why should he care about those that betrayed him? Vigenere and Atbash didn't stick by his side, despite the latter promising to, and his parents? Well. They pretended that everything was okay. Caesar missed the old days when he was a young kitten, snuggled up against his mother's stomach, but those days were far behind him. They were dead, burned by his own flames, with his siblings being alive and well.

Such a shame that they didn't cower at his feet. Perhaps if they had done so, Caesar would be more willing to forgive them, but obviously his siblings weren't willing to admit that he was right. Therefore, he shouldn't care for them. So why did he care for them, deep down inside him? Guilt. He felt awful for killing their parents and their home Dimension, but they all deserved it. They all deserved their demise when they cast him out.

Hearing the sound of a child calling out snapped Caesar out of his thoughts, his ears pricking as he looked for the source. Irritation filled the demon as he approached Brionne, his dark gaze cold as he stared down at the younger feline. "Yea, hi." Caesar growled, not at all pleased by the fact that it was a child that he was greeting. She was cold, it was obvious, but the savannah seemed to care not for that. "You lost?" Ugh, why was it him that had to be here at this moment? Fuck.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: calm before the storm;; open - joining - ninazu - 10-25-2020

Flames pulsed behind the jungle vegetation. Then the leaves and vines shook, giving way to the slender lioness. She scanned the area, lingering on the strange child for a second. Ninazu’d heard Caesar’s voice, but she hadn’t expected to see the banana boy talking to a soaking wet child.

“Don’t worry about Caesar. He’s always a grouch.” Ninazu shot the savannah an annoyed look.

The lioness turned back to the child, and she slowly stepped closer. The warmth of her flames radiated around her body like a physical aura, and she intentionally cranked up the heat. The child shivered, after all, and she worried for their health.

“I am Ninazu. Fret not, child, I’m a healer of this little band of misfits. I mean you no harm.” She flashed a smile at the child. Though Ninazu had always been a healer, it wasn’t accurate to say she was harmless; her flames burned more than a few, destroyed some homes, and her lightning personally ripped into another at her command. But this child? She looked upon her compassionately.

“Do you have a name? And what are you doing here? This island is quite a ways away from… well, most places.”

Re: calm before the storm;; open - joining - ARGUS - 10-26-2020

Oh, a lost child, how common the site were it. If Argus had been the first to spot them, there would've have been such a different situation here: they knew. The itch of their own powers was constant stream of static, and young minds so malleable They looked so lost, so broken. A quick gentle wipe of their sorrow would've been so easily, and they only held in that impulse as they apprached.

The large dragon stepped outside the little cover that could hide such a beast, ten red eyes staring down at the vintage. Ninazu and Caesar both before the child. A gentle hymn that sounded more akin to a growl from them. "The night's are getting colder, and they pose no threat" Argus' voice was just as hoarse, as they looked more towards the lioness than the wanderer, both the known and the stranger. "Perhaps we should post-pone this until we get somewhere... warmer?"

Argus preferred the thought- the implications it gave of them, that they were soft: kind, in comparison to the ruthless brimming power and discontent they felt and hid well under their scales. The implications that the child had swam to the island... or may-hap they were a native and simply lost their way from the hidden path... quite curious. Either way, a comfortable setting would allow a much looser tongue, would it not?
[Image: kbDRDDJ.gif]
"Standing in the afterimage of who you used to be graceless fumbling rage, standing within the eye's of the storm and an itch from the edges of a storm. Argus is painted in mercy and her lack of action; the only thing kept their enemies out of dragons breath is care. Sonder painting the mask of a monster; does not change what they are at the core. ruthless"

Re: calm before the storm;; open - joining - trojan g. - 10-26-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 45%; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;text-indent: 30px;"]Ears flicked back at the sight of the Cipher, confusion as to why he was so grump when speaking to her. She hadn't done anything wrong had she? She sure hoped not, considering the next few who had arrived. Listening to the words that were spoken in her direction, the female would nod her head slightly as she took the information in, ready to answer the questions in the turns of which she was able to answer the easiest. "My name's Brionne," She would begin, choosing not to mention her last name for the time being, just in case, "And I'm lost. I was looking for my sister, and started flying over the water but got tired and fell in." Wings would press to her sides as she spoke of the flight, wishing she hadn't chosen to do that, given her circumstances now. She was greatful for the warmth that Ninazu's fire gave, but she could only wish for a place that was warmer and dry, like Argus had mentioned.

Re: calm before the storm;; open - joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-26-2020

What? Was he supposed to care that this was a child? Caesar rolled his eyes whenever Ninazu approached, clearly offering the kid a safe place and care, with Argus backing her up. "Should've let yourself drown." The savannah commented, snorting at the response Brionne gave. "I hear it's really fun." Would he know? Unfortunately not, but that didn't mean he wouldn't let someone try it one day.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: calm before the storm;; open - joining - ninazu - 11-09-2020

“Argus, you do that,” she said. She sighed. Her golden eyes narrowed.

Ninazu’s right eye twitched; her upper lip curled as she turned to Caesar. Her fire-tipped tail lashed, flared bright, and she lunged towards the yellow monstrosity. As her maw opened, the green fire gleamed on her fangs. She attempted to snap her teeth around his shoulder and haul him away.

“Time for some fun,” she grumbled, assumingly around lemon boy’s flesh.