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( frost and cherries / intro ) - Printable Version

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( frost and cherries / intro ) - SLOAN. - 10-23-2020

Child of summer, known only splendour of thriving life, how it paints in hues rich and full with the clumsy experience of gently guided tutelage, unprepared and yet eager as frigid autumn wound about settling terrain. Yet ze knew of it, understood the wailing voice wind carved for itself and ushered forth a chill that seeped through coat until nipped skin beneath. Felt the specks, falls ending and arising in fog laced basin about gaping maw of an arc, a brief frost ze chased with relish.

Different this, however, known in manner that prickled skin until risen and tremor beset child beneath gathered warmth of various blankets to smother and usher forth peaceful rest. There had been none in that which ze shook away with a short grumble, against flooring scraping tips dull, stretching forth as widening mouth yawned open. Slow movements that drew youth from resting place, stumbling on legs numb and at mercy of tingling pins and needles, shadowed the carved village situated within the curl of cliff. Natural and yet not, tends by hands that had brought it forth from stone, still now as morning began.

Pace hir own, as was any other passed by during directionless walk, tempered wandering mind only by hunger that gnawed at clenched stomach, made known as ears fell back with a particularly loud growl from internal works. Sheepish the little grin ze wore as some laughed, muffled yet good natured, others rolling eyes or otherwise ignoring it in favour of their own work, left Sloan to skitter away. Relief near palpable when rough hewn fork grew prominent, quickened steps given a spritely bounce, incline traversed with a giddy delight. Away fell stone walls, exposed open land upon which the inn stood as though, from the vantage point it claimed, it may cast an eternal watch over the land about it.

Brief the ponderance over entering, many an afternoon had been whittled away surrounded by tomes speaking of the history this land and people held, the promise satiated hir hunger rather tempting alongside further reading. Yet away did hir attention turn, soon enough would ze join the patrons within. Set hir destination as on ze continued with sure footing, adorned once more in smile though apparent the awe in such expression as observed the cherry tree. Too late hir arrival to witness the yearly bloom, an affair only a week long and specific in time, yet treat that ze looked upon with unabashed wonder.

Sparsely adorned the bough, and the subsequent branches forking off from central point, reaching forth as though to tear asunder the thickened cloud cover plaguing the sky, new buds clinging. Closer did Sloan tread, oblivious to that which had fallen petals and blooms alike torn by harsh winds until the ground was littered. Rather ze looked to that above and was startled with spiralling fall of one within particular, slight the cant of head as ze followed the bloom on its downward trajectory.

"Oh!" Sudden the gentle exclamation when the cherry blossom grazed hir nose with delicate petals, begun a sensation akin to a light tingle, head shaken in hope the feeling may subside. With seemingly no end to the rather unpleasant feeling ze rubbed at hir nose, oblivious to the clinging pollen. At least for a moment ze was ignorant to such. Hard and sudden the sneeze that pushed ze back onto hir haunches, briefly dazed until the next occured, begun a sneezing fit only prolonged as ze rubbed at hi aching nose in a futile attempt to muffle or halt each new sneeze.
[Image: w-RKy25-Gfr-S5y.gif]
Roundest moon flutters on the river, night bird song coasting through heat hangs for a moment there cascades slowly down the thick air, landing somewhere by my feet waking up bugs try to repeat, a fine night to feel light
code by Wisker

Re: ( frost and cherries / intro ) - teef - 10-24-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
thick and low came the chuckle behind their own child, kingpin emerging from behind boulders near the trail, frosty dew thick upon whiskers and dark hairs, in their jaguar body. beads heavy upon whiskers, fresh and warm meat hung between jaws, blue eyes gazing warmly upon youth before them, fox kit making their heart squirm with warmth. long had it been since they were that body, vulpine furs overtaking the short coat of salt and pepper cobwebbing jaguar. padding forward, the kingpin gave a soft chirp, watching their child swiping at hir nose, the parent coming closer after laying down their fresh kill. padding forward, they chuckled, swiping their tongue about their maw, "Zǎoshang hǎo, sī lóng", they murmured, gaze climbing the tree before them with a chuckle.

attempting to lick hir nose, they gave a soft sound, taking in their child's soft scent mingled with the tree's own faint long-forgotten fragrance. "are you hungry?", they asked softly, amused by the sneezes, their eyes dancing in the morning light. how often they found their youngest entangled in the books within the inn, how often they came to collect hir to bring back to their nest late in the night. closing their eyes long enough to stretch and yawn, they shook out their fur, "it's a bit cold this morning, hmn?", they sounded half-asleep themself, despite the brightness in their eyes, the kingpin was becoming noticeably slower as winter began to dig it's nails in.

Zǎoshang hǎo, sī lóng -- good morning, sloan //