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here in my kingdom i am your lord ❄ kitnapped ❄ i order you to cower and præy - Printable Version

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here in my kingdom i am your lord ❄ kitnapped ❄ i order you to cower and præy - pallid-i - 05-13-2018

The kitten had disappeared. Granted, he had been gone for a little while now, but now he was officially gone. His scent had gone stale, and he had left behind his toys, the sweaters he would steal from his father.. He was just gone. Where did Harrison go, and without his things? Why would he go? Well, there were implications that he was stolen, but there weren't any hints of a struggle. Instead, there was the scent of a stranger that just led away from Harrison and Jacob's room, and out of the cavern system. The scent led away from the territory, even, though it was beginning to fade away due to the snow.

Whatever had happened to Harrison, he was gone.
i couldn't even keep you

Re: here in my kingdom i am your lord ❄ kitnapped ❄ i order you to cower and præy - melantha - 05-13-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 10pt;"]There are many things which Melantha is not. A good conversationalist, for one. An optimist is another. And just generally anything which involves a bright and pleasant disposition. Although she is a thoughtful creature with a good heart, her charisma skill is depressingly low. By taking a more pragmatic approach to life, her logical mind often acts as an obstacle to the empathy which generally enables an individual to get along well with another. Words simply flow from her mouth, usually as shockingly clear as a winter breeze. But where she lacks socially, Melantha makes up for in other areas. Incredibly duty-bound, she is perhaps one of the most reliable creatures when it comes to getting stuff done. She is also a noticer--her shrewd attention to even the smallest details allows her to become aware of things most people tend to miss during the hustle and bustle of every day life.

As such, most people would not notice Harrison's absence. Why should they? He is a bright, adventurous child who is often seen bouncing around various areas of the territory. In their rush, it is not uncommon that others might assume that the child is simply out exploring like he usually is. After coming across Jacob having a panic attack the night before, Melantha decides to stop by and make a wellness check on the Chief. But he is not home. Nor is Harrison. She pauses for a moment before turning to leave. And then--she stops. Mel takes in a deep breath, parting her powerful jaws to taste the air with the olfactory sensors on the roof of her mouth. Several weeks have passed since she first crawled onto Snowbound's territory, half-alive and as thin as a rail. She likes to think that she knows every resident's scent by now. And if that is true, then who does this unknown smell belong to?


A quick glance around the Wickliffs' den reveals no sign of a struggle. Her heart rate increases. She needs to hurry. Following the scent trail through the maze of tunnels, she eventually finds herself standing at the mouth of the cavern, gazing out onto the open tundra. A late snow quietly falls upon the grasses. Although Summer will be arriving anytime soon, it seems that it is still cold enough to support snowfall for a while. The weather is beautiful, but it hinders her search for the clan's favorite child (at least, Harrison is Melantha's favorite). "Has anyone seen Harrison?" she calls. Her voice wavers, brow furrowed with obvious concern. Where her plain visage would normally be that of a stone cold emptiness, Melantha does not even bother to disguise her panic. Very few things in life manage to tug on the cougar's heart strings, and children are among the few. She takes several paces out into the fresh snow, doing her best to follow the scent trail. But for as amazing of a hunter and tracker as she is, her naked senses are no match for the disguising power of nature.

Re: here in my kingdom i am your lord ❄ kitnapped ❄ i order you to cower and præy - jacob w.c. - 05-13-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had managed to sleep for a few hours last night but he'd woken up for good in the early hours of the morning. He'd just left to go on his walk and was coming back home from getting some breakfast for his son. He'd found some chocolate some time ago and he was going to surprise the little boy with it. He wouldn't let him have too much, of course, but he thought he'd like to try some. He had just been debating whether to give it to him now or save it for dinner later on that day. Then he heard Melantha's voice. His gaze met the Snowseeker's and his expression fell and he began to run to his room. His bad leg gave out, dragging slightly behind him but he soon pulled himself in the room. "Harry? Harry, where are ya'? I got some chocolate. Jus' come out!" he called, turning over everything he could in the room. Tears already began to gather in his eyes as he caught he scent of an unfamiliar presence. He knew what happened but he couldn't come to terms with it. He kept turning over everything he could. "Cucciolo? Come out, please, this ain't a game!" he called again, his tone growing more desperate. How could this have happened? He'd only left for a moment and it was the same schedule he had every day. How did anyone even get this far in the tunnels? He made sure to have one far in the back, wanting to be sure that someone would be able to catch Harrison if he tried to escape without anyone with him.

He didn't see or smell any blood but he knew Harrison wasn't here. Terror was the only emotion that ran through his mind and body as he followed the scent trail, moving as fast as he could. His leg continued to drag behind him and his entire body was shaking now. "Cucciolo! Harrison! he screamed his son's name now as he met the bitter cold. He'd already walked around too much today but he refused to sit and do nothing when his son was nowhere to be found. He had no idea how he could've gotten this far out without anyone seeing him. He should've been with him, he should've never left his side. He knew that his clanmates would protect him, they always did when he had to go away for his various duties, so how could he, or a stranger, have gotten past all of them without anyone seeing anything? "Harry! Harry, it ain't safe ta' be out 'ere alone!" he yelled again, dragging himself farther and farther from the tunnels. He knew he should've collapsed long before now, especially since he'd only just come back from his morning walk, but it seemed adrenaline was fueling him and he wasn't going to question it. He didn't care what happened to him, he just needed to find Harrison. He couldn't lose another one. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: here in my kingdom i am your lord ❄ kitnapped ❄ i order you to cower and præy - PIERCE - 05-13-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
Pierce had lost kids before - not them wandering away or being kidnapped, which he imagined was incredibly terrifying and stressful, but he'd had a litter of four a few months back; Clementine, Edward, named after his "uncle", Aster, and Persephone. Three girls and a boy. Four beautiful children, who though he'd never gotten to really be with them, he'd loved more than anything. Though, there had been the slight complication that three of them were born dead. For months, and even to this very  day, the fact that he could have raised three more children alongside Clementine, given her people to play with, as her condition kept her from playing with many other kids in their clan, the fact that he would have been able to raise three other people into strong, kind, respectable people, haunted him. Would Clem have been happier? Probably, but until the day he died, celebrating his daughter's birthday, hell, even her existence, would be a bittersweet event, as it would also be a recollection of the loss and heartbreak he had experienced.

It was Jacob's shouting that caught Pierce, who had been working on some art project nearby,'s attention. The boy was always so level-headed, calm, but those weren't any angry or excited screams- he was desperate, terrified for his child's well-being. As Pierce locked amber eyes on the other's larger form, he got to his paws, ears perking in Jake's direction, though he couldn't help but scan the area for the figure of the other's son. Unsurprisingly, he found nothing.  "Jacob!" the effeminate tom called, moving toward the Chief in hopes of at least getting him to stop moving. "Jacob, hey, bud, maybe take a breath real quick? You won't be able to help Harrison if you're not thinking straight." Was he right? Maybe. He was just saying whatever he would want someone to say to him in this situation- though he wouldn't be surprised if the husky lashed out at him.


Re: here in my kingdom i am your lord ❄ kitnapped ❄ i order you to cower and præy - cry - 05-14-2018

  Cry huffed as she heard Jacob screaming. It was just like the wimp to start screaming over something and expecting people to crowd around him. Unfortunately, it worked. A small group had already surrounded the panicking husky. What? Did he realize he was incompetent and unavailable? The raven landed on the ground with a huff. She opened her previously injured wing, preening the feathers with her beak. Perhaps she should push her petty nature aside. Jacob was only trying to do his job, anyway. He wasn't very good at it, but he was trying. She supposed that was worth something.

  The raven watched the slowly growing panic around her. It was amazing how these creatures could be sent into a flurry over one thing. It was the butterfly effect at its best work. One scream turned into two, escalating into ten. So far there only appeared to be four, herself included, but who knew how fast it would grow. ...

What were they screaming about anyways?

  She took a few steps towards the group, their whispers defining into words. She tilted her head. So. The squirt is missing huh? Heh. Served him right. The raven nervously ruffled herself before turning around. So Harrison was gone. Good. ... She had taken four steps away before her thoughts caught up with her. She broke into a cold sweat. So the kid was gone, huh... Poor thing. She blinked owlishly, staring at her own talons on the ground. She scratched at the ground, calculating her actions. There were so many things she could do. Leave. Stay and watch the storm of people. Join them. Or make an action. Her scratching turned into clawing. Her face scrunched up, her left talon balling up and hitting the ground.

FINE. She'll help.

  Hey Furface. Cry sharply turned around, standing tall. Pull yourself together. You got leader stuff to do. This was a time to prove himself. Show everyone that he was the leader that this place needed. No more tea parties and pretty lights. This was a true crisis that needed his careful watch and attention. The raven hopped up, gliding back over to the group. Pull search groups together. Comb the territory and ask neighboring villages if they've seen head or tail of him. Leave no rock unturned and look in every nook and cranny. She gave him a smile, ruffling her feathers. We'll find him, if you'll lead us. Hopefully that was enough of a push to get him off the ground. Harrison was already gone. There was no reason in mourning that. It was only what they did in the close future that mattered. They'd find the kid. She would die for this mission, just like any of her other ones.


Re: here in my kingdom i am your lord ❄ kitnapped ❄ i order you to cower and præy - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-14-2018

He was an older brother. Killua himself had a family of his own, one that he didn't really want to associate with, but no matter who they were, they were still family. At least to him, as he knew no matter what he did he would never fully be able to get away from them. The assassin had no reason to try and take care of his older siblings because they were the ones that were doing that to him instead. Although, he doubted Milluki was considered to be a model big brother considering the last time he had been around the other he had attacked him and then before that he had left Killua to die when he was bitten by a venomous snake. It was horrible yes, but he guessed that's what came with the job. Trust no one. Not even the family that had raised him into what he was today. Illumi was his older brother, but he was far from being a model brother considering everything that the black tiger had done to him throughout his life. The other had carved into his flesh and tortured him in more ways than one when he was just a kitten. Not to mention when the other had sought him out while he was in the clans and had nearly dragged him away when he had figured out what he wanted his goal for once to be. It pissed him off, but more than anything it made him afraid of his oldest brother because of what the professional assassin was capable of. More capable than he was of course. Then there was his younger brother, Kalluto. He wasn't sure what to really think of his younger brother. Should he try to teach him things and be the older brother that he considered himself to be? Killua was never really given a chance as his older brother constantly hung around his mother, and Killua wasn't even going to go close toward the hag. He couldn't stomach really having a conversation with his mother when the cougar just became obsessive about what he said in a matter of seconds. It was annoying, and frustrating at the same time, so he just avoided them all together.

He cared about his younger brother, because maybe if he had been there more for him, the other wouldn't have to deal with the tortures like the rest of them did. Killua wanted the best for really anyone that he did come across. He didn't try to hold a grudge against those that he came across because it would be a major waste of his time in the end. The assassin didn't want anyone to go through what he went through, or even remotely that similar. He wanted those that were younger than him to have happy lives. He wanted London to be happy. He never wanted to see those that he cared about with a frown on their face. Killua had made that his goal for right now, but he was doing it more for others than for really himself. Someone could call him selfish and he would try to prove them wrong because he didn't consider himself to be despite the fact that he was. Killua felt that with Harrison, the other was a younger brother in his eyes. Despite the way, he acted toward him, but he acted almost like a teacher when he dealt with the dark domestic cat. He would scold him for getting himself in danger and trouble because he didn't want to see Harrison hurt. Yet, if his family decided to pay a visit, would he be able to stop himself from killing someone like Harrison? Considering how his night terror ended up playing out, he wasn't so sure on that notion. Killua wasn't the type to keep track of everyone's movements unless he thought of them as a threat in that regard. Instead, he would just leave everyone to their own devices and if something came up he would know about considering how observant he was with everyone. So, when he had stopped to rest after getting himself injured Killua didn't know that Harrison had been around less frequently. Too many faces to keep track of could also mean that they blended into one another if he wasn't paying attention enough. The wildcat blinked his sapphire blue eyes as he was walking through the snow. He was going to camp for the first time today because he felt like there was something he needed to do. Koru was wrapped around his neck, albeit loosely so that he wouldn't end up shifting the bandages that were wrapped around his throat. It had been a while since Killua had the albino black mamba with him. As he started to near the camp, he heard voices that were coming from it. Was he missing out on something? As he neared, he realized that the voices had a certain tone to them.

They were sounding panicked. His metal claws unsheathed themselves into the snow as he moved into a sprint, not smelling any blood coming from the camp so no one was injured. At least to his knowledge of the smells he was carefully checking. Killua skidded into the cave, not even remotely panting as he looked at the scared look on Jacob's face as the other attempted to try and continue walking. Something was wrong. His ears caught the name Harrison, and he felt his blood run cold. No expression was seen on his face to express how much of a panic he was putting himself into. Something happened to Harrison. His ears pinned against the back of his skull as he rushed out from the rest of the group that was around to where he knew that Harrison stayed thanks to his nightly patrol while everyone was asleep. The albino serval skidded to a stop near all of Harrison's belonging, trying to figure out the clues that the scene had left him. There was no struggle, but that wouldn't surprise him because there were no scents of enemies clans. Instead, it was the scent of a loner. Good. He wouldn't feel bad if he had to kill a loner. There were no lights in Killua's eyes as he analyzed the situation, opening his jaws to let the scents touch the gland in the back of his throat. He then kept his head lowered as he made his way out of the cave without even saying a word. The scent was leaving the territory. Once he realized the direction, he went back toward the rest of the group. "It wasn't some predator that took him. If it had been, it would have killed him in the cave. The scent doesn't belong to any of the other clans so it meant that a loner took him out of the territory. This works in our favor because there are only so many places for a loner to go between all of the clan territories. The scent will fade away completely if we don't work fast. I'll scout ahead as I'll be faster than the rest of you. I'll find him." At the last part of his sentence, his jaw clenched and the temperature of the cave seemed to drop down a couple of degrees. There was a threat in his voice. He wanted to kill whoever took Harrison. Would he? He would try his damned best to. He turned himself around, and without even saying another word, the wildcat seemed to completely disappear, as he teleported in the direction that the scent was going.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: here in my kingdom i am your lord ❄ kitnapped ❄ i order you to cower and præy - guts - 05-14-2018

Aizawa didn't have children of his own, as his pupils were hard enough to keep track of. He didn't really want to have the responsibility of watching another one twenty-four/seven and having to take care of them. Though he would never say this out loud, he already looked at all of his students as his own. He wanted them to become the best they could be--but that would never happen, as most of them were gone now. They'd never get to reach their dreams of becoming a hero, and that was probably the saddest part of it all.

Once they had been so full of life, and now, they were nothing but blank eyes and unfulfilled dreams.

Of course, he tries not to think about it, but when he rushes onto the scene, he can't help remembering it all. It's difficult, but he manages to force back the memories and focusing on the situation at hand. Harrison? Gone? He frowns, shaking his head softly. Since he was already long gone, hoping he was alright was all he--or any of them--could do while they searched for any hints of where he had been taken. He was quite fond of the kit, and he'd be damned if he let anything bad happen to him.

While he wasn't too fond of Cry, he agreed. The best way for Jacob to help was to settle down and figure out what to do. He turns to Kilua then, his invisible brows furrowing at the darkness in his tone. While he was sure he meant well, he didn't trust him. "I'll make sure he doesn't do anything rash," the lion states before running off to find him. Maybe it was just his old mindset of a hero, but there was no excuse for taking someone's life, even over something like this.


Re: here in my kingdom i am your lord ❄ kitnapped ❄ i order you to cower and præy - JERSEYBOY - 05-14-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]Harrison was... gone? So that was what all the commotion was about? Jerseyboy hadn't known what to expect, but when he finally realized what was wrong, he was pretty surprised. Everyone seemed to like the kid plenty enough (including him, admittedly), and it appeared that someone had taken him. What the fuck? Who the hell would kidnap Harrison? The Typhoon or whatever that place was called was a possibility, though they must have hidden their scent. Jerseyboy still didn't trust them, not after they nabbed Jacob. Another possibility lingered in his mind: the thieves and bandits that had it out for Jacob's father, Vito. But then again, how would they have been able to find Jacob all the way out here? And even more so, why would they take Harrison and not Jacob himself? Unless... it was an inside job.

There was no time to conspire, though. Shit was going to hit the fan. Jerseyboy arrived, not choosing to say anything until he got a grip on what was happening. Killua had ran out, claiming that he was going to find Harrison. Did he trust him with that? He wasn't too sure — after all, Harrison was probably taken a while ago and it could've been difficult to follow the kidnapper's tracks. Even if he wanted to, Jerseyboy wasn't too sure if he'd be of any help in that department. He was, however, going to help his brother.

Jerseyboy shouldered past everyone that was crowding Jacob. They weren't going to help his case at all. If anyone was going to help Jacob, then it was going to be his damn older brother. He cocked a figurative brow, a sneer appearing on his features as he whipped his head towards Cry. "Hey, hey — does it look like he's in the mood to take orders from you, Tweety-Bird?" He grunted. Jacob was far too emotional to listen to anyone right now, which was why he needed to get through to him right now. The tuxedo tom crouched in front of Jacob, looking the husky in the eye. "Jake, you ain't goin' nowhere right now, alright? They'll find him." He told him calmly yet firmly. He was in big-brother-mode right now, and frankly, he wasn't going to deal with anyone else's shit.

Re: here in my kingdom i am your lord ❄ kitnapped ❄ i order you to cower and præy - cry - 05-14-2018

  Tweety bird? Seriously? that was the best that loser could come up with. The raven snarled back, flaring her wings. I don't care if he wants to listen or not. He's the leader! And he needs to do something about this. Now stop coddling him so he'll learn a lesson for once in his life! It was time for Jacob to grow up. A leader needed to be a strong everlasting crutch for their people to lean on, not the other way around! The raven snarled. You're seriously going to sit here and do nothing while a child is in danger? What the hell is your problem?! Despicable. Absolutely despicable. It was disgusting what these villagers were willing to do.

//museless sorry :c


Re: here in my kingdom i am your lord ❄ kitnapped ❄ i order you to cower and præy - jacob w.c. - 05-14-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob could hear other voices and he knew other people were trying to get his attention but he just kept walking. He didn't even seem to register the people around him, his only focus was Harrison. Jacob could think of plenty of people who wanted to hurt him or Jersey but how would they even know about Harrison? Unless someone here had betrayed his identity or told someone something innocently at the border, he didn't think they'd be able to put it all together. It wasn't as though they looked anything alike, after all. "Harry!" he continued to scream the name, a sob rising from him as he kept stumbling forward. There were lots of people now but he didn't even stop to look at them. He was vaguely aware of Killua, Aizawa, Cry, and Pierce but he didn't think to even look at them. They weren't his son so why would he care about them right now? He saw Killua and Aizawa running off and he tried to push himself forward, his leg still dragging limply behind him as he tried to chase after them. However, he was forced to stop suddenly when Jersey came before him. Tears ran down his face as he looked at his big brother's face. How could he let this happen? How could he let them lose another family member? He was talking about making him stay put and he only began to take in sharper breaths.

"I can't stay, I gotta' find 'im," With those words, he tried to shoulder past the feline, dragging himself towards Killua and Aizawa. It was clear he wasn't in any condition to catch up with them but that didn't mean he could stop trying. He then heard Jersey and Cry bickering behind him and pressed his ears against his head. He needed to focus if he was going to find his son and he couldn't do that with them chattering behind him. "Sta 'zitto." The words were soft but sharp. It didn't even seem to register to him that not everyone would know what he was saying. He was so used to saying it to Jersey, he didn't think much as the words fell from his lips. He would find Harrison, even if it killed him. That was what he thought as he dragged himself through the snow.

//translation: shut up —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP