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quiet the stolen heart >> o, AE visitors - Printable Version

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quiet the stolen heart >> o, AE visitors - teef - 10-22-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
blue gaze taking in surroundings, river ahead. pausing to inhale, sands hot under their feet, scales gratefully soaking up such heat. it had been long since they had visited, remembering moonlit occasions with a certain dark-furred feline, their face growing sad. what had become of him? what had become of kydobi? would he be happy to see them? heart trembling in their chest, the dragon looked upon the spiked border, recalling when jervis had instated the gory display, when his reign had come to an end and kydobi had fallen in battle. shaking their head, they headed towards the crimson nile, wondering what all had changed since they had given up their allegiance to the group and left with their newly laid eggs so long ago. hells, what a time that was. had peace come to the group in their absence? who led it now? they dared not lay their eyes upon the dark head upon one spike. it just had to be a likeness ... right?

tearing their gaze away, the dragon took a deep breath, padding back along the spiked border, trying to draw in scents of a recently passed patrol, trying to find some hope. exhaling, they came to a suitable spot, lifting their head to appear proper. "pittians! i'm here to speak with your ardent!", they announced their arrival, wondering who all would come to their call, friend or foe, and who would try to attack them. closing their eyes, they shivered, chasing away the ill omen in their chest. they needed to do this, they needed to know what all had happened since they had left after jervis' death and kydobi's resurrection. please, oh please, let him be okay! they prayed.

Re: quiet the stolen heart >> o, AE visitors - Kold - 10-22-2020


Kold had street smarts, hearing things from among the group that welcomed her in, sheltered her, gave her a meaning beyond anything she felt. The 6-month-old was exploring constantly, extending her reach into eternity, finding new and wonderful things. The crimson Nile was one of them. The border, too, though it marked the day she was torn from her father, the loathing thought of him made her instinctively growl, and joined the Pitt.

She set her eyes upon the newcomer, long and winding, and golden. A gorgeous display of power that made her gasp audible, and she started trotting to them, her pet rosy boa coiled loosely around her neck. She got within 5 feet of the newcomer and tilted her head, looked up to them. "Who are you?" Blunt like the usual child, a straightforward quesiton.

Re: quiet the stolen heart >> o, AE visitors - axiom - 10-22-2020

The cub walked in Bai Shi’s shadow. Subdued and quiet, the child eyed the spiked heads on the border. His grey eyes darkened in the shade, and he squinted. A stone weighed in his stomach, but Wuyi couldn’t figure out why. These were… Halloween decorations, right? The Pitt looked like they took the macabre spirit of the season a bit too seriously, was all.

“Hello!” Wuyi called after Bai Shi. The desert ate up his voice.

Unnerved and unsettled, Wuyi edged closer to the dragon. Weaving around the dragon’s forelimbs, he stood between Bai Shi’s paws. Actually, one of his paws stood on theirs, but the kid barely noticed. This whole place scared him. He didn’t like it. Those weren’t Halloween decorations, were they?

Wuyi’s gaze snapped towards the child as she approached, and confusion scrunched up his brows. What? A place with heads on their borders had a child wandering around? He frowned around his saberteeth, but waved a paw in greeting.

“Hi! I’m Wuyi, and this is Bai Shi,” the child said. He leaned against the dragon’s leg. “Who’re you?”

Re: quiet the stolen heart >> o, AE visitors - Kold - 10-22-2020


Black void eyes looked at Wuyi, taking in xyr appearance and their fear. A twisted thought vined up in her head, but she ignored it. Her rosy boa flicked its tongue and looked to her, before burying its face in her fur. "Kold." She said quickly, bent ear flicking. Who did Bai-Shi think they were, bringing a child into this eternal heat? Then again, no one stopped Kold from exploring Eternity, so she had no place to judge.

"Why are you here, with in eternity? Beside's talking to the Ardent." She tilted her head, ears following limply in her motions.

Re: quiet the stolen heart >> o, AE visitors - gael - 10-23-2020

Bai Shi -- a name not yet lost to the vulpine, though he had seen nothing of the dragon in some time. Kydobi had been fond of the other, if Gael recalled correctly; brows creasing in consideration as he approached.  Odds were, Gael would have to pass the news on to them that the jaguar was gone.

He halted besides Kold, inclining his head in greeting.  "Bai Shi.  I am here -- what is you wished to speak about?"
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: quiet the stolen heart >> o, AE visitors - teef - 10-24-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
pale shape upon sands too hot to stand too long, the jungle long burnt and decayed, offering little shelter from the heat. once sick before, the dragon reveled in the heat of the sun. perhaps, they would be denning in the nursery this winter, if the ice floes reached in towards the water that encircled their tree. shaking their head, they chased thoughts of their new home away, gaze taking in kold. had they and kydobi talked about the borders? was he going to take them down? they couldn't remember, it had been too long since they'd seen him, harsh their separation. blue eyes holding a tint of sadness, they gazed down at the floppy eared pup, dipping their head the slightest in greeting. "i'm bai shi, my dear. what a pretty snake you have there.", they murmured softly, nodding to her rosy boa. chuckling slightly as they felt wuyi's paw upon their own, they bent their head to gently puff a breath over xem in comfort, "it's alright wuyi.", they murmured gently, knowing that xe may bristle at being soothed, but these spiked heads set a pit of unease in their stomach, eyes fixated on the dark furred one. it had to be some practical joke, right? shaking their head, they waited, tail curling and flicking behind them, reminded of the losses of juyi and sephiroth.

head snapping up as a vulpine scent reached them, the dragon's blue gaze took in gael, their heart trembling in their chest as they looked upon him, voice breaking as all sorts of ill omens overcame them, tongue fat and too thick to speak, "gae ... gael. ahem. erm, are you standing in for kydobi?", they didn't want to hear his words after that fact. they didn't want to entertain the threat looming that he was gone. he just must be too busy, or didn't want to see them. things weren't the same, after all. they had ended on a rough note, one that they wished that they could have fixed. eyes darting to the skulls, they turned their gaze back to him, infinite sadness there. they had been more than fond of kydobi, he had meant far more than they had been willing to let anyone know. taking a deep breath, they pushed past the tears wanting to well up, "gael. is aine well? i'm sorry i left how i did, and when i did. i come now, bearing news. i have made my own group, a group called alithís evgenis. i'm here to find out what has all happened since i disappeared, and to invite you and yours to a bonfire we are hosting. at least, to try and settle any animosity left between others. i would also like to speak to you of a potential trade route.", they spoke, trying to stomach the sickness in their gut. they needed to start setting up a trade route for their merchants, if there were such things, perhaps the merchants could pass news about the groups, aside from bringing in new foods and supplies from foreign territories.

Re: quiet the stolen heart >> o, AE visitors - aine. - 10-24-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
The petite deer-fox had not seen Bai Shi since... Well.  It'd been a while.  Aine felt her teeth catch the insides of her cheek, hooves trotting slowly over the sand.  Her ears flicked back as she fell into place besides her father.  Kydobi... Kydobi...

Hazel hues flickered, dancing down.  "I- 'm... 'm fine.  Da is.  Da is Ardent now."  Someone had to tell them.  Someone had to... Stars.  Her eyes stung.  Kydobi had been her friend...

Four... Seven... Eight...  The wings at her side shuffled.  Trade sounded nice.  Maybe she could get herbs that were hard to grow in the jungle... Trade tropical herbs in turn...

Four... Seven... Eight... Someone had to... "Bai..."  She didn't want to think about it... Silent dropping a jaguar's skull upon the throne.  The clear-cut display of forceful power.  She felt ill.  "'m- 'm sorry."

Re: quiet the stolen heart >> o, AE visitors - Kold - 10-24-2020


The acolytes eyes stared blankly at Bai and Wuyi, her lips curved in a smile as her snake was mentioned. Then Gael arrived, asked what the business was, then Bai asked about this Kydobi character that Kold didn't know. Then Aine showed up. The distress that was evident on the fleshweaver, in her words and actions, made Kold flinch.

Large paws fumbled over to the fleshweaver, a worried whine coming from her. Was Aine okay?? Why did she apologize? What happened?

Re: quiet the stolen heart >> o, AE visitors - teef - 10-25-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
sweet the child that came, aine's scent making them turn their head, taking in the deer fox before them, blue eyes warm as they looked upon her for the first time in a long time, "greetings, aine", they murmured, pleased as ever to know she was alright. after the attack ramona had suffered so long ago ... they had feared what might befall those in the group, especially the smaller members. not that she didn't have the power, they could feel it around her in some way, they'd been there to experience moments of it. exhaling softly, their breath was severed in their throat, her words ringing in their ears, eyes going wide. that meant a lot of things, surely it couldn't mean that kydobi had died? surely he had stepped down? leading was a tiresome and long painful thing, it drove some mad at times. taking a breath, they tried to console the thoughts rushing about their mind, the thought of their beloved and lost lover taking up every nook and cranny of their mind, breath caught in their lungs, unable to get it past the lump of emotions there. he had to be okay, right? bowing their head to hide the display of emotions on their face, they fought to keep their mind from spiraling, panicking inside of their heart, inside of their mind. was their curse that apparent? were they destined to lose everything that they had claim upon at one point or another?

breath finally rushing through their lungs and throat, it came out as a strangled keen they tried to muffle, silvery tears rimming their eyes, eyes sliding shut tightly, talons digging into the sand as they tried to control the crushing restriction within their chest, their body trembling as her words came like a blunt weapon. gasping slightly, they bit down upon their tongue, unaware of the silver ichor rolling between their teeth, numb to that pain, their shoulders hunched as they tried to restrict the damage that raced through their nerves, their heart squeezing so painfully in their chest but it was nothing, nothing against the void cracking and ripping into existence in their chest. it shouldn't hurt this badly, not after the way that they had split ways. what they would give to go back and fix that ... oh what they would give. body locked in silence as grief wracked them, the dragon forced their mind away from the spiral of pain and wonderments of 'what if's, the pain lancing their heart like nothing else.

finally after what felt like centuries, they raised their head, silver tears shining against golden scales, cream mane laying heavy and dense about their head and neck, their eyes dark with grief they dared not let consume them at this time. they had to find out, one way or another, and what better place than what had been home in a world where home was nowhere to be found. blinking back what tears they could, voice shattered and rough, they spoke, lips heavy with agony, their pain forever burrowed into their heart, "it's alright, aine. thank you for telling me ... i would rather find out here, where i knew he lived happily with everyone. it means a lot to me, to find out now. thank you, my dear.", they hadn't been close, but gods help them, their heart ached for her. they remembered scenting her around kydobi often enough, to know that the two had been close. false hopes and false idols in their chest, they watched kold approach aine, their gaze following the movements, mulling for words. "does ... he have a grave?", they were an adult, they shouldn't fall to pieces like this ... shaking their head softly, they breathed out slowly, "i'm glad you're here, aine. i have a small gift for you. i don't know what you could do with it, but please ... for all the times i was not here for the group to protect everyone as i should have, to try and make up for it.", they spoke quietly, before they exhaled, focusing their mind for some time.

bowing their head to the ground with a shake of their head, they lowered a bag from around one of their antlers, previously hidden in their mane. the contents within would hold some of the herbs that grew along alithis' coastal cliffs, some herbs from the tree of their den. they hoped that even this small bundle, so fragrant, would be of some use to the younger one before them. she had always been skilled in the arts of healing, and they knew that well, sometimes herbs were the best gift. "i do not know if you can use it for anything, but within the bag lays a vial of whale fat. we use it to light our lanterns in our territory. should you be able to visit, we may have more things to gift to you and yours.", they murmured quietly, the hollowness in their chest aching with a ferocity like nothing they'd known before.

Re: quiet the stolen heart >> o, AE visitors - gael - 11-01-2020

The vulpine is no stranger to loss -- nor to bearing the burden of passing on the news.  Many comrades had been lost over the years; Kydobi falling among them, not once, but twice.  He withholds a sigh at the question, head slowly shaking in negative.

"I believe a trade route could be mutually beneficial to our groups."  The marketplace could see a boost in new wares with active trade.

His ears flick back at the tremor in his daughter's voice as she spoke.  A part of him wondered, if the jaguar would return, once again -- the first time had been startling enough.  However, Gael would not wish a tortured repeat on anyone; Kydobi deserved rest.

If only there had been something to bury -- some solace to give. "I am afraid we have nothing, but his skull."  Sitting on the steps of the 'throne', but Gael wondered where Kydobi would have preferred to be laid to rest.

"I am sorry, Bai Shi."  The grief was clear as daylight -- a haunting reminder of what he felt the day he lost Aine's mother and brother.  There were no words to truly express a close loss.  All Gael possessed was an understanding of the pain.
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby