Beasts of Beyond
PUT YOUR BEST FACE ON / intro - Printable Version

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PUT YOUR BEST FACE ON / intro - ROY - 10-21-2020

It only made sense, for the sheltered daughter of the pirates to wish to seek freedom. Perhaps at a younger age, she would have been pleased by the idea of sitting comfortably in her hut with her siblings and no worries aside from how she'd go about asking for special desert from either of their mothers. The thought still doesn't seem so bad, maybe, even now, but there was more to life than cookies, and she'd intended to seek it out herself. And so she did.

Being a pirate, sailing was a required skill to be mastered before she could dare leave the archipelago they inhabited. But, being a Roux, it already flowed in her blood. The endeavor for knowledge was one she'd been able to set out on as soon as she'd turned eight months, with the promise she'd at the very least write back home every month. Keeping her discoveries in a journal she carried with her, Bonita found herself entertained every day. Simply studying a frog passing along the ground could be a fun use of time for the hybrid, taking the time to illustrate what she saw and write about everythings' behaviors, from the bugs, to the grass, to the birds, to the clouds. They all had personality, and she wanted to know what made them tick. She thinks, maybe, her family will think it's quite interesting, too, and impressive, that she could make all this discovery for them.

And in her hunt for discovery, it seems that she would make a genuinely remarkable one, as she spots a moderately sized island not so far from the Typhoon's own as she set sail today. The winged tiguar docks herself at one of the misty shores, hopping off of her boat onto the rocky ground. There was traces of society, scattered wood here and there, and a strong scent she doesn't recognize. The female shifts her body, looking around. She takes a quiet moment to pull out her journal and write about her surroundings very quickly, before putting it away and taking a seat. If there was, in fact, a group of individuals living here, she'd rather not be found trespassing and potentially get attacked with her boat far away. She clears her throat and lifts her head before calling out loudly, "Excuse me! Does anyone live here? I would rather not surprise anyone by accident!"

Re: PUT YOUR BEST FACE ON / intro - NATHANIEL. - 10-22-2020

Just the day before, Charlie, his two brothers, and his pet dragon had ended up on the shores of the Coalition under similar circumstances; that is, looking for somewhere new and having decided to search via a boat, of course, but that did seem actually to perhaps be the only way to get here anyway.

That said, he hadn't whipped out a notebook and immediately began jotting anything down, but he had analyzed everything the eye could see since he'd got there; he remembered, obviously quite clearly as it had only happened the day previous, how he'd warned Conrad and Clyde that Stheno was actually a hybrid between a feline and a particularly dangerous breed of snake with high concentrations of venom, and also that a fair few of the plants around here were actually carnivorous, though upon taking a closer (though still safe) look, also discovered that said plants had been put there by someone, and were not in fact native to the island as far as he knew.

Still, he'd received a mostly warm (if indifferent) welcome, and upon hearing Bonita's call for attention had decided he should probably at the very least be polite (not that he wouldn't have been anyway, if only for the fear that his mother, kind as she was, would suddenly teleport to his side and beat him with his own copy of Men Who Like Dragons Too Much).

He ambled somewhat leisurely towards the tiguar, bright green eyes surveying her with intrigue he hadn't even tried to hide (true it was that Charlie rarely saw anyone and/or anything beyond the science behind them and/or it), and cleared his throat quietly, surveying her coat and wondering how nature decided to come up with such a pattern (and, as an afterthought, what nature thought it was trying to scare away; tigers and jaguars very rarely had to use their coats to hide from predators due to the fact that, well, they are the predators, and with the additional wings, this particular hybrid didn't seem to need much help from nature at all).

It took him a moment, but he managed to snap himself out of his reverie long enough to answer her question; "Oh, yeap, sorry, that'd be me- and uh, my brothers, and Bill should be around here somewhere- what'd you need?" he had, of course, conveniently forgot to mention the presence of a particularly large group of particularly unfriendly creatures.

Re: PUT YOUR BEST FACE ON / intro - Conrad Clyde - 10-22-2020

More? After the dastardly dinosaur approached the island and they arrived within no time, the brothers expected no one else. For a 'hidden island,' it wasn't so mysterious. Clyde snorted at the thought as Conrad lowly snickered, almost as if he read his younger brother's mind as they approached. In reality, he was delightfully laughing at the jaguar's pelt. What vibrant colors! They'd make a great distraction to their mischievous tricks. Nevertheless, the rabbit tried to keep his ecstatic but intelligent attitude when approaching. His wolf brother arrived on the scene in no time, making sure to stop slowly so Conrad wouldn't slam into his back legs. Charlie, to no surprise, was already on the scene. Nerd.

Not stopping, the rabbit hopped closer to the stranger. His head swiveled up and down, surveying her carefully. Like his brother, Clyde's eyes observed Bonita. Feeling the need to say something, Clyde attempted to speak, only to meet the same conclusion as Conrad. "Interesting," came their shared awe. Conrad looked over towards Charlie, noticing his haze. "What specimen do we have here, Charlie?" the prey teased. "A new dragon?" Laughter erupted from the two. "Chin up, introduce yourself to the pretty lady." Conrad offered a mocking punch towards his older brother. "Better hurry though, Bill looks quite interested." Clyde gestured behind them to their brother's dragon in the bushes who immediately perked his head out from the underbrush with wide eyes. Realizing the situation, he let out a displeased hiss. Bill slunk out from the shadows to the join the group, eyes pointed towards the ground. He made his way up onto Charlie's neck in no time though, burrowing his head in the feline's fur out of embarrassment.

Despite their teasing, the duo was still interested. Conrad looked Bonita up and down one last time. "I know well that it's not easy to get here." "Tell me about it, I had to listen to you yap the entire time." "So what's your name? And why are you here?" He looked back at Clyde though, offering a smirk. The rabbit knew the gruff male loved him anyway.

//approved powerplay of Bill by Fenway <333


Re: PUT YOUR BEST FACE ON / intro - ROY - 10-22-2020

The female looks around herself as she awaits the first to arrive, settling her eyes on the other as he grew closer. Though, she finds herself sitting in a bit awkward silence as he simply observes her for a moment. Her paw taps up and down, thinking over what she may say and when she may say it if he did not speak up soon. Maybe he didn't even know how to talk? But no, he did, it just seemed he'd zoned out for a moment. She blinks at his response before coming up with her own. "Oh, well, I'd just been sailin' around - I'm on an expedition, y'see, and I happened to stumble upon your mysterious little home. I just didn't want anyone to think I was trying to be mischievous, trespassing and all." The femme explains casually, tail twitching.

The tiguar snorts at the comments made by the two that would arrive next. Perhaps their comment of "pretty lady" could be taken as a teasing flirt from the two, but considering they seemed fairly old compared to the growing tiguar, she took it as a harmless compliment. She waits for them to complete their banner, watching with amusement and curiosity as they spoke among themselves. Maybe if she'd stay quiet long enough, they'd keep talking. It seems this assumption, for the time being, was proven incorrect, though, as they go quiet after settling on asking her business and name.

"Like I said, I'd gotten here by chance. Maybe the Gods willed that I went the direction I did. I'll prolly just study some of the wildlife here before moving on. Nonetheless, m' name's Bonita. Bonita Roux." She'd heard of stranger danger, but considering how normal it was to find a Roux and introduce yourself to strangers in their current society, she'd not think much of her simple introduction. She looks over the two, blinking at them. "I take it you're Charlie," Bonnie would state, gesturing to the first feline that approached, before moving onto the dragon they'd discussed, "and you're Bill." Then, she looks towards the other two. "It's only polite you two introduce yourselves, too." She states matter-of-factly, pointing a paw towards them.

Re: PUT YOUR BEST FACE ON / intro - Conrad Clyde - 10-26-2020

Luckily they got interrupted. Otherwise the pair would have continued to keep chattering amongst themselves. Nonetheless, the rabbit continued to look the tiguar up and down as she talked, noting that she was a traveler herself. Someone brought here by 'God.' Clyde wanted to snort. "Brought here by fate?" the wolf spoke up. Before he could continue, Conrad stepped in. "Well your God chose the right place, dear. We got quite the interesting troupe here." There was a snake hybrid, dinosaur, a mini-dragon, and more. A researcher's dream, really. Even so, the colorful feline was a specimen of interest too, so she'd fit well into their little group wonderfully. There was one thing that bothered Clyde though, especially with their leader's ideals. "Ah there's a problem with moving on though..." His mumble was soft, almost warning Bonita. Only a careful ear could spot his distress signal.

Conrad, despite his brother's warning, continued on. "Oh yes! Introductions!" How rude of him! The bunny shook his head in shame, embarrassed in his own lack of formalities. "M'name's Conrad and that's Clyde," he pointed out. As Conrad's paw gestured towards the wolf, Clyde nodded in greeting accordingly. "A pleasure to meet you, Bonita." They didn't offer anything else though, seeing that they were also new themselves. A more experienced member would have to show them around unless she would like to deal with their mischief.


Re: PUT YOUR BEST FACE ON / intro - Stryker - 10-26-2020

Now this was a special occasion. Color Stryker surprised. Out of all the animals to show up on the border, here stood a Roux, unbeknownst of the deep history between him and Goldenluxury. The lion smirked from afar as he approached. Slitted eyes observed their colorful pelt with interest, noting the similarities between the Captain and the stranger. Specifically their matching eyes. Nonetheless, the Kingpin didn't want to assume, but he would definitely investigate further. Perhaps this was the bargaining chip he needed.

Coming up from behind the duo, Stryker pushed between them. Conrad and Clyde dipped behind the leader, exchanging a confused glance in the meantime, but kept their mouths shut. "Well, here's the thing. No one leaves this place, so I'm afraid you're stuck here till we expedite our current plans," the Kingpin mentioned. He was reinforcing Clyde's comment but twisting it in a somewhat positive direction. "Place is a mess and winter is coming, so the ocean is bound to be dangerous. It'd be best if you stay here." Stryker's gaze shifted towards Clyde momentarily, offering him a subtle smirk. The wolf, in turn, nonchalantly rolled his eyes.

Nonetheless, the Kingpin tried to skip past that subject quickly and instead let his curiosity run wild. "Bonita Roux, is it?" His head craned to the side. Neon eyes attempted to lock with the doppleganger's eyes, possibly fulling gaining her attention. "Well, my name is Stryker, Kingpin of the Condemned, and it is my pleasure to have you here."

//i roleplay clyde/conrad also so <3