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a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - Printable Version

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a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - VALE - 10-21-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ ninazu's serval body
Within the kingpin’s hut, Ninazu’s serval body stirs. The paws twitch, one at a time, and the wildcat’s eyes open. They glimmer, they glisten—but they are not gold. Not this time. Red cracks in the irises, permanently muddying up their color. The body snaps and pops as Vale twists this way and that, feeling out this foreign bundle of nerves and flesh.

The serval walks like a pendulum, swaying lightly, paws crossing one over the other, out onto the beach. One ram horn cracks and falls to the sand. The other follows. The exposed flesh oozes blood like pus from a festered wound. Rotting. Everything rots.

Death fascinates Vale. Decay bubbles against vis skin like a lover’s touch, and the sensation follows Vale wherever the menace flies. Vale has shapeshifted this way for so long, Vale can’t remember whether the decay is a choice or not. But it doesn’t matter, really. Because Vale wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I was promised an audience with Stryker.” Vale’s voice hisses out of vis throat. The pink tongue splits down the middle, bleeding and contorting into a serpent’s forked tongue. “Seeing as I was given neither time nor date, it will be now. Because, really, who has the time to travel all this way! I do, of course, but, then, I cheat, don’t I? Yes.”

Re: a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - ninazu - 10-21-2020

The lioness watches, golden eyes narrowing, as her own body teeters on the beach like a zombie. The flames in her mane lick down her shoulders, flickering red and orange. She is not as attached to the serval body as others might expect—but it unnerves her to watch the face she occasionally wears change so dramatically in a second.

“I suppose he’ll be here soon enough.” She walks towards the serval, pawsteps deliberate, sand swirling around her paws. “Are you aware that is my body you’re using? If you’re going to alter it, shapeshifter, you might as well do something useful and give it wings. Otherwise, you're just pissing me off.”

Re: a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - VALE - 10-22-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ ninazu's serval body
Vale squints up at the lioness, one eye drawn almost shut. Yours? Why do you need two bodies? What, do you have a habit of losing your head when it’s attached to your body?” Vale cackles softly to vemself. Vis tail lashes, and all the vertebrae inside pop, pop, pop. “My apologies. I thought this was a hunting trophy! Or some other thing laying around, hehe, next time I’ll possess a little bird.”

A paw rises to itch at the open sores behind Vale’s ears, and the serval sighs. The back of the paw comes away bloody. Vale sighs, once more, and shakes off the blood. “How anyone stands horns, I’ll never know. They’re so heavy. Well. I could try regrowing them, but I really do think you’ll enjoy the increased flexibility and speed without such things. What were you going to use the horns for, anyway, on such a delicate little wildcat body? You’d get concussed before you crushed anything!”

Vale shakes vis head, raises a paw to scratch again, and frowns. “Oh, wow, this is a tough habit to break!” The paw scratches at vis chin instead.

Abruptly, Vale’s spine arches. Rip, goes the flesh, two giant wounds opening on the servals back and bleeding feathers. Wings spill out of the opening, black and shimmering with drying blood. Vale’s red eyes lock on Ninazu. The cackling hasn’t stopped yet. “Ah, well, here’s the wings you wanted. Now. Stryker. I would really like to speak with him, if you don’t mind.” Now the cackling stops, when Vale beams up at the lioness.

Re: a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-22-2020

At first, Caesar thought he was going crazy, seeing two Ninazu's at once. He watched the scene unfold in front of him, both intrigued and trying to figure out if he was hallucinating - of which he eventually learned that he was, in fact, not hallucinating, and someone quite literally stole one of Ninazu's bodies. Huh. That was kind of funny, actually.

"I like her." Caesar commented as he got up from his laying position, a smile on his face as he came to stand next to Ninazu, studying her serval body before them. This was really, really funny, actually. Why hadn't he thought of anything like this before? Shit, this person made shapeshifting seem like fun. "Do you feel any pain while shapeshifting? Looks like mighty fun." His words were genuine - he was seriously interested in this. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - Conrad Clyde - 10-22-2020

Oh Charlie had to see this. The nerd would go bonkers over such a specimen. Vale was clearly an advanced shapeshifter to Conrad as he watched from Clyde's back, but the wolf didn't seem to notice and started to walk away. Big ears had their benefits, supposedly. The jack rabbit grumbled and shifted up to the wolf's neck, grabbing him by the ears like reigns. "Over there, big guy," he exclaimed. His paw momentarily let go of Clyde's ears to point in Vale's direction, causing the canine to look over. Green eyes widened. Their path immediately shifted towards the anomaly.

Upon arrival, the rabbit hopped down from his younger brother's back. "Now that's a form of magic I can't do," he jokingly added to the conversation. "Well, my job is 'sleight of hand,' so not as showy in comparison, Conrad." Clyde snorted. "I suppose you should learn from this one if you really want to gain an audience." The smaller being puffed up. His expression turned somewhat sour. "At least I can hold an audience!" Clyde was the pickpocketer and the back up for a reason. The thieve duo both had their ways of getting what they wanted though, especially with Conrad's showmanship.

Conrad reaffirmed himself in no time, coming back to a cool stature. "Now I don't know this Stryker fellow too well, but maybe he's not using your capabilities to well, eh?" He lightly bumped into Clyde, encouraging him to reassure him. The wolf looked back down, only to realize why afterwards. A charming, yet forced, smile met his maw. In the meantime, Conrad sauntered forward towards the mutated serval. "Let's cut a deal. You distract the losers somewhere, we heist. You get a third of the profits." The rabbit's head craned to the side in interested. "You interested?" Clyde inquired with a mischievous smile. "There's great benefits." From behind Conrad, Clyde began mockingly rubbing his paws together to signal profit.

Businessmen. They were quite the talkers, weren't they?


Re: a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - VALE - 10-22-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ ninazu's serval body
“I am neither a her nor a him,” Vale says, red eyes slipping to Caesar. The serval breathes in, rolls vis eyes, and refrains from spitting out further venom. Gender and gender roles never agree with Vale’s philosophy. “Use whatever pronouns you like, otherwise. I don’t care.”

The serval’s head tilts to the side, confusion flicking in those changed eyes. “Why do people think shapeshifting hurts? Does it hurt when you shed your winter coat? That is itchy. The shapeshifting is much the same. So itchy!”

One of Vale’s paws rises to scratch the open wounds on vis head again, but Vale slams the paw back to the ground. Again. Once more. Ah, a fourth time! “I hope you appreciate the work I’m going through, here, to take better care of your body than my own!” Vale snaps at Ninazu. The claws come out and scratch at vis chin again. “Flesh is so itchy! So! Itchy!”

Then Vale looks to the comedy duo, blinking rapidly, like, oh my god, Vale’s never seen two comedians with rapport like this. “I am not used by anyone. I am an independent agent of chaos, if you will. And chaos is freedom!” Vale manipulates vis jaw with the paw, popping it one way and then the other, eyes squinted, fighting the itch on the open sores. “I do like the sound of that deal, yes. Mm, sure. I draw crowds anyway! Even without trying. So why the hell not, eh?”

Re: a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-22-2020

"Duly noted." Caesar replied; this was probably the one thing he would actually respect, as surprising as that may seem. "Such a shame there's no pain involved." Seriously, if shapeshifting was painful, he might consider it - but if it were only itchiness as Vale described, than that was highly disappointing.

What caught the savannah's attention next was the duo who introduced themselves as Conrad and Clyde. Caesar rolled his eyes at their display, what an amazing first impression they've made - not that Caesar had any reason to speak. Looking back over at Vale, he decided to ask the question that nobody seemed to be asking (unless he blocked that out, which was entirely possible): "So whaddya want with Stryker?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - ARGUS - 10-24-2020

the ability to shed fur, shift bones as easy as breathing: Shape shifting was never just as easy, as blase as the blood that dribbled down vir skin and into the sands. It caused discomfort from the dragon, to see one flex such an ability so easily, to see such mastery over a power many rarely used outside of the sense of shifting forms.

"Hopefully, this one proves to be interesting, hm? They got to be to catch your attention" The dragon shivers into existence from the tree's her large form crowding over the entire group, ten eyes narrowed down at the strange possession that clung to Ninazu's other form. Wings, blood, horns scattered without care. Fur shed with each itch, they hummed, their own claws itching to sink into the sands and bury any tell of their own thoughts.

The smell of rot, the shiver of pure chaos that seemed to linger over vir form like a shawl, Argus felt it more than they saw it, a pair of eyes looking elsewhere- just shy of vir eyes to the cloak of their spirit that bubbled and frothed just above the fur. "Reciprocating, I can see what could've caught The dear kingpin as well- where are you from, hm?"
[Image: kbDRDDJ.gif]
"Standing in the afterimage of who you used to be graceless fumbling rage, standing within the eye's of the storm and an itch from the edges of a storm. Argus is painted in mercy and her lack of action; the only thing kept their enemies out of dragons breath is care. Sonder painting the mask of a monster; does not change what they are at the core. ruthless"

Re: a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - ninazu - 10-25-2020

Ninazu rolled her tongue over her teeth. Her golden eyes narrowed into a glare—she took Vale’s snapping as a rude challenge—and the lioness stepped forward. Her shoulders and back flexed, ready to lunge forward. How dare this little punk parade around in her body!

Right before she committed to the attack, black wings burst out of the serval’s back. Her head tilted. Confusion replaced the rage in her eyes, and the lioness’s posture relaxed. Ah, so the stranger had been sincere, after all. But the shapeshifter had a damned strange way of showing it. A plume of smoke curled out of her nostrils and mouth, but, after rolling her eyes, the lioness relaxed.

“Very well. You can use my body until your business with Sryker is finished.” The lioness grinned. She’d always wanted a pair of wings; Ninazu didn’t give a shit about whatever this weirdo wanted with her partner, but the shapeshifter won her approval by supplying her birth body with a mutation she otherwise couldn’t have manifested.

Spotting Argus before the dragon spoke, Ninazu walked over to stand by the espionage, her fire-tipped tail flicking. Her golden gaze slid to Caesar as she said, “I’m sure you could make your shapeshifting painful. A novice likely couldn’t do what this one does without… discomfort.” After spending so much time studying magic and medicine in the Pitt, Ninazu knew a thing or two about such powers, even if she lacked them herself.

Ninazu caught Argus’s pair of eyes shift—looking at something above Vale?—and followed with her own, but she saw nothing. “Has this one caught your attention as well, Argus?” she teased. Ninazu had a sneaking suspicion that the dragon was most attracted to vibrant displays of magic, such as her own fire mane. While the stench of decay, personally, repulsed her, she couldn’t deny ve was magically gifted.

Re: a higher purpose never worked for me // visitor - Conrad Clyde - 10-26-2020

Conrad nodded at her words. Chaos was freedom! Their ideals seemed to align, minus the rather strange twist Vale had on it. Clyde noted her independence though, internally questioning their other ideals. The wolf shifted his gaze towards his older brother, but found him staring at Vale still. Nonetheless, xe seemed to agree. A deal has struck! "Yes, yes, exactly!" the bunny exclaimed. "Nothing wrong with causing some chaos and making some profit." Clyde shook his head, agreeing with Conrad.

Before the rabbit got too excited though and stuck his head in politics, Clyde stepped in. "We can discuss the terms later," he pointed out. Conrad looked over momentarily, offering a scolding gaze. Clyde just offered him a mocking smile.