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MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD | meeting 10/21 - Printable Version

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MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD | meeting 10/21 - gael - 10-21-2020

There is disappointment in the vulpine's cold eyes as he padded up to the 'throne' -- stronger than any irritation he may hold.  He had a great deal to make clear, it would seem.

"Pittians!  Gather for a meeting!"

Gael stood patiently, golden-hazel gaze level on the gathering crowd.  "Let me begin by making something very clear."

"There is a time and place for open forum." The faerie had made it very apparent he would listen to his clanmates, but there was a limit to the appropriateness.  "And that place is not on the border, in front of a stranger who leads an unknown faction."

He inclined his head -- his point plain as daylight.  It should not take a genius to recognize the fault in sowing discord in front of an unknown party.  "Now you know well, I have no interest in silencing your voices.  I will always hold open discussions on important matters.  But they will be done in the proper time and place.  Is that understood?"

The vulpine would remain quiet a moment, his eyes filled with ice; patient as he allowed the words to settle.

"It is my personal belief a leader should be open and clear."  Others may do it differently, but Gael never truly followed someone until he understood them -- knowledge was power.  "So I will explain how I plan to approach political dealings."

"The Pitt was established on a foundation of trust and loyalty; in each other.And no one else.  "No official alliances, nor even enemies -- our neighbors were open game to both harm, or trade."

"While I support these founding ideals, I am not wholly against the idea of an alliance, should everyone agree to such a thing -- but it will never come without first establishing a neutral relationship of mutual benefit."

"I hardly expect everyone here to agree with me."  The Ardent hardly wanted to lead a herd of sheep, after all.  "But you stand to gain more from knowing, than committing yourself to reckless deals."

"Any questions before I continue on?"
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD | meeting 10/21 - Atticus Roux - 10-21-2020

A groan came from Atticus as he settled down in the audience for the meeting. For as much as he didn't want to be here during his healing, it was his duty as an acolyte. Slouching forward to lay down, pain shot radiated in his broken ribs and shot through his chest, causing him to dart back up to a sitting position. Seemed like he was standing today. With a huff, the tabby cat began to listen to Gael's announcements.

Of course the first thing mentioned was Stryker's visit. The yellow hues of his wanted to roll back in their sockets. Atticus didn't want to acknowledge the situation any further, but with Vale's disagreement and his frustration, it was bound to happen. For now though, the male kept his mouth shut. Tygrve would definitely snap back at him if they were attendance too, so it was smarter for him to stay silent.


Re: MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD | meeting 10/21 - VALE - 10-21-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ australian crow, extra eye in middle of forehead
The crow dived down, weaving amongst the statues. Viscous goop running down vir red eyes, the crow circled prospective roosts one at a time. Eventually, the little bird touched down on a jackal’s ears. Unintelligible, soft cawing came from the crow as Vale settled into a comfortable position.

Vale looked at Gael while the vulpine spoke, head tilting to the right. Despite the earlier fiasco with Stryker, the crow said nothing. After all, the menace said everything ve intended to say the moment it came up.

Re: MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD | meeting 10/21 - aine. - 10-21-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
The petite deer-fox trotted up at the call, ears flicked back.  Antsy.  More focused on those injured... Atticus, Ry... Than anything being said.  She frowned.  Atticus really should be lying down...

Aine chewed the inside of her cheek, nodding along absently.  No allies or enemies...  Once she may have held out more hope for friends but... The Fleshweaver had long since lost trust in those that came from outside the Pitt.  Their 'good intentions' often proved false in the past...

She shuffled her feathers.  No questions.

Re: MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD | meeting 10/21 - j a c k . - 10-22-2020

Crisp autumn air rolled, even in the desert there was the sting of it. The lush vibrancy inside their jungle came with the familiar sting and nip towards his heels. The call for a meeting brought the smaller feline closer. Noting a few other's already there. Jack's white form slipping into the group of gathered members with a silence as Gael started with the news.

Gael spoke of Stryker's visit, the ex-ardent had caused quite a stir. His presence, and what his clan represented... Jack looked around at the rest of the gathered, noting the already wounded atticus, Silent vale, and felt his own voice raise over the silence Gael had left. "I've noted the shift in focus, from primarily war to a more mercenary focus, so to speak" Jack began, hot trying to withold any barbs thrown at the seemingly more 'political' standing.

"It would seem we have prime information that could, in turn be traded out. There is another clan, strong enough to think it offer's alliances- aiming for another. We could sell that to the typhoon."
[glow=#add8e6,2,300]I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO[/glow]

[glow=#add8e6,2,300]AND SAW IT THROUGH WITHOUT EXEMPTION[/glow]

Re: MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD | meeting 10/21 - Kold - 10-22-2020


The pup, though young, was not stupid now. Something happened at the border, and she was happy to have not gone out to explore that day. Large paws carried her over toward Atticus, but not too close. He looked bad and she wasn't going to cause trouble. So she just laid down near him, Her rosy boa coiling up by her paws. Comfort. While she did have questions, they were stupid - she had no reason to know who was at the border. She could ask Cherna or Trygve if she wanted to. And that's if Cherna came back and if Ry wanted to say. But she didn't want to ask questions, just listen. So listened she did do.

Re: MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD | meeting 10/21 - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 10-24-2020

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
Stryker's visit certainly wasn't a secret amongst The Pitt. Dante heard whispers and words of NPCs who spoke about the event, and truthfully, he was a little upset that he wasn't there. Stryker still held a lot of respect to the hybrid, and he was curious as to what the strange lion wanted.

If Gael and Jack's words were anything to go by, it seemed as if Stryker was here for an alliance. That was odd, considering Stryker knew of The Pitt's stance on alliances. "Honestly, I don't see the need for alliances." Dante grunted as he came to join the meeting, his torn ear flicking as he spoke. "The other groups hold no personal value to us, and our focus to be to ourselves alone."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD | meeting 10/21 - gael - 10-25-2020

The vulpine's ears twitched, golden gaze snapping to Jack -- pleased to hear Jack's suggestion.  A solid course of thought.  He inclined his head; considering the pirate Captain carefully.  He had his doubts she would want to buy information from a Pittian, yet it may be worth paying her a visit.

He nodded as Dante spoke, unsurprised -- as a veteran Pittian, it made sense.  No alliances had been the tradition since the Pitt's founding.

"War is distracting," the faerie added, "for both parties."  A clear advantage the Pitt could exploit.

Satisfied, Gael returned his gaze to the Marauder -- confident in young kodkod, as he had been for some time.  "Jack."

"I believe it is time I invited you to step forward as Imperator." To the crowd, he continued to speak, "I expect you to treat him with the same loyalty and respect he has always shown you should he choose to accept."

"This is your choice, of course," he added.  Kydobi had offered him the decision and the faerie would give the same freedom to Jack.

"In further news; if you have yet to receive a task, Jack is delegating those for the month."

"We are also to welcome [member=16365]Chernabog[/member] as an initiated member of the Pitt, for returning from her blooding." He did not see the dragon among the crowd, but he would pass on the news regardless. "We will hold a feast for her at the beginning of November."

"Furthermore, in the spirit of Halloween," a holiday the vulpine personally did not value as much as others, but an opportunity to celebrate nonetheless.  "Would it be in your interest to partake in a ball?  Something old fashioned, but celebratory nonetheless."

// tl;dr
[member=347]Jack[/member] is promoted to Imperator! Congratulations!
Monthly tasks (and prompts) go until the end of the month -- here
[member=16365]Chernabog[/member] is hailed as a full Pittian for completing her Blooding
In honor of Halloween; a ball is proposed!
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD | meeting 10/21 - j a c k . - 10-26-2020

Jack gave a low hum, Gael's careful response to his suggestion wasn't unexpected, in consideration to the fact of the current mood. It hadn't been so long ago that the Pitt had been visited, some time to mull over the thought was merit but... what of the other clans? Stryker had been an ardent before yes, but his confidence in his own clan was worrying, and while the Kodkod didn't care much for the clan that had - in plotting of burning his down before.

As Dante spoke, and Gael confirmed, he felt a grin flash across his own maw, just as sharp as he looked over the shark- feline. If there ever was a hint woven into thoese words, the faemor couldn't be more pleased with the idea, the advantages there in those words.

Then, Gael spoke again, Jack knew it was expected - but to hear it from the ardent still, to hear it was him that would be filling that vacancy- was a surprise. Still the feline let his head dip, a slow blink when he rose to meet the ardent's eyes. "I accept, Gael." and it was that simple, yet he felt like he was holding out, like he should say something. Still he held his tongue.

Instead, he let the ardent speak, and tell more of the news, the announcements for the clan.

[glow=#add8e6,2,300]I DID WHAT I HAD TO DO[/glow]

[glow=#add8e6,2,300]AND SAW IT THROUGH WITHOUT EXEMPTION[/glow]

Re: MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD | meeting 10/21 - Atticus Roux - 10-29-2020

The feline's gaze shifted towards Jack, their newest heir to the throne. Atticus wasn't surprised by this revelation. He'd been around for awhile and was loyal to their group. Their activity was pleasant too, at least to Atticus, though he wasn't too active himself so his perspective may be skewed. He offered a firm nod towards Jack. "Congratulations," came his soft meow. His whiskers twitched as his mouth curled into a nonchalant smile.