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home (a place where i can go) | dual joining - Printable Version

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home (a place where i can go) | dual joining - NATHANIEL. - 10-20-2020

Well, there's no denying it- there is undoubtedly no safe way to get off the sodding island. At first it had seemed clear how to get across from Haven Island to wherever they were now; he had a literal pet dragon, dragons have wings, he could carry them across, right? Wrong. It had become clear that Clyde's fat arse was too heavy for the creature even on his own, and while Charlie could teleport at will, that didn't do much to help the aforementioned wolf, because his beastie would have absolutely no trouble bringing Conrad anywhere, his only worry in that department being that Bill might just eat the rabbit.

Anyway, in the end they'd managed to build a rickety little boat that was stable enough, somehow, to support Conrad and Clyde, while Charlie himself hopped between the boat and Bill's back occasionally- because though Bill was a dragon, he wasn't an overly large dragon, and he needed to rest his muscles from carrying a feline almost the same size as him sometimes.

Nevertheless they eventually made it to the further islands- no idea what they were called, mind you, or who lived there or if anyone lived there at all until they made it to the shore and the combined scents of several others hit him full in the face over the smell of sea salt and Conrad's breath- veggies and other rabbit foods really did smell awful, did you know?- and with a foreboding sense of dread, Charlie thought that maybe they'd just found another of the ridiculous clans- Charlie had always been a bit of a lone wolf, figuratively of course, until he'd found Bill, Clyde and Conrad, and even then he didn't fancy large crowds all too much.

Whatever, they couldn't really go back now, could they? The current wouldn't allow it, just keep washing them back up here. He sighed, stepping off the boat and onto the shore while eyeing various dangerous looking plants wearily... This place didn't look friendly in the slightest. "Come now, you two, and stay away from those plants- and my satchel, Clyde, I can't see you but I know what you're thinking."

Re: home (a place where i can go) | dual joining - Conrad Clyde - 10-20-2020

The ride here was a breeze to Conrad. He got to tell the tales of him and his brother's adventures. As for the other two though, they didn't seem so amused by their prolonged boat ride. Clyde hung his head overboard the majority of the time, wishing he could teleport away like Charlie and escape his brother's madness. Nevertheless, there was no hope. They were stuck here for awhile. While Clyde loved his adoptive brothers, sometimes they were too overwhelming and talkative just like the stereotypical rabbit caricature. In the meantime, unaware of his vegetable breath and annoying attitude, Clyde continued to snicker and enjoy the ride.

With time, they arrived at the island. Clyde quickly pushed off the boat, leaving Conrad in the dust. He came to Charlie's side, eyeing his bag carefully. Clyde caught up eventually with a sigh, eying the tropical island before them. [b]"It's-" "A shithole."[/b] "- wonderful!" The two exchanged glances, clearly disagreeing with one another. Even so, Conrad hopped closer to the island's greenery and raised a paw towards the trees that remained standing. Above him was a fruit tree. For a vegetarian, he was making his needs apparent. Clyde smirked nonetheless. There had to be something here besides his brother's fruit and Charlie's bag of useless junk. Momentarily rubbing his paws together, he nodded firmly.

Finally, he looked over and snorted. "I don't want your bag, Charlie," Clyde pointed out. "It would have been gone already if there was something valuable in it anyways." With an obnoxious laugh, Conrad piped up from the sidelines. "He's right, you know!" The bunny hopped forward, coming in front of his brother. He rose to his back legs and attempted to lay a paw on the feline's chest, pointing to his heart. "How about THAT!" He jabbed his paw harshly at Charlie then proceeded to fall to his forelegs.

As Clyde went back to the boat to retrieve his burlap sack with their possessions, Conrad turned back towards the land. "Now, where's the animals, eh?" he curiously muttered. There was no way in hell they found an abandoned island, right? Conrad contemplated the thought as Clyde returned with their things, dropping it firmly across the ground. "They're here," he finally answered, gesturing to one fruit on the tree that had a bite taken out of it. Conrad nodded in agreeance. "Good one, Clyde." With a smile, he gestured forward so they would follow.  "Let's take a look, brother. Unless Charlie finds it 'too dangerous,'" the rabbit mocked. Clyde tried to stifle his own laughter, but ultimately came to Conrad's side. He made sure to step in front of him partially, as he was much bigger and stronger than the other two.


Re: home (a place where i can go) | dual joining - SirDio - 10-20-2020

It seemed more crowded on the island - probably the foliage. Could have been the people, but most probably the foliage. Stheno had been resting on a rock, coiled up with impossible (from normal standards) flexibility, getting warmth from the sun. The sound of voices was what aroused her from her rest.

Slinking off the rock, she followed the voices until she saw the group, and hid among the foliage as she watched them. They were a peculiar bunch, and it made Stheno chuckle in a musical manner before stepping out before them. "Hello, strangers."

Re: home (a place where i can go) | dual joining - summer. - 10-21-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #536ea9; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px;"]HERE [color=#7489a9]COM[color=#8497aa]ES A [color=#94a4aa]THOU[color=#a4b2aa]GHT
The petite wildcat had been reclusive.  Reading quietly.  Enjoying the waves.  The little kodkod had never been particularly social, coming upon the Coalition by accident.  Swept in by the sea.  At least neither her or Westley were hurt in that unintentional venture.

Her sea-colored hues blinked, paw resting over her page as unfamiliar voices washed over.  Many voices.  Her tail twitched.  Summer cast a regretful glance down at her book and slid her favorite bookmark atop the page.  The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe was a tradition to read this time of year.  With a soft hum in thought she placed it gently inside her satchel.

The wanderer thinned her lips, recalling idly the strange welcome she and Westley had received.  Very mixed.  Of course, that came mostly from Caesar's attitude more than anything.  "[color=#eef2af]Hey," she offered up, head tilting to the side.  "What brings you here?"  On a makeshift boat of all things, too.  Kind of... Impressive, really.  Braving the open ocean.  Or stupid.

Re: home (a place where i can go) | dual joining - NATHANIEL. - 10-21-2020

Charlie was no stranger to the pair's teasing. They were mischievous as any, with cunning and ambition and a botched sense of loyalty, and it had taken him some time to get used to their antics, but at this point it was second nature. Still, they could be fairly irritating- especially, in Conrad's case, within the presence of strangers. He was a rambunctious little rabbit with an overbearingly charming appearance and his hyperactive behavior always seemed to fluctuate, although highest when discovering new places or new people.

Suppose that's why Charlie snorted, affronted, at Clyde's reply. Well he'd never know if there was anything valuable in his satchel because apparently he'd never had the decency to look, but in reality there were several gold coins stashed inside the leather bag, although thinking about it perhaps Bill might have tried to burn Clyde's tail off if he went anywhere near his treasure- dragons were particularly finnicky about who touched what belonged to them, and Bill did have quite the short temper.

Though he didn't have much time to reply to Clyde's mood-dampening bitchiness or Conrad's irritating teasing, for he quickly caught site of not one, but two other creatures that the rabbit and the wolf hadn't, one of them being a particularly odd looking creature- a mixture of a snake, judging by the hood and the scales, and a feline perhaps. "Daft idiots. There's two right there, now stop trying to look sophisticated- everyone within a mile radius can tell you're tramps." he scoffed, tail lashing as he prepared to respond to Conrad, and then the other two creatures.

"And yes, Conrad, I do find it too dangerous- because if you look closely, that lady over there is highly venomous, and several of these plants are carnivorous, you fool." well, Charlie had always had an affinity for strange things, and he'd learned about carnivorous plants as a child, regrettably, and well- snakes weren't all too different from dragons really, were they? 'cept that can't fly or walk.

Now, it was quite obvious that Charlie was the oldest and the mother-hen of the group, which by rights also made him the leader, so he stepped around Clyde and Conrad and introduced himself politely, hoping the other two wouldn't say or do anything to get them bitten by miss snake lady. "Hi, er... I'm Charlie, Charlie Warren, and these are my younger brothers, Clyde and Conrad, and the dragon over there is my pet, Bill. Truth be told, I have no idea where we are- Conrad was the one who wanted to come." he spoke, tail curling around his hind leg anxiously, his left ear twitching.

Bill, a small, red dragon with a long body and several golden, feathery whiskers poking out from his face, spine and hips, moved to clamber clumsily onto Charlie's shoulders and wrapped himself around his neck like a scarf, staring at the little kodkod. His hiss could be heard from several feet away, and his whiskers shook, the sound not unlike a rattlesnake.

Re: home (a place where i can go) | dual joining - Conrad Clyde - 10-21-2020

Island dwellers! Conrad's eyes widened and his long eyes perked upwards, prompting Clyde's smug smile to grow wider. The pair had done good. Finally, somewhere new to roam other than that mainland. Despite their brother's comments, the other two moved forward to introduce themselves. "Don't mind him," Conrad reiterated. His tiny paw gestured towards their older brother. "He's quite the Debbie Downer." Clyde shifted his gaze to Charlie momentarily, lightly snickering in response. "And we're not tramps, brother. We're businessmen." Conrad, despite not donning his bow tie, mockingly adjusted an invisible bow tie and straightened his back out to seem presentable.

Clyde looked over towards Charlie, offering him a raised, metaphorical brow. No adventure today, it seemed. At least not with the dragon-keeper. The two would find their own way out instead, even if it meant ditching Charlie for awhile. Nevertheless, the wolf looked back towards the snake hybrid and the feline that had approached. As they were introduced, they individually waved as their names were mentioned.

As his idea was pointed out, his ears slouched a bit. "Yes, my idea," he mumbled. Clyde was giving him the stink eye from afar, knowing he was the one who stole a stranger's plans and map to the area. Even if Conrad was more outspoken, that didn't mean Clyde did not participate in their adventures. His skills were essential, truly. "More like our idea." The rabbit lightly gestured between him and his younger brother. The wolf turned back to the group in response, satisfied with being given credit.

"We actually found this place by chance as we were looking for a place to settle." The canine reached inside his burlap sack, pulling out a rolled up piece of paper and unraveling it to reveal a map. "You don't possible have any available places to stay, do you?" Conrad hopped to his side, snatching the map out of his hands. Cyan eyes scanned it's surface momentarily. In a quick movement, he turned the map back to the wanderers and pointed to a circle on the map. "Like any caves? Dragons-" He nodded his head in the direction of the hissing dragon. "- looooove caves." They needed a place to store their junk too. Bill would be an excellent guard for their treasure too, even if he was small.


Re: home (a place where i can go) | dual joining - Grimm - 10-22-2020

Twisted and broken guttural vocalisation pulled from betwixt parted points, jagged yellow framed by severe curl further deepened as addressal of intrusive presence was staged with air of apparent amenity. Harsh the clatter, closure struck as forth momentum drew beast, figure imposing if only for that which necessitated shifted perspective of angled cranium. Juvenile this, apparent against skin woven with fading hues, lost among the dark rosettes, to the whims encircling mind a prisoner.

Proximity closed with each deliberate step, a pace slow as behind did he pace, inspected trio bolster by another deemed lesser, ignored until own sound begun. No warning prevailed the sudden sound, parting jaws about roar that overshadowed even the conclusion of each wave in turn, dwindling until once more steady his own continuous growl. Unwelcome these that spoke in voices odd and grating against ears pressed back, within growing mane lost, as short the scraggly mess was, creature worn as supposed accessory regarded with blatant aggression.

Yet short the time he acted as tawny shadow behind Stheno and Summer, pacing halted for a moment before begun again, trajectory shifted, however, singular placement broken. Never silent, each exhale marked, the quality of this was softer and seemed more inclined to curiosity. Creature deemed a mere food source, at that a morsel to tide over until proper sustenance may be found, that which spoke alike the rest, extravagant in actions that captivated. Extending a paw, almost a size dwarfed the rabbit, careless, or possibly simply not even pondering over the reaction he may garner, about back encircling before he made to press Conrad down against the ground firmly to dissuade escape.
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Something's going on, just look around fear is on the rise and there's blood all over the ground. let's all just blindfold the poor we must remind them what's in store, we got them now just break them down a little bit more
code by Wisker