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Begging to bleed . Fireside horror stories - Printable Version

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Begging to bleed . Fireside horror stories - ARGUS - 10-20-2020

On the edges of the full hunter's moon, the clouds swirl ominously. Argus was on the cusp of camp during the dusk-lit hours, Small torches shadowing against the pale bleach scale and fur of the beast that claimed home here. Argus felt restless in ways that were hard to describe to any mere mortal. The mask along their face painted in dripping black and vibrant-almost blood reds. Along their form the sound of shifting earth could be heard. Front talons digging into the earth at the edge of the ruined camp, Argus would pull the rooted halved tree's that still lingered inside the camp. Dragging them into the fresh pit Argus had created.

It was with the rumble of thunder, that Argus would be truly noticed. Cloudy, but without a hunt of rain... a typhoon on the cuts of the border, and Argus' careful calling brought it closer, over the camp with a strain even to their great powers. But it would only be revealed within the next second, as a strike of lightening struck the earth along the ground- lighting the dried, dead log under their feet into a careful swell of fire that Argus set to cultivate.

"Gather, wanderers of the Condemned, the damned. Tonight i wish to befall you all a tale of great and horror."Argus' voice echoed after the crack of the thunder, a huge boom that the dragon's voice rose afterwards, ringing into the heads of everyone in range of the thunder.
[Image: kbDRDDJ.gif]
"Standing in the afterimage of who you used to be graceless fumbling rage, standing within the eye's of the storm and an itch from the edges of a storm. Argus is painted in mercy and her lack of action; the only thing kept their enemies out of dragons breath is care. Sonder painting the mask of a monster; does not change what they are at the core. ruthless"

Re: Begging to bleed . Fireside horror stories - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-22-2020

The rumbling of thunder is what kept Caesar awake, though he was certainly was glad that it wasn't raining. He wasn't the type to really have a house per say and more or less just kind of slept wherever his body crashed, be it in a tree or in the middle of camp. He watched Argus dragging things around though he didn't pay much attention to them until they called out to their clanmates.

Scary story, huh? Why not? Shrugging, Caesar decided to get to his feet and set by the fire - perhaps a little closer than what he should have been but hey, it wasn't like he didn't light himself on fire often.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Begging to bleed . Fireside horror stories - Grimm - 10-22-2020


Lashing tongues adorned in hues warm, inviting even as heat tepid at distance seared in close range, destruction cast in all consuming beauty. Contradiction within itself, sizzling and both led flesh, consumed and yet closed, healer with a cruel touch. Base his own knowledge, afar witnessed how it crackled and spat dwindling sparks, fed with a jovial cheer, always distant and never permitted to enjoy the warmth.

Minor the intrigue with which half lidded vision trailed repeated action, protest as earth clung and struggled drawing attention, if only for a moment. Beneath paws hidden visage, sleep sought here where edges gave way, wilderness open and untamed, teeming with life new and raucous with the disturbance of alabaster reptile. Short such time he may linger undisturbed, unwatched the gathering vortex centered about masked countenance, a looming darkness split with forking tongue, ivory alike the one who called it forth from roiling belly.

Harsh clap, the sputtering beginning out done by sudden rush, thunderous boom behind following. Illusion of rest discarded as call arose after all had settled, startled and thus clumsy his own approach. Further deepened his confusion, though overlaid it with growing interest as watched the growing flames fed by turns plucked as though they were but twigs, mild pleasure wound about chuff slipping past dark lips. Too close he crept, extending forth a limb until heat grew unbearable, unpermitted further exploration. Heavy the sigh he voiced as he settled finally, to caller turning for brief moment, yet back eye drawn in time.
[Image: 0289c8fd06e06877cdb03f38752d038f.gif]
Something's going on, just look around fear is on the rise and there's blood all over the ground. let's all just blindfold the poor we must remind them what's in store, we got them now just break them down a little bit more
code by Wisker

Re: Begging to bleed . Fireside horror stories - summer. - 10-22-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #536ea9; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px;"]HE[color=#637ca9]RE [color=#7489a9]COM[color=#8497aa]ES A [color=#94a4aa]THOU[color=#a4b2aa]GHT
When the air felt crisp and the wind cool, the petite wildcat thought of her brother.  Autumn was not her time.  Of course, Summer minded the slow change less than the frigid arrival of winter or the chaotic downpour of spring.  Autumn may not be her time, but it was one of the best times to tuck in with a good book.

The kodkod's tail twitched.  She missed Salem.  Dramatic readings of Edgar Allan Poe made for a highly entertaining Halloween.  Hopefully, wherever he had ended up, he had his own copy still.  Had someone to recite the Raven to in a silly accent...

Summer hummed softly, casting away forlorn thoughts, inching towards Argus with a curious glint in her sea-colored hues.  The bookworm would not hide the fact she loved to listen to stories.  It hardly mattered the genre, though now would be the time for a scare.  She tucked her paws beneath her chest, settling in comfortably beside the fire.

Re: Begging to bleed . Fireside horror stories - SirDio - 10-22-2020

Autumn - the time where most serpents slowed down, got ready for brumation, ready to sleep the winter months by. But Stheno opted for change - she needed to prove useful to this group, so activity never stopped for her. The promise of scares and spooks gave Stheno that signature Halloween chill as she made her way to the gathering group. Caesar, Summer, Argus, that one other hybrid (though much more realistic in happenings, she believed). She settled down next to Tyke, closer to the fire, laying on her side with a laze about her. Thunder rolling like drums, she kept her head up - thunder soothed her, and she did not want to be soothed right now.

Re: Begging to bleed . Fireside horror stories - ninazu - 10-22-2020

The lioness, already sitting by the masked dragon when the thunder began, watched with a grin as the log wooshed into color and light. With a wave of her paw, the colors shimmered purple, red, blue, green... then settled into their usual red and orange glow. Ninazu turned her face away from the onlookers to Argus and winked.