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snakes are friends!! // o, bobbing for apples - Printable Version

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snakes are friends!! // o, bobbing for apples - wuyi - 10-20-2020

Wuyi stood atop a grey boulder, head flung back and xyr sharp teeth glinting in the moonlight. The pinkish notes in xyr fur popped from the campfires circling the cub’s setup. Thankfully, the metal buckets’d been placed far enough away from the flames. This had been a happy accident, rather than intentional on Wuyi’s part.

“Bob for these delicious chocolate-coated apples! IF YOU DARE!” Wuyi cackled. “There’s white, milk, and dark chocolate! Even some experimental ones with two or more types!”

Despite being told, several times, what “bobbing for apples” meant, Wuyi had interpreted the concept in xyr own unique way. Why bother using pedestrian items like buckets and regular apples? Sure, regular apples could taste sweet, depending on the type, but Halloween called for delicious treats! And so Wuyi applied xyr creativity, which had actually been the easy part. The practical parts had stumped xyr the most.

The apples, bobbed on the water’s surface. However, several water snakes swam in the larger troughs. They were a non-venomous variety, but Wuyi neglected to put up any signs attesting to that fact. Instead, the cub’d raised a single sign saying APPLES AND SNACKS. The misspelling was unintentional, but the bright red paint had been a deliberate choice.

Re: snakes are friends!! // o, bobbing for apples - teef - 10-22-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
passing nearby, drawn in by the warmth of the fires, the kingpin came over, coat having begun to thicken in time for the winter winds to begin picking up. eyes squinted against a bitter wind, they shook their coat out, grunting at their swift shaking and unsteady standing. chuckling as they caught wuyi's voice, they turned their head towards xem, eyes kind, "hello wuyi, what do you have here? bobbing for chocolate covered apples?", they chuckled, having yet to look into the troughs with the snacks, and the snake-y surprise included. eyes darting to the banner above they smiled, noting the use of bright red color, turning their head back to the child, hearing pawsteps coming up behind them, "can you explain to me how to do this?", they asked for the hell of it. they had never done such a thing when they were a child or an adult before they were in the palace, or after.

Re: snakes are friends!! // o, bobbing for apples - ¿¿ - 10-22-2020

Sam was walking around observing the gentle bustle if the town when she heard the little one call out. She had bobbed for apples once when she was little when she was finally old enough one year and with what she heard and read she thought there would be sweet apples along with some treats hopefully ones that wont desolve in the water over time like the chocolate. She seen Bais curiosity at the game and felt really inclined to watch and possibly try. "Ahh hello Bai didnt know you have tryed apple bobbing before  I may want to go for a go after you to."

Re: snakes are friends!! // o, bobbing for apples - SLOAN. - 10-26-2020

United within a sense of curiosity, though stilled tongue held between closed points when query was voiced, those call had enticed. Yet total was the ignorance towards such practice as this, even as the very title ascribed held some inkling of expectations upon the participants, overshadowed even by the little Bai seemed to harbour. All the same there was a confidence unearned in each step drawing Sloan closer, between the various objects and attendees attention flicking.

"Why not just… Eat the apples." Slight the confusion that seeped into softly spoken remark, further exasperated as ze watched the apples lazily float on the surface of the calm water. Chosen one of the smaller, and thus spared the fox of the surprise awaiting those unlucky in their choice, over lip paws hooking so ze may peer within. Dark the depths, slight the illumination surrounding fires cast allowing the multi-hued confectioneries to briefly be entirely visible, no further clarification offered.

Outward did ze stretch a paw, about an apple curling until ze may draw it over to the edge with ease, smug hir growing smile as ze turned to Wuyi. "I did it." As xey wished to play by xyr own rules it had been taken further by Sloan, though the basis was ignorance rather than a desire to change things and make it a tad more interesting to fit the proceedings.
[Image: w-RKy25-Gfr-S5y.gif]
Roundest moon flutters on the river, night bird song coasting through heat hangs for a moment there cascades slowly down the thick air, landing somewhere by my feet waking up bugs try to repeat, a fine night to feel light
code by Wisker