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brave boy - open; stalking - Printable Version

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brave boy - open; stalking - rhosmari - 10-19-2020

His large body slides against the foliage of the devastated island. Watching and looking at the plants that have settled over thick tree trunks and the washed up debris of rocks and driftwood. There is hunger rolling in his belly, deep and unsatisfied as large bipedal limbs slowly press against the soft ground. Large talons shift, a larger dew claw tapping the ground in almost anticipaceipn at the idea of being able to get his fill for the day and perhaps even the next day after that. Slowly he begins to move through the foliage, head lowered as large nostrils flare open and take in the scent of the territory that he claimed as his. The apex predator opened his wings for a moment before relaxing them slowly. Arms relaxed at his sides yet the sickle like claws are clutched tightly. But a sudden movement of his head indicates that he has smelled something. Something that he would think of as prey, weak and feeble. The feral creature isn't one to pass up on the idea of a meal even if he is full as he doesn't know when he will next eat. So the ghostly white raptor hybrid moves forward following the scent of the prey that calls to him. His eyes narrow, salmon red colored orbs fixated on the task at hand. This tail balances corded and large muscles as he steps over a fallen tree getting closer and closer.

Slowly his scales seem to shift, blending in to the surrounding area and rendering the beast invisible to the eyes of his prey. His jaws part on a low breath, anticipation mounting as the white colored look comes into view. He has never seen a creature like this before but it hardly matters to the killing machine. He is hungry and he has found what he thinks is prey. His body lowers as he watches, staying back and well within coverage as he moves closer to try and get a better angle to attack. Ambushing his prey is a key technique and he doesn't mind throwing his weight around.

-- anyone can post! [member=1738]Stryker[/member]

Re: brave boy - open; stalking - Stryker - 10-20-2020

pleasing everyone isn't like you, dancing jigs until i'm crippled
// following this thread's conclusion

What the fuck did that Guru give him? After drinking from Chaz's mystery goblet, it took quite awhile for the more detrimental effects to arrive. Stryker's vision began to blur. The world shifted into various shapes and colors around him. His body grew weak, unable to walk straight (due to the mysterious liquid and the fact that he couldn't see). Weary legs led him through the forest as the Kingpin mumbled to himself. His delirious grumbles were varied. Most of it was incomprehensible too. Needless to say, the lion was a mess.

A salmon colored orb gleamed in the distance, instantly catching his attention. With a muffled 'woooow', he sauntered towards the colorful sphere. Slitted eyes zoned in on the shifting circle, determining it was a peach. Gently reaching out, his paw attempted to wrap around it, but to his frustration the 'green shrubbery' (Ghost's socket and scales) prevented him from taking the 'peach' (eye) from the tree (socket). "What the fuuuuuck," came his frustrated drawl.

Oh... He had made a grave mistake.

Re: brave boy - open; stalking - rhosmari - 10-20-2020

The beast tilts his head a bit as he watches the other. His claw still tapping against the ground, the need to lunge and to snap his jaws around the pet's throat surfacing. He is a ravenous creation that much is certain but for the moment he watches, carefully. Yet there is a flash of confusion as the creature comes closer to where he is. This should be good considering it gets him closer to his prey for a quicker kill. Yet, the way the lion stumbles over to him makes the beast pause but only for a moment. For when the lion touches his eye instincts kick in. The odd horizontal eyelid sides over the salmon red orb and the great beast gives out a screech of pure malice and feral fury. He lunges then, aiming to slam a foot against the lion's side and throw him to the ground. His large maw parts on a sudden scream that vibrates through the foliage around them.

Large wings flare open and beat the air as Ghost screams. Vocalizing his dominance to the world as he suddenly jumps forward to attempt to possibly snap his jaws around the midsection of the lion and jerk him across the ground potentially. He is without pause, without mercy in the way that he attacks. Looking to split flesh and break bones. Killing his prey is merely all he thinks of and not letting them get any sort of harming blows on him. An injury to him could make him weak and he is the alpha. He is dominant.

Re: brave boy - open; stalking - SirDio - 10-20-2020

The hybrid wasn't there to experience the gamble game Chaz set up, nor was she there to see what everyone got. But as she wandered among the less dangerous foliage, she heard one of the loudest screams she could have heard in her life. A slow 'hmm' drawled from her mouth as she went to investigate. Oh. What the fuck was that thing? One of her ears twitched as she set her silver eyes upon Ghost, who was attacking Stryker, who.... looked very confused and maybe even drunk - what the shit did Chaz give him?? Eyes focused on the beast, trying to figure out what to do, she moved to come into view from their front, to avoid the thought that she would attack. She obviously didn't know if this would work, but it was worth a try.

Smooth voice drawling out, head lowered in a sort of submission, she spoke, "強大な獣、彼はあなたに脅威はありません. You look far more powerful compared to him, and your scales, how marvelously they shine! Your screams shake me to my core." She shuddered for effect, hoping they'd at least stop attacking her leader. Flattery wasn't really her thing, but she felt the need and hoped to god it would work. No one needed to die right now - not like she could do any harm to Ghost without ending up dead to herself - that fucker could throw her like a ragdoll if it chose.

/// Translation: Mighty beast, he is of no threat to you. ///

Re: brave boy - open; stalking - Stryker - 10-20-2020

pleasing everyone isn't like you, dancing jigs until i'm crippled
A thump erupted as Stryker was pushed to the floor. Had the peach... betrayed him? Was the island angry? He did not know. In a panic, the lion tried to stumble to his feet but succumbed to his own weight and fell back down to the floor. The shrill screech of the lion reverberated in his sensitive ears, causing him to let out a disgruntled whimper. So it wasn't the greenland gods going against him. Neon orbs tried to focus in on the large reptile, but he was ultimately encapsulated into the dinosaur's jaws and dragged along by his chest.

While loosely flailing in their jaws, he let out a lowly mumble. "I'm going to fucking kill Chaz," the Kingpin expressed. This was not a good high like he was promised. It didn't help that the other snake bitch, Stheno, thought this was a joke and was complimenting the large stranger. God help him. Even if Stryker didn't believe in one.


Re: brave boy - open; stalking - rhosmari - 10-21-2020

With the lion trapped in his jaws the beast attempted to press down on the other's body with one large foot, hoping to keep him down as he contemplated the killing blow. But he was soon distracted by the appearance of another creature and his salmon red orbs shifted suddenly to keep the in his field of view. Tilting his head he watched their body language. Not understanding the speech that they were using but he understood that submissive stance. The head held down low and the way in which they tried not to show any aggression toward him. He understood them to not be a threat to him and that was all that mattered. Slowly his head tilted to the side, a slow and elongated hiss leaving his throat as he potentially pressed down harder on the lion's ribs beneath him. The sound almost sounded curious as he slowly moved away from the lion, taking in huffs of the air around him in a sense to pick away Stheno's scent from the area around him. He didn't know what this creature was but they held no fear scent that he could pick up, meaning that they were not prey and so instead they might be something else. Slowly she flexed the sickle like claws on his digits, curling his jaws to reveal large incisors that were ment for tearing into his prey.

Right now he was distracted by the other, waiting to see and figure out what they were if they were not prey and they were not a threat to his territory. Maybe something he could let live. Maybe. But his stomach urged him for food and he would not stay docile for too long.

Re: brave boy - open; stalking - SirDio - 10-21-2020

Oh hey - her flattery seemed to work a bit. Stryker looked less than happy about anything that was happening, but Stheno couldn't care less. A drawled out, the quiet whisper of a hiss, responding to Ghost's, drifted from her mouth, a smile gracing her lips. "Mighty beast, I am a friend, if you wish me to be." She spoke slowly, deliberately, treading lightly on her words as if any wrong step would send her careening into death. A slight grin graced her lips, barely showing fangs and teeth before the grin became a simple smile.

"Those are some killer claws - wish I could have something similar. Are you... in need of anything, o great one?" Her honeysuckle voice echoed in the air. Maybe she could bond with the beast. She wouldn't tame it, rather, she would just keep it in her sights. That was hardly something she could easily accomplish, and it was the creature's choice, anyway.

Re: brave boy - open; stalking - Conrad Clyde - 10-21-2020

Roaring? Really? With that harsh screech, Clyde could have thought that Bill grew a few feet and managed to get a guttural scream. That didn't appear to be the case. As the duo grew closer, a lousy lion encapsulated in the jaws of the dinosaur faded into their vision. While the wolf moved closer, the rabbit stayed further back as he followed with eyes zoned in on the monster.

Conrad hopped closer to Stheno, offering the hybrid a playful nudge. "Feisty one, ain't he?" A confident snicker left the rabbit. "I bet someone pissed in his prey," came Clyde's grumble in response. He paused for a moment. What to do though? Charlie wasn't here, so they certainly couldn't ask for his help on training a downgraded dragon. "We should probably help him though." The dark canine's paw maneuvered towards Stryker who was continuing to struggle within the dinosaur's grasp. Green and cyan eyes connected for a split second. "I'll jump on his nose-" "- and I'll hop on his back -" "- and you can bite them?" Their heads turned towards Stheno, knowing that Charlie called the hybrid venomous when they first met. Despite their plan's details being lackluster, the intelligence behind it was reasonable. Conrad's hop onto the dinosaur's muzzle would prompt Ghost to open his mouth, possibly dropping Stryker. Meanwhile, the wolf's attack would throw them off balance and to finish the job, the hybrid would jump right in to give them a dose of venom.

With devious smirks, they spoke in unison. "Sound good?"


Re: brave boy - open; stalking - NATHANIEL. - 10-21-2020

It was the dinosaur's earth-shaking roar that had gotten his attention, albeit he was never too far away from Conrad and Clyde anyway. He'd immediately come running wondering what kind of noise that was and what it came from, certainly wasn't no dragon, that's for sure, he'd worked with just about every kind there was and he'd recognize a roar like that from a mile away; Bill wasn't far behind him, whiskers vibrating at a speed Charlie had yet to see and his rattle-like hiss going straight through him, but it would be the sound of his heavy satchel slapping against his ribcage as he ran that would catch anyone's attention, if anything did at all.

It became very clear, upon running into the clearing, just what had caused the noise. Charlie had half a mind to stop and gawk, try and analyze the magnificent beast before him, but he rather quickly spotted the alabaster lion in it's clutches and, overhearing Clyde and Conrad's plan, he figured he'd better step in lest someone be killed unnecessarily.

Behind him, Bill was hissing frantically, whiskers flared and eyes wide with pupils like slits and teeth bared, and without second thought Charlie unclipped his satchel and threw it to the floor; as expected, Bill dove at it at once and buried it in the ground, settling protectively on top of the mound.

"Lady over there's bite is too venomous, it could kill the beast." he'd not bothered to learn any names, and it was becoming increasingly obvious each time he called the snake-cat hybrid 'that lady over there'. "Plus, she seems quite friendly with him. Now, here's what I want you to do: Conrad, you circle around so that the wind is blowing towards you and get into its blind spot, bite its ankles if you must. Clyde, uh, you- on the count of three, jump at it with all your force- we should be able to knock it over with all our weight, since Conrad'll be distracting it from where it can't see him. That should give uh, the lion dude enough time to wriggle to safety. Got it?"

Without waiting for an answer, Charlie settled himself into a stalking position, back arched so low the fur of his stomach brushed the ground, and he began to whisper; "1, 2..."

Re: brave boy - open; stalking - Conrad Clyde - 10-21-2020

Speak of the devil... or the blessing, he guessed. Clyde's head swerved to the side at the sound of thumping pawsteps. The red feline's pelt faded into his vision and the wolf let out a sigh of relief, knowing that the dragon-tamer could deal with a larger reptile. Disappointed that their plan was ruined, Conrad frowned a bit. Being on the nose of a roaring dinosaur had to be an exciting, yet dangerous, thrill. The two adrenaline junkies were born for this type of mischief, after all.

Wanting to proceed with his own plan, the boy piped up. "I mean I'm not saying killing it would be the worst opti-" Clyde's paw extinguished Conrad's sentence before he finished it. "That sounds fine, Charlie." Either way, the wolf got the opportunity to do the same thing and it kept the rabbit out of immediate trouble. With an encouraging paw, he pushed the bunny forward. Conrad fell to all fours and began to hop towards Ghost's backside, trying carefully to stay out of their vision. He subconsciously wished for Stheno's bite, especially if that foolish beast went after him.

Finally coming to their ankles, the rabbit attempted to viciously bite at their ankles and for extra flare, mockingly hop around their back feet. After potentially gaining Ghost's attention, the other two prepared to jump On the older brother's word, the wolf darted forward. With all his might, he pushed off the ground and flew into the air. He attempted to ram into the dinosaur with his side and then rake his claws down their side as a preventative measure, successfully latching on for when they fell to the floor. Hopefully that would work.