Beasts of Beyond
ready set, not yet - [PUMPKIN SMASHING AND CARVING] - Printable Version

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ready set, not yet - [PUMPKIN SMASHING AND CARVING] - Stryker - 10-18-2020

pleasing everyone isn't like you, dancing jigs until i'm crippled
Halloween was coming in quick and it was time to get started with the events. Not only were there fantastic scares and fun events, but there were also mysterious training events. One being the pumpkin carving and smashing. After all, carving open an enemy and smashing their skull in was a vital tool in battle! That sounds very dark, but it's the truth. Stryker knew that there were no morals on the battlefield, so using their resources when aiming to kill (or maim...) would be their best bet. How were they going to ravage The Typhoon without that? They'd be toast otherwise! Not good toast either. The Coalition of the Condemned is more like soggy, salt-water toast that no one wanted.

With that in mind, the Kingpin had went on the hunt earlier and set up a stack of pumpkins near the Contraband Shanty. Many kinds of pumpkins rested there. Some plump, others lined with wart, and many that strayed away from the traditional orange hue. There were many to pick from.

In the meantime, the lion had chosen a large, yellow pumpkin for himself. It kind of reminded him of Goldenluxury. No wonder. With one paw on top of his pumpkin, he let out a roar. "Come carve and smash some pumpkins." He paused for a moment. In spite, he left out some important information and quickly proceeded to yell. "AND I DON'T MEAN IN A GOOD WAY!" His slitted gaze momentarily shifted to his pumpkin before letting out a grunt. In one motion, his large paw slammed down onto it's side and opened a hole into it's surface. Talk about dramatic.


Re: ready set, not yet - [PUMPKIN SMASHING AND CARVING] - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-21-2020

Admittedly, Caesar didn't care much for holidays, let alone Halloween. Perhaps it was the least irritating holiday for sure; it meant he could get away with a lot more shit, especially with murders, but truth be told - Caesar wanted to lay low for a while. He wanted to earn Stryker's respect and rip it away from him the moment the Kingpin trusted him and of course, that took time.

Because of that, Caesar definitely had some bottled up emotions so whenever he heard Stryker calling out for the Coalition to smash some pumpkins, he immediately perked up and headed over. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't nearly as big as Stryker so he wouldn't be able to smash a pumpkin with one flick of a paw - but that certainly didn't mean he couldn't light them on fire. With a grin, the savannah launched himself at the pile of pumpkins, causing a mass of smaller ones to fall and tumble about. Yeah, the bigger ones might end up bruising him later but hey - he got one! As he rolled away from the massive pile, the demon lit himself on fire, holding the pumpkin tight to his body.

Haha, jack-o-lantern with a new twist.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ready set, not yet - [PUMPKIN SMASHING AND CARVING] - SirDio - 10-22-2020

Halloween - oh, man, she loved the holiday. Even if she never really did anything to celebrate it, she reveled in the drive for blood she usually got on that dark night. Moving slowly to Stryker's homemade pumpkin patch at the Contraband Shanty - Oh hey, Caesar/piss man was there. And... he lit his ass on fire while hugging the fuckin pumpkin. Hell yes, she could definitely get used to this. Grabbing a pumpkin that was just about as big as her loosest coil, she rolled it away from the pile. Time to see what she can do.

Not wanting to prematurely shed a fang trying to bite the pumpkin, she simply struck it with her body, coiling around it tightly with her impossible flexibility, and metaphorically squeezing the life out of it. Releasing it from her deadly grip, she saw the indents she made and grinned with a hearty growl. This was fun! She coiled it again, this time hard enough to actually break the rind of the pumpkin. She imagined it being that one snake hybrid and squeezed even more. And more. And more until - CRACK! Pumpkin guts spilled onto her fur, which she ignored as she slinked away from the pumpkin. She would be sore for a bit, yes, but that satisfaction? It was enough to have her ignore the soreness for the days to come.

Re: ready set, not yet - [PUMPKIN SMASHING AND CARVING] - ninazu - 10-26-2020

Ninazu stalked to the Contraband Shanty, her flames momentarily extinguished as she hid under cover. Her golden eyes locked onto a warty pumpkin, large and disfigured, near Stryker. A grin flashed across her muzzle, but the lioness continued to slowly stalk forward, carefully, trying to avoid detection.

Finally, she stepped into the pounce zone. Preparing for takeoff, her ears flicked, and her paws shifted on the tropical soil. Wispy tendrils of smoke curled out from between the lioness’s sparking paws. Then flames flicked up her forepaws.

Ninazu leaped forward. A yowl exploded from her throat. Her paws slammed down on the warty pumpkin, smashing the vegetable to smoldering smithereens. Chunks of flaming pumpkin goo splattered out, possibly hitting Stryker in the face and, even, Caesar and Stheno in the back.

She laughed, pawing the burning pumpkin with her burning paws. The lioness’s characteristic fire mane flared back to life, rolling down her shoulders and back, temporarily too bright to look at. Her fire-tipped tail thwacked into a tiny decorative pumpkin, sending the thing flying directly at Stryker’s mane—though this was, truly, unintentional on her part.

Re: ready set, not yet - [PUMPKIN SMASHING AND CARVING] - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-26-2020

See, this was exactly why he hated the holidays. It meant everyone was going to be out and about and enjoying things, and to see others having fun was something Caesar didn't care about. It was annoying; how could they be happy when he wasn't? Ninazu's yowl made Caesar look up from how own pumpkin, only to be met with a piece of flaming pumpkin hitting him in the face.

"Hey, what the fuck!" Caesar snarled at the lioness, shaking his head and glaring over at Ninazu, his ears pinned to the back of his head. "Watch where you're fucking sending shit." Not that Ninazu did it on purpose, but did Caesar realize that? Of course not. Hell, he believed that Ninazu did it on purpose, knowing full well he was within the range.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ready set, not yet - [PUMPKIN SMASHING AND CARVING] - ninazu - 10-29-2020

Ears pinning back, Ninazu slid her gaze to Caesar. The burning pumpkin bounced between her front paws, and the lioness tilted her head. “I suppose I should apologize.” The smirk on her muzzle hadn’t diminished in the slightest. Even as she stared down the obnoxious yellow cretin.

She pinned the pumpkin down with a paw, flipped it upside down, and clawed an opening on the bottom. She clawed out its insides in squishing pawfuls. The mushy goop had proved resistant to burning, and all the spilled pumpkin juice smothered the flames. Even so, the char on the warty pumpkin smelled awful and proved the heat of the lioness’s flames.

After she scooped out a chunk of the pumpkin’s innards—not all of it, not by a long shot, but the first few scoopfuls always yielded the most, anyway—she picked it up in a clawed paw. The flames flared on her neck, and her golden eyes pinned. Then she lunged for Caesar and attempted to shove the pumpkin over Caesar’s head.

Re: ready set, not yet - [PUMPKIN SMASHING AND CARVING] - CAESAR CIPHER. - 10-30-2020

Caesar huffed and rolled his eyes at Ninazu's reply, seemingly accepting her little 'apology' and initially went back to try to destroy his own pumpkin by continuing to claw at its charred body. That is, until Ninazu came up behind him and shoved a pumpkin over his head... Caesar let out a muffled yowl, trying to pull the pumpkin off of his head. "Bitch!" He screeched, though of course his voice was still muffled.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ready set, not yet - [PUMPKIN SMASHING AND CARVING] - SirDio - 10-31-2020

Feeling even more pumpkin guts hitting her fur on her back, she turned to face Ninazu. Feeling it burn, she shook herself and chuckled. "Make that a projectile weapon, Ninazu! Take out the guts of a pumpkin, set that fucker ablaze, and throw it at your enemies." Seeing Caesar react not-so-happily made her grin. He wasn't having fun, but she definitely was. Then he seemed to want an apology from the lioness, and Stheno stepped back a bit. "Yeah, seems like you should." Amusement covered her words and she watched in anticipation. Then the lioness slammed dunked the pumpkin onto Caesar's head. The hybrid couldn't help but laugh loudly, and she almost doubled over in subdued chuckling.

Even if Caesar wasn't having fun, Stheno sure as hell was!

Re: ready set, not yet - [PUMPKIN SMASHING AND CARVING] - ninazu - 10-31-2020

“What’s that? I couldn’t quite hear you.” A chuckle started in her throat, then rose in volume as she circled the pumpkinheaded cat. Ninazu attempted to tap the pumpkin, lightly, thrice. “This is quite an improvement. A sound dampener and a mask for your ugly face? This should be your regular fashion accessory.”

The chuckle lifted to a full blown laugh. Ninazu stepped away from the Caesar, backing up towards Stheno. She’d had her fun. Besides, staying closer any longer risked the demon attempting some Caesar-style retaliation.

“Oh, wouldn’t that be a sight on a raid, aye?” Ninazu said to Stheno. Her golden eyes gleamed, and she glanced at Caesar and waved her paw dismissively. “I’m glad someone enjoyed that little display. It’s no fun beating on him without an audience.”

Re: ready set, not yet - [PUMPKIN SMASHING AND CARVING] - Maka - 10-31-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Maka had been interested in smashing pumpkins, given the fact they couldn't really carve. Then people started yelling, and smashing pumpkins in a not good way, as Stryker had mentioned. They stumbled through the crowd, maybe accidentally bumping a few people on the way to grab a pumpkin. The dragon then grasped a pumpkin in their jaws, turning to leave before people started yelling or throwing pumpkin guts at them.