Beasts of Beyond
no rest for the wicked - [stryker's TOT hut] - Printable Version

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no rest for the wicked - [stryker's TOT hut] - Stryker - 10-18-2020

pleasing everyone isn't like you, dancing jigs until i'm crippled
For the first stop in the Coalition of the Condemned trick or treat adventure, wanderers would stop at Stryker's hut. Unlike his usual resting place, it's exterior was made of stripped tree bark formed in the shape of a triangle. To spice it up, the Kingpin had added some pumpkins to his makeshift 'garden' at the front and placed some candles near the entrance that. The light behind Stryker highlighted his silhouette as he waited patiently for his victims members to arrive and ask the age old question: 'Trick or treat?'

While he wasn't very fond of the idea of giving out his stash, but for them, he would spare a few items here and there. Hell, even offer up a trick. The trickster was bound to give someone a surprise anyways. With that in mind, he kept a few items of each answer, as he knew some cocky motherfucker would ask for a trick eventually.


Re: no rest for the wicked - [stryker's TOT hut] - axiom - 10-20-2020

Bouncing over with a velvet vampire cape wrapped around his neck, the cub nearly tripped over the large pillowcase draped over his shoulder. The young kid’d nearly gotten lost in the condemned’s territory, but a kind stranger or two set him on the right path. After all, he wanted to visit the leader of this place first!

“Howdy, Mister Miser!” Wuyi chirped. He grinned at his little rhyme, unaware he unintentionally quoted a folding urinal human invention. As a child who cared more for sweets than books, how would he know that tidbit of human history?

His long, fluffy tail whipped back and forth behind him as he fumbled with the bag’s opening in his large paws. “Treat, please! MANY TREATS!”

Re: no rest for the wicked - [stryker's TOT hut] - Stryker - 10-20-2020

pleasing everyone isn't like you, dancing jigs until i'm crippled
Green eyes zeroed in on the bright cub's highlights as they approached. No one here had that flare, nor was that young. Who the hell were they? Stryker, despite his suspicion, tried to keep an open mind. It was a child after all. There couldn't be any harm in that, right?

Oh, but he was wrong. While the child didn't cause physical pain, his inflated ego was definitely popped. The lion licked feverishly at his maw, trying to avoid making an cocky and mature comment towards the child. For now, the Kingpin had to hold his split tongue and act polite. "What's up, kiddo?" he answered nonchalantly. "Where are you from?" And how the fuck did they get here? Did this kid have parents? Had Stryker missed a joiner?

In an effort to change the subject away from toiletries though, he reached inside his bucket and pulled out an assortment of candies and placed them within Wuyi's bag. Per request, Stryker stuck a little extra in. He might have also slipped in a sour and hot candy as revenge... but no one had to know that.

Re: no rest for the wicked - [stryker's TOT hut] - axiom - 10-21-2020

“Oh, you know, just regular vampire business!” Wuyi pawed xyr collar, flashed xyr sabertooth fangs, and spun in a circle. Xyr fluffy tail attempted to lightly thwack Stryker’s paw, but the child didn’t notice that either. In fact, Wuyi tripped over one of xyr giant paws and almost faceplanted into the dirt—he was only saved by one paw phasing through the other.

The startled child, grey eyes wide, mouth frozen in surprise, stared at Stryker. “You didn’t see that! I’m alive! I PROMISE!”

The cub grabbed the white cotton bag, bunching up the end in xyr mouth. “Wanks!” xe mumbled around the fabric, and bolted. Xe giggled and made for the direction of the next hut.

/ out unless xe’s stopped !