Beasts of Beyond
We'll rant and we'll r(o)ar, like true british sailors - First hunt - Printable Version

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We'll rant and we'll r(o)ar, like true british sailors - First hunt - SirDio - 10-16-2020


Was she really going to do this? The growing Microraptor was actually going to do this? Was she going to actually hunt something? The thoughts were silenced by one simple phrase: 'Yes.' While Sundust was resting in camp, allowing Drift free roam of the camp, the thought had boiled in her head. But while she was impulsive with these decisions, she was also a bit scared. So she decided to wake her Denmother. A groggy Sundust was greeted by the frantic little menace, who bounced around her, squeaking at her. Out of all the frantic squeaks, one word made it's way into the fray: "Hunt!"

After a small bit of persuasion, and learning that Drift was in fact a bit older (Sundust learned that Drift was actually 5 months now, how the child knew is anyone's guess), Sundust accompanied the tiny maniac out of camp and toward the beach, where the small critter made a B-line for the forest. The fearless, feathered leader of the brigade insisted on hunting in the trees, and Sundust compromised by letting her hunt by the ruined house.

They returned later that morning, Sundust looking at Drift proudly, while Drift rushed into camp with a small mouse, happy as ever. Drift was triumphant, and let everyone in camp know before she was shot down by Hurricane's sharp hiss, though he laughed in amusement afterwards. Drift danced around her kill, bouncing madly. A hyper laugh filled the air around her as she celebrated her kill.

Re: We'll rant and we'll r(o)ar, like true british sailors - First hunt - number nine. - 10-20-2020

Occasionally, it became difficult for Number Nine to remember his past. This wasn't too surprising, considering he had quite the checkered history behind him, involving several different groups, as well as good and bad decisions in equal measure. Unfortunately, this often meant that he forgot some things that he really would've liked to remember. One of those memories that he occasionally tried to desperately grasp for was what his first hunt had been like. On occasion, he was able to remember some details of it. The feeling of thick woodland and leaves beneath his paws, and the scent of fowl lingering on his tongue. However, that was usually all that he was able to recall, before giving up with a huff of frustration.

Thankfully, it didn't seem as though Drifting-Feather would have a similar problem. She had been brought out by her supportive caretaker, and was already having praise heaped atop her – there was no way she'd be able to forget this. The jaguar decided to make sure of this, getting up and abandoning the nearly finished piece of prey he had been gnawing on. Making his way over to Drifting, he reached one of his large paws up to ruffle the microraptor's feathers, a grin curled playfully along his muzzle. He chuckled before speaking, long and fluffy tail twisting and flicking behind him, "'Ey there, Drifting! Nice catch, for a little one such as yourself. Probably one of the bigger mice I've seen, actually. Are y'plannin' on chowin' down on it all on your own?" Perhaps he was exaggerating a bit about it being a bigger mouse, but he didn't see the harm in that. After all, Drifting hopefully had many a successful hunt in front of her – plenty of chances for bigger and better prey.