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Falling Inside The Black (Open) - Printable Version

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Falling Inside The Black (Open) - SirDio - 10-16-2020

"The stars listen, so don't say anything you'd regret."

/// long post get ready suckers ///

A storm graced the inn with it's power that evening - winds slapping the outer walls, rain falling on the windows and sometimes sneaking in via the tiniest of cracks in them. Lightning flashed, thunder rolled as drums of power across the air. In Asteri's room, the scrawny wolf sat before the closed window that looked out into the moor, now hidden by sheets of rain and a fog that settled in with the storm. Eyes half lidded in comfort, she watched the power of thunder, hearing it's sound reverberate over the air, and relished in the memories.

Her first storm was long ago, still a pup, still with a loving mother and tolerating father, during the night. It had spooked her, scaring her awake and causing her to cuddle up to her mother for support. That was when she heard her first story, too. A story of deities whose darts were lighting, their laughs, thunder, their tears, the rain. A story of wonderous beings, wolves like her, who danced among them. Evaded mother earth's attempts of keeping them on the ground. Laughed with the thunder as they dodged the darts of light and power. Their speed was passed down to family, where Asteri inherited their speed from her mother's side. Unfortunately, she fell asleep halfway through the story.

Her first storm with a new friend was after she abandoned her family. She found a group of wolves and foxes who babied her, cherished her fur. Her first friend was a melanistic fox named Coy. He was an affectionate friend, gifted her small flowers, a crown of hollies, and many other such things. He and Asteri slept in the same den, both parties consenting before the decision. He was scared of storms, so when one rolled over the camp one night, Coy huddled up to her for support. She told him the same story her mother told her, and he fell asleep halfway. Seeing his sleeping form, she let out a chuckle and rested her head on his. Best friends, right?

Her first storm to be lost in was when she lost Coy and the group. Terrified, she wanted them back - she told them to wait - and god did she want company for a long while after that. She slept alone as the storm raged on, so stories to tell, no one huddled up and no one to huddle up to. It was lonely, that storm, and so was her.

Her mind soaked in the memories of Coy - her very first friend, who she loved so much before she was ripped from him. It wasn't romantic, a sad thing for Coy, whom she knew had feelings for her. She remembered the songs she sang with him, his cool, silk-smooth voice that resonated with every note sung, every word spoken. He had complimented on her voice, calling it "Just as the sea, sweet and alluring, alluring enough to pull sailors in". It reminded her of when she first met Bai, who she helped lull into peace with her voice.

Thoughts rolling just like thunder, she quietly spoke to herself, "Did I have feelings for Coy...? No, but wait...." She huffed before shaking her fur. She settled back into the memories, humming an old song she and Coy would sing together, able to be heard through her open door.

TL;DR/// A storm rolls into the Inn, Asteri watches it and reminisces. First, her first storm where her mother told her the story of the storm deities, mother earth, and the wolves whose speed could not be outmatched. Her mother says that that is how Asteri was so speedy. Then she remembered Coy, her best friend from a long gone group of wolves and foxes. Then she somewhat remembers her first interaction with Bai. Now she's humming a tune and can be heard from out in the hallway.

Re: Falling Inside The Black (Open) - axiom - 10-17-2020

“Your humming is nice!” Wuyi chirped, popping up in Asteri’s room with all the stealth of a spider.

Unlike a spider, Wuyi left muddy pawsteps all the way from the door. The cub tilted xyr head, left then right, right then left. Xe wondered what Asteri found so interesting about raindrops on a window, but the musing vanished. Daydreams of candy replaced the more logical thoughts. Maybe there’d be candy here! Wuyi’d noticed a lot of people'd started hoarding candy in the last week.

“Do you like sweets?” the cub blurted out. Xe trotted closer and flumped in front of her.

Xe took a deep breath, until the cub’s chest quivered and looked fit to burst. Then all xyr words tumbled out of xyr mouth. “What’s your name?”

“My name’s Wuyi! I like sweets! But I like stories and songs, too. You hum really nice. So you have to have a nice voice for storytelling, right? Do you get a good singing voice from eating honey? I heard it’s good for your throat when you’re sick, but maybe it makes people better at singing. Like, wham bam thank you ma’am, I’ll take some singing skill mixed in with my honey, please!”

Wuyi gasped at the end, breathing in shallow breathes like xe'd forgotten how to breathe. This always happened when meeting someone new, of course, and Wuyi'd gotten used to xyr own idiosyncrasy, so much so that xe didn't question why nobody else had this problem.

Re: Falling Inside The Black (Open) - SirDio - 10-17-2020

"The stars listen, so don't say anything you'd regret."

Young words stirred Asteri from her daydreaming, making her swing her neck toward Wuyi. A startled gasp left her jaws, but she relaxed as xyr muddly paws tumbled over and xry body flopped down in front of her. "I've actually never had sweets like candy and such." She said bashfully - it was true, the poor lass never tried sweets.

Patient was the she-wolf as she listened to the rambling child, a smile gracing her lips. The child was so much like her when she was younger, and she chuckled at the thought. A metaphorical brow quirked at the mention of honey for singing. When Wuyi finished speaking, catching xyr breath, then did she speak, "My name is Asteri. You have a rather nice name, Wuyi. I do like to sing, but I never sing really loudly. I had a friend who I sang with, and he took the lead. And I'm not too sure about storytelling - I've hardly told a good story. I've only taken honey when I was sick - never before singing." A melodic laugh rose from her throat, gentle like chimes.

Re: Falling Inside The Black (Open) - axiom - 10-21-2020

“Never had sweets! Oh, that’s just awful! Wuyi gasped. “Well, you’ve gotta get into the festive spirit. Keep an eye out for my apple bobbing event, I’m gonna make some delicious apple sweets!” Wuyi bobbed xyr head up and down at the end of every sentence.

“I like your singing! You should do more, but, like, louder! That way everyone can hear you.” Xe grinned up at her, all big eyed. Even her laughing sounded beautiful! Xe wanted a voice like hers when xe grew up. Maybe honey really would do the trick, since she’d eaten some before….

Re: Falling Inside The Black (Open) - teef - 10-22-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
in came the lured pawsteps, the two scents a sweet perfume to tired bones and muscle, their body leaning upon doorframe. gazing into the room, a gentle smile upon maw, eyes half-lidded. murmuring tenderly, "sweet siren, sing your song some more, the weary sailor is lost", they spoke softly, kingpin dressed in dark furs and vermilion antlers. entering a pawstep in with a curl of tail, ivory teeth flashing as they rewarded a hard-won smile, "thunder rolling above, rain creating a sea, siren's voice sweet and comforting.", they murmured, blue eyes fixed on the window for a moment or more, fur lifted ever the slightest upon ebony shoulders, white speckling among dark hairs.

attempting to touch their nose to wuyi's ear, they greeted the cub with a deep seated rumble, "xyr right, your voice is very nice. i am a huge fan of it", they chuckled, gaze warm as they entered. sitting down, they rumbled in content, "i'm sure malak might have some honey to try, or i could find you some if you wish? apple bobbing sounds quite fun, wuyi.", they chuckled, gaze warm as they looked at the cub, smiling fondly. "i have to agree, i like your voice as well, others might enjoy it as well, if you are comfortable to share it", they murmured.

Re: Falling Inside The Black (Open) - SirDio - 10-22-2020

"The stars listen, so don't say anything you'd regret."

Eyes drifting to the new guest, Bai, she smiled warmly. Looking back at Wuyi, she chuckled, "Yes, an awful thing. I'll definitely keep an eye out for your event!" Then she turned her attention to both of them, as they essentially said the same thing - she had a nice voice lies and should sing more lies. A small chuckle echoed from her, "Maybe I should sing at one of the events, then?" A small pang of anxiety hit her chest - should she really sing at an event? She gave a slight shake of her head at the thought.

"On other terms, You look a little worse for wear, Bai. You overworking yourself..?"

Re: Falling Inside The Black (Open) - axiom - 10-25-2020

Bai Shi tapped Wuyi’s ear, and the cub turned to grin at the dragon. “Malak has honey? Yes, please!” xe chirped. Xyr long, fluffy tail curled and flicked excitedly.

Wuyi flopped and rolled, careful with xyr wings, to stand up again. Xe shook out xyr fur and nodded to the Asteri. “Well, only if you’re comfortable! Gatherings like that have a lot of people, which is scary, sometimes.” Then Wuyi glanced between her and the dragon, adding, “No, Bai Shi, don’t overwork yourself! If you get sick again, who will bring me sweets?”

Re: Falling Inside The Black (Open) - teef - 10-25-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
sweet their concerns, the kingpin laying their weary body down upon the floor after a languorous stretch, groaning as they laid down, scars shimmering with a sheen of silver tint, tiny golden scales edging the scars. listening to them speak, they gave a deep purr, eyes sliding to half lid. "if you sing at an event, i think i may die of getting enough rest", they teased her softly, shoulders briefly tensing at a loud crash of thunder outside, the jaguar bodied kingpin yawning to ease out the tension, tongue curling in their mouth. claws sheathed, they made the motion of kneading the hard floor, asteri's scent thick in the room and bringing them to rest easily. as the winter storms set in, they noticed their body becoming ... slower, for lack of better terms.

their mind had been absorbed as of late, busy with thoughts of the raid, and the meetings. sleep had not come for them in so long, not that they minded, they could function without such a thing for some time. sleep was an elusive lover, always a step ahead, and every step they took forward they found themselves two steps in the wrong direction. resting their head on their paws, they hummed in thought, "should you feel comfortable to sing, i should sing with you. it has been a long time since i've sung ... and i have many a tale i can twist into song. or would it be best to sing something more commonly known?", they murmured thoughtfully, tail curled up as they rolled to their side the slightest.

night laid thick and heavy outside, a blanket to the world beyond the doors of the inn, beyond the threshold of the courtyard. closing their eyes, they took a deep inhale of her scent, calming their mind as it picked up another idea and ran, their eyes cracking open after some time, nearly missing her words and wuyi's. blinking, they turned their gaze to both and smiled, "not to worry, you two. i'm not overworking myself, i'm just not doing nearly enough. there is not enough time in each day to do what needs to be done. certain things must come first ... and the weight of it is very ... appalling.", they admitted with a slight drawl before opening their eyes, lulled by the warmth within the room, and the company. humming slightly, they patted the ground near them, inviting wuyi should xe feel like coming to their side. "if i get sick, munchkin, then songbird here, will have to give you your sweet sugary treats!", they purred, looking to asteri with a glint of mischief in their eyes.