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IT FELL FROM THE SKIES // mandatory event - Printable Version

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IT FELL FROM THE SKIES // mandatory event - Starrynight ! - 05-13-2018

Re: IT FELL FROM THE SKIES // mandatory event - Character Graveyard. - 05-13-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Ever since the cave near Trickling Falls had been discovered- Starry had seemed to be elastic as if he had been planning something. But Luna, despite feeling a little curious, decided to ignore it.

At the Seraph's excited call, the serval would get up and follow him to the Starpool, a small smile on her facial features. "What's this about, Starry?"
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: IT FELL FROM THE SKIES // mandatory event - Warringkingdoms - 05-13-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin had been sketching a rudimentary map of the region on a piece of paper (only one quarter of the map was filled out, but she'd fix that eventually) when the voice echoing through the observatory reached her ears. With a shrug, she set the map down and walked out of her room, heading towards the circle.

  Emerging from the complex, she fixed her eyes on the white feline. This must be Starrynight, then- they hadn't met in person yet, but one couldn't exactly get very far in a group like this without hearing about its leader figure. He seemed an odd, easily excitable individual, but he clearly commanded the others' respect, given that other members were already arriving. "Starpool," she muttered to herself, racking her brain over where that location was relative to the observatory. She couldn't recall where it was exactly, so she'd just have to follow the others, she decided as she jogged after Starrynight.

  Arriving at the pool, Rin watched the glitter-esque shine emitted by Starrynight’s paws with fascination. Even if she couldn't remember what she'd experienced prior to her memory loss, she was almost certain she had never seen anything quite like this- she couldn't come up with any sort of name for this phenomenon, at least. "Seconding Luna," she added without tearing her eyes away from the glowing aura, tugging at her scarf with one paw.

Re: IT FELL FROM THE SKIES // mandatory event - Margaery - 05-13-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Starpool's beauty never ceased in amazing Margaery. There was something ethereal about the gleaming body of water- something celestial. It was almost as if divine entities had ordered that a little part of the galaxy take residence within the Ascendants land. Her head was full of wonderful thoughts of its origins and such even as she arrived, a faint smile tugging upon the corners of her lips. She had been so distracted and stressed as of late- this, she decided, would be excellent for her weary state of mind.

[color=#b14767]"What's going on, Starry?" Margaery inquired quietly, eyes fixed upon the sparkling surface of the pool. It reminded her of a sapphire of sorts - or some gemstone - as its waters danced and shone in the light of day.

Re: IT FELL FROM THE SKIES // mandatory event - Suiteheart - 05-13-2018

[Image: E8agfv5.png]
[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]She had been waiting for this for a while. Suiteheart wasn't going to lie: she was a bit of a snoop. She knew Starrynight had been planning something, but she had not been able to quite put her paw on it (but her rper had know and couldn't wait for this to begin). So, as soon as she heard her leader's call, a smile lit up her face. She was more than excited to see what would become of this.

The great bear followed after Starry, stopping on the banks of the Starpool. It was funny how landmarks could be so beautiful. She had not encountered something this magnificent since her time on the floating islands. The main island was more stunning than anything she had ever seen, but it paled in comparison to Starpool. The pristine waters made her feel like new again as she took a ginger step into it. 

Dark eyes fell upon the Astral Seraph and what he was holding onto. She cocked her head to the left, curiosity glittering in her gaze. [color=#73B1B7][b]"Dittoing everyone else. And whatcha got, Star?"

Re: IT FELL FROM THE SKIES // mandatory event - BASTILLEPAW - 05-14-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #576a6e; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
In fairness, Bastille had a pretty good idea of what the Seraph had stored away. He had, after all, cornered he and Roy with his idea -- which, okay, it was a good idea, but maybe entrusting Bastille to be a part of the plan was a bad idea, was all he was saying. Especially where fire was concerned. I mean, seriously? First the fire safety course, and now this? Was Starry trying to set him up for a horrible freak accident? He would not be surprised.

In an effort not to think too closely about it, however, Bastille simply settled beside Suite and peered into the depths of the pool. He was mildly entertained to see the frothing glitter at the Seraph's paws, and filed that information away -- it turned out that he wouldn't electrocute everyone in the water when he got overexcited. Instead, he would just... glitter all over them. Or something.

Notably, Bast did not join the voices of those waiting to see what was going on, and instead just kept his gaze fixed on Starry evenly. Was it stupid to say he was a little proud to see him putting his crazed plan into action? Maybe. But Starry was just so happy, and besides -- he knew it was a great fucking tradition. The clan was going to love it, admittedly.

Re: IT FELL FROM THE SKIES // mandatory event - ★ HAZEL - 05-14-2018

Hazel was next to arrive, albeit a little later than originally intended. Arion had a way of becoming a roadblock at the most inconvenient of times, which was starting to get on her nerves. She loved him, really, but Deus, that colt needed some discipline. Hazel was just...a little reluctant to give it.

At Starry's call, however, the cocoa feline had dropped the game of tag with the Thoroughbred and joined her clan mates in their migration to the lake, eager to see what all the fuss was about. Starry definitely seemed excited, but...that was nearly a given with just about anything. He was always excited. Hazel had vaguely thought that it might be a meeting, but realized that meetings were held in the Grand Circle, not at the lake.

So she settled on the other side of Bastille, curiosity a glint in her golden optics as she tucked her paws underneath her. Her gaze tracked the frothing glitter beneath their leader's paws, a dozen questions begging to be answered in her mind. They went unsaid, however, as she kept her lips sealed and waited. 
— hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags
c) miithers

Re: IT FELL FROM THE SKIES // mandatory event - ghostpact - 05-14-2018

Immortal was trying to ask what was happening when the leader bolted out of there and he was left confused in the middle of the observatory for a few moments as people started leaving to follow. He must've missed a lot, but he didn't take much more time before heading out to the Starpool. Afterall, it sounded like even he had to be there. He caught up fairly quickly, bounding across to where everyone gathered by the water. Despite plenty of people already asking about the situation, he had to add in his question, too. "Eh, what's happenin, Starman?"

Re: IT FELL FROM THE SKIES // mandatory event - Starrynight ! - 05-18-2018


Many people had followed, which pleased him- but, at the same time, there were also many faces he didn't see that he'd been hoping to. That was fine, he supposed. They could catch up later. He stood quietly, the film of glitter around his ankles slowly evaporating at the same speed it accumulated. Starrynight bore a toothy grin, further exposing the wet, black stone in his jaws. The same question continuously rippled throughout the crowd. It made him happy to have captured their interest.

"I'm glad you asked!" he announced at last, once the clamor died down. He came back out onto the grassy shore, setting the stone down on the sand before moving to a fabric bag he had brought with him. It was full of many other bags, tied shut with string. One of the bags was black, which he removed from the larger sack. He held it up for everyone to see. "Inside this bag is what this entire thing is about!" The Seraph removed the string, dropping it on the ground before reaching into the bag. He pulled out a necklace. It was a thick black string, and a metal pendant swung gently at the base of the loop. It was a beautifully carved moon, with a sun in the center of the crescent. "This necklace was crafted using the metal of a meteorite. It came from far beyond our world, even from the furthest reaches of our imaginations. To think that such an incredible item is here, in our very home, is amazing."

Starrynight, too caught up in the moment to properly put the necklace on, slung the lace over one of his antlers. The feline turned to Starpool. "I think that long ago, Starpool was formed by meteors. Its shards still remain here to this day. I've decided that we should honor that." His head turned, magenta eyes glancing back at the Ascendants gathered together. "I want all of you to go out into Starpool and find a meteorite shard. Bring back the first one you can find. I'll give further instructions once everyone's done." Lifting up the black, rough shard on the ground, he held it up high. "They look like this. Some might be visible, some may require digging in the lake bed. Good luck!" With that he sat down, staring out over the crystal blue lake with a smile.


Re: IT FELL FROM THE SKIES // mandatory event - Suiteheart - 05-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: ##px; height: ##px;"][Image: E8agfv5.png]
So, this was about hunting for meteorite shards to make pendants? She wondered if this were some new tradition. It must be, for the whole of the Clan had turned out per Starrynignt's request. Suiteheart listened to her leader as he spoke, and she could not help but let excitement grow inside of her. This seemed too interesting to not take part it (if that were even an option - this was mandatory).

After he had spoken, she nodded. The polar bear waded further into Starpool, dark eyes scanning the bottom of the pool for the shards. Most of the bottom was made up of rocks of various sizes, so searching for a meteorite was somewhat difficult though she supposed that was the added charm of the whole tradition. Suiteheart lumbered slowly onward so as not to stir up any silt in the water. Once a few minutes of searching had passed, her eyes spotted something that seemed different than the normal rocks of the pond bed.

She reached down, plucking the shard from its place. It gave no resistance, easily surfacing. In the sunlight, it seemed to shine a bit. Excitement oozed from her being, and she smiled brightly. The femme then lumbered out of the water and headed toward Starry. "I found mine," she rumbled, extending her paw toward the other in order to show the fragment.