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Just A Son Of A Gun - Open, pet snake - Printable Version

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Just A Son Of A Gun - Open, pet snake - Kold - 10-14-2020


Warm desert air greeted the young pup as she wandered away from the foliage, unafraid of anything to come. She wanted to be out, to explore the eternity that surrounded her home. So she set out in the morning. Catching little rodents for food, she kept herself occupied before seeing something long and beautifully colored hiding against a granite rock. Bounding over to it, she pressed her nose against it, earning a shocked strike at her nose. She yelped and recoiled, but poked the snake with her nose. This time, it simply poked her back.

Kold sniffed at it, then saw that it seemed a bit dehydrated. With a small pond of water nearby, she gently picked the small boa with her jaws and carried it to the pond. It was shocked and scared at first, but eventually it relaxed and furiously drank the water. Watching it drink, she took in the pale scales with dark marroon stripes from head to tail on it's body, admiring it. It turned to look at her, seemingly admiring her as well. With a little yap, she gently picked the snake up again. This time it was calm, knowing it wouldn't be harmed by her. Instead, it simply moved to rest on her back, and she allowed it to escape her jaws for the soft fur of her back.

Returning to the jungle later that morning, she walked with such a pronounced way that anyone could tell she was proud. Damn girl had a pet snake. Hell yea, why wouldn't she be proud? She didn't even have a name for it yet.

Re: Just A Son Of A Gun - Open, pet snake - gael - 10-15-2020

The vulpine possessed some experience with snakes -- more than he truly liked perhaps but that came with the simple territory of calling Séamus a cousin.  He recognized a rosey desert boa with swift ease; blinking as he found such a reptile atop Kold's back of all places.

The youth moved with a pride that bemused him -- recalling a fond memory of the joy in Aine's eyes upon assisting a wounded raven.  Gael halted in his steps and inclined his head, respecting both pup and snake with some distance.

"Have you made a friend, Kold?"

// Mobile
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: Just A Son Of A Gun - Open, pet snake - Kold - 10-22-2020


Seeing Gael, her tail wagged happily. Hey, someone noticed! The rosy boa moved to look at Gael, it's head resting upon Kold's. "Yea!! I found them while eshplorin'!" A wide grin made its way to her face, slowly sitting down as to not startle or hurt the snake, though it didn't seem to mind. Black eyes shined with delight before they blinked in thought. "i don't... have a name for it though.."

Re: Just A Son Of A Gun - Open, pet snake - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 10-24-2020

[glow=white,1,400]WHAT PART OF LIVING SAYS YOU GOTTA DIE ?。+゚.[/glow]
Kold was annoying. Dante barely knew the kid, but the mere fact that they were a child is what made Dante more prone to be annoyed at them. So to see Kold prancing back into camp in such a pride-filled state, the hybrid was curious as to what had them so happy. As it turns out, Kold had found a snake and was deciding to keep it.

"Exploring, dipshit." Dante corrected the way Kold say 'exploring', an annoyed huff escaping him as he spoke. "Why the hell would you want to keep it? Don't you have enough shit to worry about?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Just A Son Of A Gun - Open, pet snake - Kold - 10-24-2020


Excitement was extinguished as Dante wandered over, souring the pup's mood with his words. Anger. It boiled in her chest and threatened to release itself in a violent manner. A deep breath surged into her, quelling the anger a small bit.

Black eyes met Dante's own, her face becoming deadpan as she thought of what to say. Wait, hadn't she heard a word used among the Pitt? Used among sour words similar to Dante's? Yeah - yeah!! Lips quivered at the word she wanted to say, hesitant at first, before suddenly...

"Fuck off, Sway-man. I want a friend."

Re: Just A Son Of A Gun - Open, pet snake - VALE - 10-25-2020

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ three eyed crow
The crow swooped down, awoken from vis nap by the little commotion down amongst the sand. Ve attempted to land between Dante’s wings. Why? Because Dante was the tallest one here, of course!

“Good job, kiddo. With fuckers like Dante, you gotta set boundaries real fast,” Vale said. The crow bobbed vis head as ve spoke. The three eyes blinked all out of sync, but the bird huffed, thwacked vemself in the head, and the eyes synced together again. “Like when he called me that atrocious nickname in the meeting, hehe, and I turned into that beautiful crab! Sometimes shit like that’s the only way dipshits learn to respect what your no, no, that’s unforgivable, is!”

Chuckling and cawing, the crow attempted to tap Dante’s dorsal fin with a wingtip. “Don’t worry, Dante, my man, you’re still a good friend. Just a little thick skulled about these ittle wittle things like boundaries and respect. But that’s why he’s the best situational friend I’ll ever have, hahaha!”