Beasts of Beyond

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He was irritated, bored, and desiring chaos. So what better way than to cause a little trouble to the enemy that had decided to declare a war on them? Pincher at first had been hesitant to the consequences of going to the enemy territory with his crewmates. They would not exactly have the upper hand due to the lack of knowledge of the territory that Tanglewood possessed. All he knew from the scent wise and from some brief whispers of the territory was that it was just a disgusting moldy swamp area that was radioactive. He had seen the outcomes of crewmates being touched by radioactivity, the horrible slow deaths that some dealed when it got to them and Pincher personally viewed Tanglewood as a sturdy yet awkward place as a game of Jenga. One draw of their important resources and it could all come tumbling down. And that was what he was planning for now as the charcoal figure paced back and forth in front of the stranded submarine beside the Tempest ship.

The soft lapping of the ocean drowned his senses as he hardly paid attention to the wandering gazes of his crewmates as they slipped by. Most knew to mind their own business especially in the Typhoon where it was practically filled with members of very strange areas. Pincher mumbled softly to himself in Romanian, his tongue tending to slip into his father's language through a bit of French tended to pop out when he halted for a few moments, contemplating an idea before going back to square one. Finally, the male decided to just settle for a good old attack on what he hoped would startle the sewer fucks from ever deciding to go against the Typhoon again. He glanced towards Bonnie, their bond immediatly causing her to tense up and turn her head towards Pincher, her deep gaze locked as he mentally told her to go sound the alarm. It wasn't a meeting but this was the easiest way to make announcements since Bonnie was able to travel all around the island without much hardship.

Walking up the boardwalk that lead up to the anchored ships' main area, Pincher stopped at the top and glanced over his broad shoulder, firework blue eyes locking onto the others as he stated "Everyone get your asses over here! I'm sick of sitting around and not doing anything if you feel the same way too, get your weapons ready and if you have any armor of sorts, get that shit too." He stated as he began to climb the stairs up that lead to where ship's wheel was located, his tall figure halting as he leaned back to a sitting position and drew out his obsidian switchblade from his armband, watching it clank to the floor. It had small rough patches that he needed to smooth and he noticed that the edge was beginning to grow dull. Humming softly, Pincher began to sharpen it with a block that was located nearby. He didn't really want to attack the camp or whatever hotspot of Tanglewood members socialized in, he wanted to attack someone specific.


Re: SOAKED — OPEN / RAID PREPARATION - tristitia - 05-13-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
Well, she wanted to be of use to this new group. Sekai had always been accustomed to seaside groups, just not... violent seaside groups. Never had she done a raid for one, and in fact, she didn't believe she'd done a raid at all! But still, if she wanted to make a name for herself, she needed to do what this group does. Part of that is raids. She knew these guys did not like Tanglewood and she understood some of their territory, maybe that could  help.

The lion had been walking around the Tempest ship, when she heard the call. Jeez, that was their leader, huh? Not very kind. She did not have a weapon, not yet, so she hoped claws and teeth would be able to do just as good as she walked over, sitting down.  “So... uh, who are we attacking?” She thought Tanglewood declared war on them, but she wasn't entirely sure.
© madi

Re: SOAKED — OPEN / RAID PREPARATION - lilyspoise - 05-13-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
"I’m assuming Tanglewood." Lil said, walking next to Sekai. She’d heard the alarm — and Pincher’s yell, for that matter — and made sure she had not only weapons, but her herbs too. She also was experimenting with some potions — the initiation was terrible, but the potion that caused it made Lil interested in medicinal-based combat. If she could craft potions, then she wouldn’t have to use her scissors as much. The less she felt like she was reverting back to her old, now abandoned lifestyle, the better she would feel.

"What’s on the agenda, Pincher?" Was this some sort of battle training? Argus just hosted something similar, if that was the case, but then again she supposed frequent combat training was to be expected in a warbound group. Hopefully today, though, would be simple stuff. She knew she sounded rather cowardly in her thoughts, but she undeniably wanted more to gather herbs than to practice fighting. It wasn’t that she couldn’t fight, but it just reminded her too much of who she’d been. What kind of a terrible person she formerly allowed herself to be.
Lil would not let it happen again.

// sorry for any typos, on mobile rn lmao