Beasts of Beyond
be like the cool kids / quest - Printable Version

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be like the cool kids / quest - Hope Arcanium - 10-02-2020

Playerone's life had become... odd.

The feline-fox hybrid set out to find something to do, her wings tucked to her sides and godly aura contained much better as to not startle any passerby she may encounter. This new status and power she had made her feel extremely out of place, and she didn't feel as welcome anymore due to her experiences. She was a godkiller turned into a god. What irony. And now everything in her life was changing again, all of it so uncertain.

Since aiding Alithis in their efforts to chase the bandits out of their territory, she found herself a place among them, a place to call home. Even if this was temporary, it was nice to have. But she missed Kade.

Finding a place in the shade to settle down, the goddess sat down and opened her bag she carried with her on her adventures, pulling out a glass paw print left behind from where she last saw her smilodon fiance. Her thoughts began to drift to their first date, to the good times they spent together...

She stared at the paw print for a long while, emotions rattling her as she held the paw and openly wept.

Re: be like the cool kids / quest - trojan g. - 10-04-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]Viadaylth knew not of love or friendship, having been on their own for such a long time that it didn't much cross their mind any longer. Of course, they used to have friends, a long time ago, but they were all gone and long since forgotten. When there was the sight of someone sitting and staring at an object, crying for whoever to pass to see, Viadaylth felt sorrow cross their mind, and so slowly they came forward, head tilting slightly, watching the smaller creature before finally deciding to speak. "Sorrow comes and goes, and sometimes things to help come your way, small friend." They would move their head down, the tilt still there, keeping an eye on the other.

"If you'd like I could offer some ways to help the sorrow." They were pretty good at offering ways to help distract others. "I would offer a quest, something to distract you from your woes. Write a poem about one you love, but make it so no names are shared, and share it with your friends." Writing poems could often help someone get over something, and it could help Player to see their fiance in a more literary sense once more. "If you wish as well, let the one who it is written about know, so that they can see how much your love means."

// write an open thread with Playerone making an original poem about a loved one and then share it in an open thread. An additional option to this is to make another thread ( or in the same thread ) telling the person who the poem was written about about the poem.