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coming right away my dear >> territory cleanup - Printable Version

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coming right away my dear >> territory cleanup - teef - 09-24-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
breath short, muscles aching and body bruised in places they never knew that they had, the dragon crawled from their den, taking a short flight up to the path that lead up to the inn. rumbling softly as they landed, they squinted around their surroundings, ever grateful for malak's work on helping them to repair their sight, making out shapes that did not belong. they could see roots, fallen trees, shifted boulders, and more just in the area closest to them. this wasn't good, it made it hectic for those that could see let alone those as unlucky as them, who were blind, and every step was a mistake or injury waiting to happen. rumbling, the dragon curled their tail, turning their body about to take in the damage that had occured with the most recent storm, unaware of the newest developments within the territory. taking a moment to catalogue the destruction mentally, the dragon rumbled as they turned their head down to the dock, wincing at the damage done down there. that too was something that would have to be repaired, just as many things in the territory would be. heading to the inn, the dragon rumbled, traversing the ruined path, entering the courtyard before they rested in the center, "alithians! i'm going to begin cleaning up the territory, feel free to come and help me out!", they announced before they waited to see who all would come to aid them.

Re: coming right away my dear >> territory cleanup - SirDio - 09-25-2020

"The stars listen, so don't say anything you'd regret."

Her quiet, still somewhat limping foot steps sounded from within the Inn, her slim frame exiting said Inn and entering the courtyard. Her paw had gotten better, but on some days she would limp, and on other days she would be fine. So, Bai was going to start cleaning the territory? Sounded fun, and the lanky wolf needed to get out into the fresh air. "Yea, I'll go!"

Re: coming right away my dear >> territory cleanup - teef - 09-27-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
Head turning to the limping she wolf, the dragon  gave a soft rumble and purr, "Asteri. Good to see you up and about. How is your paw my dear?", they asked kindly, gaze warm as they looked at her, misty eyes happy before they closed them, light irritating them. Turning their head around the courtyard, they exchanged words kindly with the NPCs gathered around, they hummed in content before the dragon rose to their feet, nodding to the entrance, "Let's head out. What do you feel comfortable with doing? I'll be doing the mass lifting with the roots and tree and boulders, Ill move them from the path,  but I might need someone to help guide me for the biggest obstructions, such as roots and the like.", they asked as they led the way, tail curled up.

Re: coming right away my dear >> territory cleanup - ¿¿ - 10-01-2020

        Seeing the two Sam rushed over. "Hey I'll help what all do you need to get cleaned I can come with you." Seeing the limping wolf eith a bit of worry. "How is your paw doing it still looks sore."

Re: coming right away my dear >> territory cleanup - teef - 10-04-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
looking back as sam joined their party of two, the dragon rumbled in warm greeting, "good morning, sam. how was your rest?", they asked as she came to them, before chuckling, "all paws that can help would be greatly appreciated, sam. we need to for sure make the paths clean, we can use the wood from fallen trees in the inn for our fireplace.", they rumbled in thought, "i'll snap the bigger pieces once we move them back to the inn. we should also work on doing some bushwhacking, clearing out overgrown paths and just generally making the territory look cleaner.", they murmured, turning their head back to asteri with a smile, "did you want to help sam with the bushwhacking or did you want to stick with me and the others? choose whatever you wish to.", they murmured.

turning back to the territory, they sniffed the air curiously, "everyone, make notice of areas that need some love. places that are falling apart, or are yet undiscovered to us. we haven't had a chance to comb the territory, and today is not that day, not until we drive the bandits out. if you find a structure that looks dilapitated, mark it in your memory and tell me when we meet back up again.", they requested, half blind gaze taking in their group mates before they rumbled, leading off in one direction, quiet as they walked, mind becoming absorbed by their thoughts.

Re: coming right away my dear >> territory cleanup - SirDio - 10-04-2020

"The stars listen, so don't say anything you'd regret."

"my paw's doing better - some days it does cause me to limp, though." She smiled to Sam, then looked to Bai. Listening to what was needed to do, she weighed her options.

Face focused elsewhere in thought, she shrugged as she came to a conclusion. "If Sam won't mind, I'd like to stay with you and the others, Bai." She sounded timid, and looked to Sam with a small smile, before nodding to Bai and vaguely following them, feet almost tripping themselves before she regained balance. What the hell was going on with her?

Re: coming right away my dear >> territory cleanup - teef - 10-04-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
her words made them flick their ears, ears laying back for a moment as they digested her words on her paw occasionally made her limp some days. humming softly in thought, the dragon flicked their tail, rumbling as they shifted side to side, getting comfortable. mind absorbed by their own thoughts, they added to the list, pondering what could have been the cause to make her paw still hurt her. they worried quietly, pondering if they could find someone who could examine her paw with some such thing as x-ray vision, perhaps they could see if she had broken her paw.

tuning back in, the dragon rumbled softly, turning their attention back to the conversation they were a part of, gaze lighting up in surprise as Asteri decided on joining them in their cleaning of the territory. gaze soft, they nodded to sam, "if it's alright with you, i'm happy to have asteri join me. will you be alright on your own?", they asked, looking to some of the NPCs that had moved to join them in moving the biggest of the obstructions, suggesting some join sam wordlessly. as they headed off, they slowed their pace in accordance to asteri, not wanting to push her. they noticed her nearly tripping themselves, moving their tail to support her. stopping their trail, they waited for her to walk to them, rumbling gently in concern, "asteri, are you sure you'll be okay?", they had lost too much recently to just pass it off as a bad step, even though they likely should have. they were concerned about their groupmates after all, and well ... no. they wouldn't let their mind wander like that again. "feel free to lean on my shoulder if you feel uneasy." they murmured quietly to her.

Re: coming right away my dear >> territory cleanup - SirDio - 10-04-2020

"The stars listen, so don't say anything you'd regret."

Watching Bai motioning NPCs to join Sam made the she-wolf less worried. Worried about what, she didn't know. Feeling Bai's tail supporting her, Asteri looked at Bai with a gentle smile, ears pressing against her skull for a moment before returning to sit upright on her skull. "Yea, I'm sure I'm... I'm alright." She chuckled lightly, trying to sound a little less uneasy. Moving to stand beside them, she nodded gently.

"I'll keep... I'll keep that in mind. Thank you." God damn, she was stuttering now? It wasn't bad, thank god, but hopefully that didn't deter Bai from letting her join them.