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awakening - open; monster - Printable Version

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awakening - open; monster - rhosmari - 09-24-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WALKING IN SHADOW, WATCH THE BLOOD FLOW — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]The ground rumbled and it shook days ago. A time that most thought was now over of catastrophic events. Time seemed to lend a sense of ease and the presence of a new beginning. What could potentially lie in front of them now? Yet something had been disturbed, a large behemoth who moved against what was left of the island. Having been moved by harsh tidal ways that sent him further and further from his original breeding and hunting grounds. His massive form under the water shook the foundation of the island causing rumbles to be heard although they were low and barely seemed to be hearable. Yet there was agitation within the leviathan's movements. Unease and unrestful movements that had the creature moving back and forth and back and forth. A low and sudden deep sounding vocal left his flexible jaws and that was something that could be heard. The tone low and carried through the currents of the waters, almost sounding like that of a whale song yet it was distorted and jagged. Suddenly like a raging bull the beast surged through water and broke the surface in a sudden displacement of large amounts of water and came crashing back down upon the ground actually causing it to quake and buckle. Wings like a tapestry adorned his back of white, black, and pale blues. Six legs with jagged and long talons gripped the shifting sands of the beach as his five wide bright blue eyes with black vertical pupils showed feral rage and ferocity.

Spines adored much of the dragon like creature's  body, along it's mandibles and jaw like, down his spine and thick figure. It was almost reminiscent of a water serpent that got smashed with a made scientist's ideas of an eldritch horror. Another bellow left the beast as it smelled things, smelled others and wanted to know what had happened and where they were now. Communication was not something that they would be able to do and yet that did nothing to stop him as he moved further, the ground seeming to bend and shift around the monstrosity.

Re: awakening - open; monster - ARGUS - 09-24-2020

There is something to be said, about monsters: about savages. Argus should not be familiar with, but when the tremors started, Argus could tell something had woken in the same breath of air. With each change in winds there was a scent on the cusp of the horizon, an etch of it's spirit calling into the world and carving a place. Argus had thought it was the island itself, but then there was the shifting. Argus had dismissed it, curled along the sandy trenches of beaches not too far off from desert nor rivered banks they had slept.

While something woke up with static and calm, voiceless action. Five pairs of eyes blinked open. and suddenly there was a calling underground- underwater and it shook loose all the rage, and savagery of their own as they looked towards the beast at the same height as them and simply looked They didn't speak, didn't try to even open their crooked maw underneath the bone white mask and mostly white frame. Instead they raised their wings. Spreading burned leather limbs and with the joints towards the ground rose higher on their haunches.

Argus was naturally serpent like in nature. And most of their bulk was once considered by the fur along their back making them seem more like a western dragon- akin to their father. But Argus was a wolf first, and a wolf never meant to be a dragon- but a dragon they were. and hey would remain And if the Savage before them were a leviathan that Argus was on par- a creature of destruction, and they too rose to match the savage and let out an equally billowing cry.

This island was theirs. It was protected. It had room for no more monsters, had no room for savages to torment them. Argus would not allow one to come and claim this island it's own- it was theirs
[Image: kbDRDDJ.gif]
"Standing in the afterimage of who you used to be graceless fumbling rage, standing within the eye's of the storm and an itch from the edges of a storm. Argus is painted in mercy and her lack of action; the only thing kept their enemies out of dragons breath is care. Sonder painting the mask of a monster; does not change what they are at the core. ruthless"

Re: awakening - open; monster - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-24-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
Feral beings were much, much harder to control; at least, mentally. With Caesar being a manipulator of the mind (or so he claimed), being able to control someone meant he had to be able to communicate with them and despite how smart he liked to make himself - he only knew how to speak a few languages, and feral dragon was not one of those. Feral creatures' mindscapes were almost wired differently than someone with a conscious and it was hard to navigate - it wasn't impossible per say, but it was exhausting.

The tremors irritated Caesar whenever they began but fortunately for him, they stopped and didn't do much damage to their island - fortunately. The noise that broke through the area is what alerted Caesar to this beast's presence, his ears pricking and his gaze looking around for the source. Which... unfortunately wouldn't be found in camp. Following after Argus, the savannah was tiny compared to his five-eyed friend, but he wasn't afraid of the creature before the both of them.

While Argus let out a warning cry, Caesar lashed his tail and opened his mouth to try and shoot a fireball towards [member=2879]THE BEAST[/member] . Perhaps a feeble attempt, considering the massive size difference, but the demon was not going to sit here and do nothing. Besides, if need be, he could possess an NPC's body to give him a much more... battle-prepared body, but he wasn't going to do that now; not when he just exhausted a lot of energy using his fire elementals. His mouth burned and he felt blistered in his mouth, but he just spat his black-colored blood on the ground, awaiting the creature's next move.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: awakening - open; monster - ninazu - 09-25-2020

The shaking ground startled Ninazu out of today’s meditation, yanking her awareness out of the void and back to the moment. She sat with the trembling earth for a long moment, drinking in the panicked bird cries and watching the skies. Once she identified where they ran from, Ninazu rose and weaved through bobbing palm trees to the beach.

The flames in her mane swelled, hungrily devouring the wind rolling off the ocean. The lioness craned her neck up, watching the monstrous dragons stare each other down from the treeline. Her ears flatted at Argus’s cry. She hadn’t seen Argus act in wordless aggression like this before—she supposed the appearance of another brought it out of them.

“Wait,” Ninazu said, glancing at Argus.

She stepped onto the sand, watching the feral beast. Strange as it was, she sensed the beast’s mind. This never occurred before; she lived and died by violence, usually heavily relying on her powers, but this was the first time a mind reached for her.

“They—no, it? He? There is a mind in there. A feral one. But interesting, all the same.” Ninazu struggled to place the feelings into words; she rarely dived into others’ minds with her existing mental manipulation abilities. Listening to the pulsing rage and wordless viciousness was like trying to listen to flashing lights.

Ninazu breathed, grounding herself in the always present expansion and contraction of the body. Practiced in the art as she was, already used to noting her own unwanted thoughts with the gentleness of a feather, Ninazu basked in their rage in confusion like a blade of grass bending in the wind.

Gaze sweeping over the eight-limbed and five-eyed creature, Ninazu noticed a flame burst in the corner of her vision. She tilted her head to look closer at him—he’d somehow ended up on Argus’s other side—but Caesar already fired off the burst. Growl in her throat, she glared at him and attempted to chuck a rock in his direction. “You moron. You want a fight between Argus and the beast to wreck this island further?”