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What I Once Was -- Guss Bio - Printable Version

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What I Once Was -- Guss Bio - SirDio - 09-23-2020


The threshold one passes when death covers them is a strange one - they may go into another world, with the memories of their past life, or simply cease to exist. Both ideas are equally disturbing.

Full Name: Guss 'Gusso' Armstrong
Name meaning: Guss was the name given to him by his old owners, Gusso was his nickname, and Armstrong was his old family name
Age: 2 years
Gender, pronouns: Male, He/Him

Species: Boxer Canine
Physical Description: Brown base coat with black on his muzzle and ears, white on his neck, and a patch of white on the top of his neck, toward the left side. He has hazel/brown eyes. His neck has a few scars from his previous life, and he also has a large scar on his left armpit, which somewhat hinders his ability to walk due to some neurological damage.

Personality: He's a family/friends forever kinda guy - the fights he had with one of the dogs in his past life hasn't changed that. He is protective of anyone he becomes close to, and will not hesitate to fight for them. He's not the best fighter, though, so that's something against him. He'll take care of others before he takes care of himself, which will often get him into difficult situations. There isn't much else to say on his part, but more personality traits will reveal themselves in roleplaying.
Physical Difficulty: Not too hard to win against in a fight, but not too easy as to take him down with like one hit. He's a hearty bastard.
Mental Difficulty: Medium

History: Before he awoke in BoB, he lived a good life with his human owners, who had taken him from a dumpster when he was a puppy. He was named Guss in respect for the family's late Rottweiler, Gus. He lived a good, happy life with the other family dogs, growing close to the black lab they had, Beau. They had grown old together, and when Beau passed away, he was devastated. Then his family got a pitbull named Puppers, and the two had gotten along semi-well. One fateful night, Guss and Puppers got into a fight - Guss had completely given up on the fight, and 3 of his owners took him to an emergency vet. They found out that Puppers had tore into Guss' foreleg/armpit, creating a gash all the way to the bone causing neurological damage. They gave the family a choice: Amputate the leg or put him down. Guss was a heavy dog and would not have been happy on 3 legs, so the family painfully decided to put him down. With the world fading around him, and the matriarch of the family by his side, he passed away. He thought that would be the end of it, but he woke up here, on BoB's island, young and spry, but with scars of his past life. His memory had not been wiped, and he was fine with that - the memory of his family and the dog who determined his fate (who he still loved and held no hate for) was something he would rather keep than forget, for it was his everything, his comfort.