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GOT THOSE DRUGS ON THE WAY // Tanglewood visit - Printable Version

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GOT THOSE DRUGS ON THE WAY // Tanglewood visit - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-22-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
It had been a couple of days since the September Gathering and although Vigenere was sure that Elysium's new leader was fine, he still wanted to check up on them. Sure, Tanglewood and Elysium weren't allies but they weren't exactly enemies either; that is, unless Hani and Alani did something to piss Vigenere off.

But that wasn't on the Luminary's mind at the moment. For right now, though, Vigenere just wanted to check up on the two. He did bring a small gift basket, filled with food and herbs, just as a nice gesture - but nothing too extreme. The savannah sat at the border, gently setting down the basket before he called out, "Hello? This is Vigenere Cipher, the leader of Tanglewood." He wasn't yelling his words out, but he was trying to be loud enough that a passerby could hear - if someone wasn't close enough to hear him anyway. "I'd like to speak to Hani and Alani, if possible."

[member=16141]hani and alani.[/member] [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: GOT THOSE DRUGS ON THE WAY // Tanglewood visit - kinglykingstone - 09-28-2020

It had taken a moment for the message to reach the duo, that there was another group's leader on the border asking for them. There hadn't been more details than that, unfortunately. Unsure if it was friend or foe that had come upon their border, the feline had donned their cloaks and made their way forth.

Eyes laying upon the basket carrying leader, they slowed their pace a touch. "Hello, Vig was it?" greeted the orange tabby head as the two-headed creature came to a stop before the other. "I hope things are going well for you back in tanglewood?" asked the other, hoping that the other hadn't come to ask for aide. He'd seen that they had issues with the Pitt at the gathering, and he knew that Elysium was much too low on members to assist if a fight had broken out.

Re: GOT THOSE DRUGS ON THE WAY // Tanglewood visit - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-29-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Hani and Alani certainly had a way of being ominous, didn't they? Vigenere found it rather interesting, tilting his head slightly as the duo approached, donning a cloak - fortunately though, he was met with friendliness and not hostility. Elysium wasn't an ally with Tanglewood to begin with and quite frankly, Vigenere wasn't sure if he wanted to start one, but all the same, he wanted to make sure they were okay; especially after that fiasco at the gathering. But the friendliness was something to note.

"Yes, Vigenere." Vigenere corrected, flicking his ear slightly at the nickname 'Vig'. It wasn't an unlikeable nickname per say (certainly better than 'Vinegar') but the savannah wasn't too keen on nicknames regardless; but, to each their own, he supposed. Sometimes having a nickname meant others considered you an acquaintance, which was a good thing. As Hani spoke, the savannah gently pushed the basket towards the Elysium leader and gave a nod. "Everything is fine in Tanglewood, fortunately." Although he couldn't read their thoughts, it wasn't hard to guess that they were concerned about the hostility between Vigenere and The Pitt's new Ardent - considering that caused a mini scene as well.

"I actually came up to check up on you two." The Luminary went on, deciding to just go ahead and go on with business. "Obviously, I was able to diverge Roan's attack, but still - wanted to check up nonetheless. All is well?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: GOT THOSE DRUGS ON THE WAY // Tanglewood visit - sykes - 10-04-2020

tell him i'm not sure what is real and what is not
He appears serene for the most part as he approaches behind Hani and Alani, bright eyes focused on the unfamiliar neon feline at the border. They're speaking although at the current moment he can't hear what they're saying, though he makes no effort to reach his leaders' side any quicker than he is already moving.

He doesn't want to rush to talk to anyone, in fact. He's not anti-social per say, but he doesn't know many people and he's not all too eager to know them, either; knowing people means you get involved in their drama, and he has enough of his own to last him a lifetime- it has lasted him a lifetime, seeing as he's already died once, actually.

It's as he reaches his leaders' side that he finally tunes into their conversation, and at exactly the wrong moment too, it seemed. He physically feels the hostility build in his chest, and it's quite visual too, as his ears swivel backwards and plant themselves firmly against his skull, the fur along his spine standing on end and his pupils dilating into wide circles; it's fairly evident that someone had attacked Hani and Alani, although he hadn't cared too much about the name of that person before he heard the word 'attack' and as such had failed to take it in.

"What do you mean attack?" he scoffs, his voice strained and deeper than usual, as if he's physically keeping himself from raising his voice. It's noticeable, in that moment, that he's rather protective of his leaders, which might be strange since they hadn't interacted much, although he'd probably spoken to the two of them more than any of the other members had bothered to. "Who attacked you? Why didn't you say anything?" and this time his questions are directed at Hani and Alani, brows furrowed and pulled into a taut frown, mouth slightly open as if he were scandalised.

template by orion

Re: GOT THOSE DRUGS ON THE WAY // Tanglewood visit - kinglykingstone - 10-11-2020

A sense of appreciation flooded the due as the other Leader expressed concern, readying themselves to thank the tanglewood luminary. Before they could, the sound of another approaching caught their attention. Alani's head turned to greet Loey as he approached, watching his slow approach. Twin tails would lash in frustration as Loey's aggrivation grew.

Hani would roll his eyes, attention remiaing on the luminary. "Pardon our member, he is a touch protective it seems," he comments, shaking his head. He would allow Alani to deal with Loey while he spoke to Vigenere. "Things are well here, actually. We have recently had some new things introduced, as we grow used to the group and its customs."

As the other conversation was taking place, Alani was dealing with their rambunctious member. "Loey. Chill. It wasn't an ordeal." He would huff, amusedly. He didn't understand why the other was so upset, its not like they had been hurt. "Frankly, we had deserved it." he mused, dismissing the dwarf star's concerns quickly.

Re: GOT THOSE DRUGS ON THE WAY // Tanglewood visit - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 10-15-2020

[glow=white,1,400]A MILLION MILES FROM HOME, I'M WALKING AHEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
So Hani and Alani didn't tell their clanmates about what went down at the gathering, huh? It would make sense, at least considering what had previously happened to Vigenere, he wouldn't want his clanmates to know that someone was attempting to attack him. Vigenere tried to give Loey a small smile, as if trying to reassure the tom that everything was fine. "It's not a big deal, really." He agreed. "I was able to deflect the attack, so no harm done." Fortunately. Still, it didn't hurt to check on the two-headed leader, no?

With his gaze flickering back to Hani and Alani, Vigenere chirped, "That's good to hear. It seems we both have a lot of things to change within our own groups, huh?" He mused. He wasn't sure if they knew that Vigenere wasn't technically in line for leadership and he didn't recall ever seeing Hani and Alani amongst Elysium's ranks (but then again, it wasn't like he participated in a lot of parties; they just weren't his thing). [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]