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EYES GREEN LIKE THE JUNGLE ☆ return - Printable Version

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EYES GREEN LIKE THE JUNGLE ☆ return - lovekit. - 09-17-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
Lovekit had been gone for... a while. He wasn't exactly sure how long it had been since he had run off, eager to run far away from the pain of Sam's funeral. However, he knew that it had been pretty long, given how attached he had become to Palmclan. It had been difficult to leave them, even if he had been glad when his mother had shown up to take him back home. He would miss Rhinestonestar, and Sugarspice, and especially Foamkit... they had become his friends, and he wanted so desperately to stay. He had only finally relented when Rhinestone reassured him that he could visit, once he was older. The child still wasn't exactly glad about it, but that was enough to make him turn and go, falling after Goldie's much larger footsteps. A part of him was even excited, having missed his family for the time he had been away. Not only that, but he had made a massive discovery in the form of Palmclan. One that he couldn't wait to share with everyone else, like Seapaw.

When they finally reached his home once again, Lo felt happy, but also tired. It had been a long journey, and even with Goldie leading the way or carrying him, it had taken a lot out of him. His mother seemed glad that he was back, although he was sure there was some annoyance in there as well, and he could only hope he could combat against it. He had honestly left with the intent to make her – and everybody else – happy. No matter what, once they had crossed the railroad tracks and he was back in the place he truly considered home, Lovekit couldn't help the urge to rush forward. He did just that, running eagerly towards the town, deeper into his home. He could already feel a few interested gazes on him, most either stunned or glad that Goldie had managed to find him. No matter what the reaction, the hybrid found himself announcing proudly, "Everybody! I'm back! And not only that, but I also made an amazing discovery!" It was a shame that Lovekit was just a bit too focused to realize that someone besides Goldie could be upset with him.

Re: EYES GREEN LIKE THE JUNGLE ☆ return - ROSEMARY - 09-18-2020


Energy depleted from building her second treehouse, Rosemary dragged herself into Capricorn Tavern. She sipped on cold pineapple juice, her body muscles twitching and body temperature falling back to normal levels. The ocelot rarely engaged in physical work—not even combat training, as she relied heavily on her magic—and she felt the aches already coming on. Thankfully, the rest of the Typhoon pitched in to assist, otherwise building the treehouse by herself would take multiple seasons.

Lovekit’s call rang through the air, and Rosemary looked out the window. Her four eyes confirmed what she heard; Goldie’s kid finally returned home.

The ocelot leaped to her paws and walked outside, levitating her pineapple juice along. “You made an amazing discovery, did you?” Rosemary bit back a sarcastic comment about discovering the importance of not wandering off in the first place. She held her tongue, as she had no idea whether Lovekit left intentionally or not. She’d only heard he disappeared.

Rosemary sipped her pineapple juice and wiped her muzzle with the back of a paw. “So what happened? You can’t leave an audience in suspense like that!” she teased. The ocelot glanced behind him with a pair of eyes, scanning for Goldie. “But, first, does your mom know you’re back safe and sound yet?”

Re: EYES GREEN LIKE THE JUNGLE ☆ return - bubblegum - 09-18-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

The female had been on a several day trek to find her son, taking very little time to rest. Needless to say, the tigress was exhausted by the time they'd finally returned to their archipelago. She was unsure exactly how to respond to Lovekit's escape when it came down to it. She didn't want him to do it again, but she could not hold it against him at the end of the day either. The tigress had done similar antics in her own childhood, mindlessly walking to the desert, allowing herself to be captured, and getting lost as she stumbled around the territories in her frightened, confused state. Walking, running, moving was a natural reaction to colossal emotion, and it wasn't unlikely he'd learned from watching Goldie, as much as she tried to be a good role model.

She staggers a little behind once Lovekit bursts forward through the gate. The journey home had been mostly quiet, Goldie still working through her thoughts. She'd only assured him she was happy to have found him, and they would be home soon. She'd struggled to sleep, keeping watch to make sure no harm befell them. It was a miracle he'd manage to get so far on his own without something happening. She was grateful to the Gods for that, at the very least. Her ears twitch as her aunt comes forward, allowing her pace to slow down a bit as there was further assurance they were safe once more. "I sure hope the one who grabbed 'im knows he's back," the captain would state jokingly, tired expression on her features.

Re: EYES GREEN LIKE THE JUNGLE ☆ return - trojan g. - 09-19-2020

There were so many Rouxes it was hard to keep track of them all. Alia tried her best to, of course, but she wasn't able to stay away from all of the Roux animals mother had told her to. She had a horrible memory - and frankly didn't really want to learn who was who fully so that didn't help much either - so it seemed a constant struggle, having to be told who to stay away from all the time.

She'd power through though. Alia didn't really care at this point, she was so used to it, it was just another part of her day to day life.

When Lovekit had made the announcement that he was finally back home, Alia had curiously made her way over, ears pricked and eyes wide as she waited for the other child to speak, though impatience caught her off guard when she finally caught the scent of the other. "You smell funny!" The three month old would call out, making her way over to the other child for a moment, "Why do you smell funny?" The scent of PalmClan still lingered.

Re: EYES GREEN LIKE THE JUNGLE ☆ return - lovekit. - 09-19-2020

lovekit — the typhoon — tags
Truth be told, Lovekit now had rather mixed opinions on his own journey out of the territory. On one hand, he really did believe he had made a great discovery, and had a surprisingly good time in Palmclan. On the other hand, he didn't want to make his mother upset, and although his mom hadn't expressed anything but gratefulness for him being okay, he could tell how anxious she had been about his disappearance. He had been reassured that he could return to Palmclan when he was older, so that was what he resolved to do. He could go back and see his friends when he was older and stronger, so that his mom wouldn't have as much reason to worry. Nodding briefly to himself to confirm that's what he was going to do, Lo then brightened when Rosemary came padding over. He nodded enthusiastically at the ocelot, explaining with his short tail wagging behind him, "I did make a great discovery! I found an entire new group! They're called Palmclan, and they're really big, and they live on a beach, like us. And they've got this big boardwalk now, and all the people there have names like mom and I... they were all really nice to me! And they took care of me until mom came to take me home." He gestured back towards Goldie with his head, giving her a little smile.

Of course, Lo's attention didn't linger on his mom for long. Soon, Alia came bounding over, causing the hybrid to blink in confusion. He didn't believe that he had properly met Aphra's children before he went missing, so the presence of new faces was certainly a surprise. His confusion soon morphed into confusion, however, since this meant that there were new kids around, ones whom he could play and make friends with. With making a good first impression in mind, Lovekit puffed out his chest, explaining in a rather extravagant way, "I smell weird because I just got back from another group! They were really cool, and said they hadn't interacted with anyone beyond their forest before... can you believe that? They said I can go back to visit them when I'm older, so maybe you can come with me! Who... who are you? Cause I'm Lovekit!" The boy cocked his head to one side, realizing that perhaps he had gotten his order mixed up a bit. Maybe he should've asked her who she was before offering to take her to Palmclan. Eh, it still seemed fine to him.

Re: EYES GREEN LIKE THE JUNGLE ☆ return - APHRA CIPHER . - 09-20-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]OH YES, I'VE HEARD THE STORY OVER AND OVER AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Wherever her children were, Aphra probably wasn't far behind. Or at least, that's what she told herself; whether or not that was really true though? Eh, she didn't know nor care to know - what mattered is that she was here now.

Of course Aphra had heard about Lovekit's disappearance; it was difficult to not hear everyone speaking about it, considering the damn kid was Goldenluxury's son. "You're delusional." Aphra spoke down to the hybrid as she came over, making her way to [member=16096]ALIA C.V.[/member] and tried to push her daughter close to her. "Even if there was this special group that nobody has heard of before, my daughters will not be allowed to go." What if this PalmClan had diseases?

"You on the other hand." Aphra glared at Goldenluxury now. "Shouldn't you be watching your kids more closely, hm? Maybe he wouldn't have gotten lost and eat some hallucinogen."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: EYES GREEN LIKE THE JUNGLE ☆ return - Seakit Roux. - 09-28-2020

tiguar . young . he/him
demigod of the deep
Seapaw, upon hearing his brother's calls, had quickly made his way over. He would ignore Aphra, greet his Mother and Great-aunt with a slick of his tail, and give Aila a smile. Lovekit, though, was where his focus lived. "Look what the tiger dragged in," he would joke, reaching out a paw in an attempt to gently bat at his brother's ears.

He would shake his head, huffing, and sitting next to his brother. Large paw would settle on the other's back, a smile on the brightly colored tiguar's maw. "You can tell me all about it when I'm burying you in the sand" His tone was teasing as he gave his brother his full attention.

Re: EYES GREEN LIKE THE JUNGLE ☆ return - ROSEMARY - 09-30-2020


Rosemary blinked, one amber eye darting over to Goldie. “Ah, didn’t see you there,” she said with a small nod. She noted the captain’s weary stance and expression—of course, Goldie never stopped short of exerting herself to accomplish any goal, didn’t she? “Why do you look worse for wear than him? I’ve got water, if you need it.” A water bottle jostled in her her bag and poked its neck out, seemingly of its own accord due to Rosemary’s telekinesis.

She turned back to Lovekit, one ear flicking as he told his story. And, of course, she considered it all the better that the outgoing youngster started making friends with Alia—until the white she-cat came around. Rosemary ignored Aphra for a moment, nodding along with Lovekit’s story. “Quite an adventure and discovery, indeed.” Given her own coven was extremely isolated… she could believe him.

Her right eyes twitched when Aphra finished talking. Sighing, Rosemary tilted her head barely enough to put Aphra in her peripheral vision.

“As someone so prone to consuming drugs recreationally, I’d assume you’d know hallucinogens don’t leave physical evidence, like smells on someone’s fur,” Rosemary said, a pair of eyes swiveling to Aphra. “But, then again, you don’t use drugs recreationally. To do that, you’d have to know and respect their effects. You can't even take the right dose of alcohol.”

“And don’t get me started on your canting on anything related to children.”

Re: EYES GREEN LIKE THE JUNGLE ☆ return - APHRA CIPHER . - 10-05-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]OH YES, I'VE HEARD THE STORY OVER AND OVER AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Ugh, of course Rosemary had to speak and ruin the fun. Aphra's kinked tail twitched whenever Rosemary looked over at her and fought the urge to bare her teeth at the other female. "I can take the right dose of alcohol just fine, thank you very much." She huffed, rolling her eyes in response.

Whenever Rosemary mentioned her children however, Aphra's gaze turned cold - at least, a lot more than usual. "And what is that supposed to imply?" She growled, as if daring Rosemary to clarify what she meant by that. Aphra's fur bristled in anticipation of what the witch's response would be, her tail now lashing as she waited for a response.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]