Beasts of Beyond
Drawing your characters for free! - Printable Version

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Drawing your characters for free! - nefarius - 05-12-2018

Examples are here!

I'm only doing feline characters - I can do any kind of cat, from domestic to big ol tigers and lions! It doesn't even have to be your character. Just give me a description or picture and I can do your "OC"!

to be clear:
- can do colored backgrounds
- still trying to figure out transparency, but i can try
- can make lil icons for ur pleasure

Re: Drawing your characters for free! - Orion - 05-12-2018


Re: Drawing your characters for free! - COSMIIX - 05-12-2018

here my gorl, she's a jaguar

Re: Drawing your characters for free! - Cakie ! - 05-12-2018


the star boy:

Re: Drawing your characters for free! - Kicksie - 05-12-2018

Hello I’m just gonna drop my bby’s ref right here

Re: Drawing your characters for free! - Una. - 05-12-2018

Drops Luna

Re: Drawing your characters for free! - rakue - 05-12-2018

if u have time could u please doodle hana?? here's her art, i'd say the first one is the most accurate representation of her aA
im fine w/whatever background and an icon would b amAZING OmG

Re: Drawing your characters for free! - Guru - 05-12-2018

going to put this here b/c nef drew it and it's wonderful

Re: Drawing your characters for free! - nefarius - 05-12-2018

doing stuff now if anyone wants to hop in! gonna be skipping around on art requests depending on what tickles my fancy the most, but i'll get to all either tonight or tomorrow! :^)

Re: Drawing your characters for free! - arcy - 05-12-2018

[align=center][div style=";0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]how powerful are u wtf
ur art is that good yet u be out here offerin to doing it for Nothing

hhHH if u want, u can draw my Boy izuku!!! hes a maine coon cat but like,,, x2 as fluffy. he has a ton of art here for ref uwu