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breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - Printable Version

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breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - teef - 09-12-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. unknown age - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family/general. courting delilah evergarden & halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, and laeglin. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette.
quiet were the steps of the jaguar, eyes closed as they wound through the territory, barely any light filtering through their eyelashes. they could hear their group members, their friends and family. the idea had been on their mind for time to come, and they had mentioned it in passing - they had thought of this idea, a feast. things were beginning to finally look up for the group of hardy individuals,  sticking to the land and slowly winning it back from those who had come into the land in their disappearance. the idea of a feast was meant to draw the group back together, to bring some excitement to the members. clearing their throat as they entered the library portion of the library, coar brushing against one of the shelves. "everyone.", they asked their attention, "if you'll give me your time, I ask you to attend a feast. we have come far from when we first returned to this land, and we have fought hard for what we have now. we are not giving up on our home, and we will continue to fight for our home and our right to be here.", the jaguar spoke warmly, gaze carrying over the crowd.

with the help of a close friend and confidant, malak, they were undergoing his treatment for their eyes, using salves and rubs to help regain their sight. it was a slow progress, the blind beast only able to see fuzzy outlines and bright lights should they open their eyes. exhaling, they smiled for the first time in forever, "come. with [member=16057]Sam[/member] 's help we have set up foods and new decorations. i ask you, if you feel like it, to visit friends and family outside of the group and invite them to join us for our feast. the feast will be held here at the inn.", they spoke before leading the way out into the dusky night, lanterns lighting up the inn's cobbled yard. tables held varieties of meats, fruits, vegetables and pastries - accentuated by the year's last flowers and beautiful decorations.

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - ¿¿ - 09-12-2020

        Sam followed and listened to Bai whle he explains the situation with the feast. She felt embarrassed and looked away when she was pointed out for her hard work but happy with what she did. But the positive emotions didnt last long and was replaced with the grief she feels when they could bring friends and family to the feast. Slumping with the weight of why she had to live as a nomad since she was very little not really having anyone left that's close to her. She turned around and headed for the door to run around some more like she did everyday here and before and forces her to get into her old habits of always looking behind her back because familiararity brings comfort.

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - SirDio - 09-12-2020

"The stars listen, so don't say anything you'd regret."

    The night was quiet for Asteri, but with the announcement of the feast, she felt the excitement within the group rise. She followed behind, paw in a splint one of the NPCs were so generous to give her. She looked toward Sam, who she determined to be the one who was embarrassed one moment, then was going to leave. Her downcast posture gave way to Asteri's concern, and she went to stop her before Sam left. "Hey..! You must be Sam, right? I'm Asteri - why not stay for the feast..?" She gave a kind smile, unaware of the changes in her fur. Namely, the crescent moon-shaped marking on her right cheek under her eye, and some sparse, faint speckles on her body.

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - ¿¿ - 09-12-2020

        Hearing the voice startled her a bit and turned around with wide eyes.  "Ah yes I'm Sam." She started talking with baffeledneess in her voice but this new person could be comforting. "Say do you have anyone to invite." Raising her head up to meet hers to properly converse. Gassing at her face full on all the uniqueness of her coat is visible and it is pretty but also seems unnatural.

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - SirDio - 09-12-2020

"The stars listen, so don't say anything you'd regret."

    She let out a gentle but sad laugh, shaking her head. Pain was in her eyes as she spoke, but there was also a hidden anger. "Unfortunately, I have no friends outside this group, and I have no family I could comfortably bring here." It was painfully true - her father and brothers made her uncomfortable, angry, even, and she was never close to any small group she found on her travels. She grinned at the end of her sentence, trying not to seem too unhappy.

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - ¿¿ - 09-12-2020

        Sam raised her brows with soft knowing eyes. "Ahhh i see." The effort she made to comfort her or at least include her touched her and she wanted to share the gesture. "So did you wanted to go together or something." Acting shy was impulsive in this situation with her rotating head to try to disperse some of the awkwardness on her part. She is not used to social interactions like this after all she rarely got any affection after she was driven out of her home.

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - SirDio - 09-12-2020

"The stars listen, so don't say anything you'd regret."

    She nodded gently, shifting weight on her back paws. "I was thinking more of less just hanging out here, having food, talking with other members - those of us without friends should try to find some." She glanced at the group, then back at Sam. "At least, if you want to leave for the night, that's fine. But I'm fine with staying here." She motioned to her paw in the splint. "Cain't really go anywhere quickly with this paw the way it is." She let out a laugh, then sat down.

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - ¿¿ - 09-12-2020

        Sam glances at the bond paw and noticed that she didnt really take it into account. "Ahh yes I suppose you cant move very fast." Sam closed her eyes, nodded and started to really relax. "Staying wont be to bad. The food probably would be tasty to probably much more then what I'm used to." Sam gazed at the others all the people that are getting ready for the feast with antisapatuon. "Are you interested in eating with any of them."

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - SirDio - 09-13-2020

"The stars listen, so don't say anything you'd regret."

    She looked around again, nodding slightly. "I do hope you enjoy the food - you helped make it, after all." She looked back at Sam before shrugging. "I don't know right yet - might just talk with some and sit with Bai Shi or someone else. Been wanting to test out my Italian on some people." She giggled. She only knew small snips of the language, simple phrases like greetings and compliments (She'd never tell, but her favorite Italian word was "Bella"/"Bello", which meant pretty).

Re: breaking like rolling thunder >> feast (open!) - ¿¿ - 09-13-2020

        Sam nodded with a content smile on her face. "Your plan sounds fun. Keep practicing you multiple languages." Sam then looked at Bai and remembered her first experience with him that brought a shiver. "I'm glad Bai's first impression was misleading." She then started to move towards the group content to sit on the sidelines and relax.