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YOU ARE MY CANDY GIRL ★ o, weekly task - Printable Version

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YOU ARE MY CANDY GIRL ★ o, weekly task - ★ HAZEL - 05-12-2018

ooc let it be known that this is a human au because cooking + small cat = fire, probably. But eh.

Could Hazel cook?

Um, to a degree. (Get it?)

Truthfully, Hazel used to make herself and her Mother dinner sometimes. Other times she made meals just for herself, when she wasn’t locked in her room. It was nothing fancy, of course: scrambled eggs, pasta, toast, and pancakes, on occasion. Just small things she could eat and clean up quickly so they didn’t make a mess.

But she had never tried baking cookies. She wasn’t in the observatory’s kitchen very often, but knew it was stocked full of food to keep the clan fed. When Starry told her to make cookies, Hazel had been a little apprehensive for more than a few reasons, but wasn’t about to refuse what she’d offered to take.

It had taken ten minutes to find a decent box of cookie mix, and another five to decide that she didn’t want to make them from the box. She wanted to make them from scratch.

So over the course of the next hour and a half, Hazel spent measuring and pouring and stirring ingredients into a massive bowl. It wasn’t a clean process, either. She had tried to keep it clean, but had somehow managed to burn herself on the oven (rookie advice: don’t leave the oven door open) while carrying the flour and sugar. Now not only did she have a burn mark on her elbow, but she and a good portion of the kitchen were covered in flour and sugar.

For a good while Hazel was terrified someone would walk in and yell at her, but ended up taking a fifteen minute break to clean up what she could reach. Herself excluded, because she didn’t have time for that. Nevertheless, in the end, she produced two batches of pretty nice cookies: one snickerdoodle, and one chocolate chip. She just hoped nobody would check the trash can for her two and a half failed attempts.

“Hey, everyone! I made cookies!” Hazel called out, walking outside to sit in the sunshine. The smell of fresh, warm cookies wafted high into the air, and the first one to find her was - oh, christ.

“No, Arion - abi!” She yelped at the Thoroughbred, twisting out of reach as he shoved his muzzle at the cookies. “These aren’t for you! Go find something else to eat, you nosy colt!” Hazel couldn’t hold back her smile as she shoved his nose away, sticking her tongue out when he whinnied at her in his frustration.
— hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags
c) miithers

Re: YOU ARE MY CANDY GIRL ★ o, weekly task - Character Graveyard. - 05-12-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Luna had been feeling a craving for sweets recently, so the strong smell of baked chocolate chip cookies had lured the female to the kitchen. She took a seat near Hazel, her eyes catching sight of the mess in the trashcan which she kept silent about, and she smiled at the young female. "The cookies smell nice. Mind if I take a chocolate chip?"
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: YOU ARE MY CANDY GIRL ★ o, weekly task - BASTILLEPAW - 05-12-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #576a6e; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille had a sweet tooth. He didn't really like that fact, and liked it even less because he knew it came from Echo (who, for the record, did not seem even nearly the type. Zaniel, sure -- that idiot had an addictive personality. But Echo? Seriously?). That being said, it was one of his preferences that passed on that he wasn't desperately trying to smother. Sure, he might not admit it if someone asked, but he still gave into the temptation for sweets on occasion; it was a different denial than his flat out refusal to let drugs or vodka within three feet of him out of principle. It was... manageable.

So, the call for cookies wasn't exactly a repellant, and besides: it was Hazel. His mouth ticked up in amusement as he appeared a few paces behind Luna, teleporting mid-step as he eyed the girl briefly. The sight of her covered in flour prompted a laugh, and he shot her an amused look as he drawled, "What, did you cover yourself with the other set of chocolate chip supplies?" He gave Arion's neck a light pat before nudging the colt out of the way, scooping up a chocolate chip cookie with a grin. [b]"Cute effort though, princess."

Re: YOU ARE MY CANDY GIRL ★ o, weekly task - Suiteheart - 05-13-2018

[Image: E8agfv5.png]
[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][God, i love a good human au]

Suite - no, Shay (Suite was an often used nickname though) - had always loved sweets. She supposed that was due in part to her girlfriend. Margaret was always cooking something up. Cookies were a usual delicacy, and the blonde girl loved them more than any other baked good. So, when she smelled cookies baking, she kept poking her head into the Observatory's kitchen.

Needless to say, she had a good laugh on more than one occasion. Hazel, for all her hard work and determination, had a lot to learn about baking. Shay was no expert either, but Margy had taught her a lot. Unfortunately, just like Haze, she often walked away with more ingredients on her clothes than in the cooked goods. Oh, well. Ya live and ya learn.

"I've been waiting for these for hours! Hell yes!" she called as she walked forward, fits in the air as a sign of triumph and happiness. Baby blue eyes brightened with happiness as she picked up a snicker doodle, her personal favorite. Taking a bite, she murmured, "'ese are fu'ing delicious, Haze." She had to speak around the cookie she was eating, but she did cover her mouth with a hand because she had manners, dammit.

The older girl waved a hello to Luna and Bastille as she continued to chow down on her cookie. "How's your burn?" she questioned the golden girl after finishing the baked good.

Re: YOU ARE MY CANDY GIRL ★ o, weekly task - Margaery - 05-13-2018

[color=#b14767] ❁  ❁  ❁
Margaret, while naturally adept in gardening and such, was an excellent chef. Her mother and uncle had ensured that when she was a child- exposing her to every aspect of the kitchen and permitting her to advance her skills as a little cook. Baking had always been her specialty though, and while she still prepared meals for her girlfriend and she to share for dinner, she preferred the act of making pastries and desserts far over filet mignon and shrimp scampi. As much as she was embarrassed to admit it, she had even had a little web series of sorts focused entirely on baking- though it wasn't in practice much anymore, she had no time to maintain something that demanded that large of a commitment.

When the scent of fresh-baked cookies met her, the girl immediately abandoned her book to investigate. Her mother had always made incredible cookies, cookies that Margaret would eat in one sitting had she not been closely watched and forced to share. She supposed that the same rule would apply here: she would need to share. Oh how she wished that wasn't the case. Her mouth was already watering after catching one whiff of the cookies... they had to be excellent, she knew they were.

Finally located Hazel, Luna, Bast, Shay, and, most importantly, the cookies, Margaret quickly snatched a chocolate chip one and came to stand besides her girlfriend. A large smile was present upon her red-tinted lips and she, hungrily, devoured the dessert in a few bites. A lady she may be, yes, but cookies always provided her with an excuse to be a bit unladylike, if you will.

[color=#b14767]"These are good!" She announced, bumping Shay playfully as she, too, complimented Hazel on a job well done. [color=#b14767]"You and I just have to bake something together one day! I still have my mother and uncle's old cookbooks... we could make some incredible things!" And on top of that, she enjoyed the idea of getting to bond with Hazel a bit more. The other girl was the embodiment of sunshine herself and Margaret, with all the shadows she kept hidden under pretty smiles and charming words, knew she needed that- some sunshine.

[color=#b14767]"And oh my! Have you run it under cold water yet? Should I go and fetch some ice?"

Re: YOU ARE MY CANDY GIRL ★ o, weekly task - Warringkingdoms - 05-13-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin could not cook anything beyond microwave dinners with any sort of proficiency (as she had found out after attempting to boil pasta for herself the night that she joined), so even Hazel's low level of expertise was better than she could do. Besides, anyone who could persist for several hours until they produced something that tasted pleasant enough to pass inspection was worthy of respect in her book, given the heat and general discomfort of the kitchen.

  While her initial response to Hazel's call was to remain focused on her map, the scent of cinnamon- and the knowledge that the cookies would probably be gone soon if she didn't act fast- eventually overpowered her desire to just get the map done so she wouldn't have to worry about it later. Setting the map on her bed, Rin sprinted up the stairs and outside to Hazel, and fell into step alongside Lunafreya. "Er, mind if I have a snickerdoodle?" she asked, adjusting her scarf with her left hand. The others were taking the cookies freely, but given that she and Hazel had only met a few times, she felt it proper to ask first.

Re: YOU ARE MY CANDY GIRL ★ o, weekly task - ★ HAZEL - 05-14-2018

Hazel glanced up at Luna, arm still outstretched to keep Arion at bay. "No, go right ahead!" She piped, holding the tray of cookies out to the female. To be honest, she was fairly impressed with herself for not dropping them, considering how ardently Arion was trying to reach the sweets.

At Bastille's approach, Hazel felt her skin flush hot with embarrassment and immediately tried to wipe away some of the flour smeared across her cheek. Instead, she just smudged it further across her cheek. Jeez, she'd completely forgotten about the mess all over her clothes - she was a mess! she was so excited about actually getting a good batch out of the oven that she had ignored her appearance entirely. Christ, that was...more than a little embarrassing.

Hazel stared at her feet, wiggling her toes in the grass. "Maybe," She replied sullenly, watching through a canopy of lashes as he nudged Arion out of the way. The colt snorted, nipping at Bast's shirt with his teeth. Hazel smirked, making no move to stop him, because...hey, he kind of deserved that, even if Arion wasn't nipping at him for Hazel's sake. And she could handle Bastille's teasing and short remarks - she knew very well that's what it was. He was just messing with her, but...there was that little spark of self deprecation that flared at the base of her spine, because she really should have known better. Still, Hazel could appreciate that he took a cookie, at least. And maybe she stuck her tongue out at him for that last comment, but whatever.

As Shay barreled over and scooped up a cookie, Hazel's smile reached the corner of her eyes. A laugh bubbled out of her chest, bright and unexpected; Shay (or Suite) had been so desolate and downcast recently that it was amazing to see her take the time of day to enjoy something so little. "Thank you," Hazel said, voice borderline shy and flustered. "Oh - I forgot about it." She replied, raising her arm to find the burn mark. It was on her arm, bumped and raised and pink and ugly. She frowned at it, wondering if she had run it under cool water yet.

"I guess it stings a little. I, uh...forgot about it?" She repeated with a slow shrug of her shoulders and a sheepish look in Suite's direction.

That was when Arion decided to nose his way back under her arm, making Hazel jerk her hand a little higher with the startling spike of pain made her yelp. "Ow! Go away, you doof - I told you, these aren't for you." She chastised, keeping her burn well out of his reach. Arion blew a dissatisfied huff of air in her face.

And then Margaret - wow, this was a couple more people than Hazel had expected, to be honest. The girl beamed at the woman's words, the praise sinking into her skin like honey. "That sounds wonderful, Margy. I'm not sure how much good I would be in the kitchen, but I would love to make something with you sometime," Hazel agreed. If people enjoyed her cookies this much, would they enjoy the other food that she might make? The concept was certainly entertaining, if not amusing. If Margy was willing to teach her, then she'd willingly learn.

At Margy's concern, Hazel kind of just wanted to slap a bandage on the injury now. "Oh, no - I'm okay, really. It doesn't hurt that much. I can put something on it when I go inside." She assured Margaret. Honestly, people shouldn't have to worry about her. Margaret already had so much else going on, Hazel knew - she didn't want to add to the chaos.

"Of course," Hazel held out the tray to Rin. "Snickerdoodles are my favorite." She added with a small grin. That tidbit of information wasn't really necessary, but true nonetheless. Chocolate chip would always be a classic, sure - but if you could bake Snickerdoodles just right with a soft center and firmer edges, then the cinnamon would absolutely melt on your tongue.
— hazel — "speech" — seven months — the ascendants — tags
c) miithers

Re: YOU ARE MY CANDY GIRL ★ o, weekly task - BASTILLEPAW - 05-15-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #a25367; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille grinned slowly in response to her weak effort to clean off some of the flour -- she failed, naturally -- and had to admit that he was entertained by her being the uncomfortable one here. He'd spent her first couple of weeks here walking on eggshells around her, worried about spooking her again and feeling horrendously guilty for the first time, but he seemed to have relaxed and dissolved straight back into his usual nonchalant ways. In his mind, he'd proven she had no reason to be afraid of him; that was enough to set him at ease, and at this point her embarrassment was just funny.

He snorted as Arion nipped at him, unbothered, and simply nudged the colt back in retaliation. He took a bite of his cookie before surrounding the other half to the Thoroughbred -- a peace offering -- and offered Hazel a smirk at her response, not at all surprised that she'd taken a few attempts to make her cookies. He wasn't sure why she struck him as a terrible baker, but she did. He got the acute impression that she was much better with normal delicacies, food that you could guess at and adjust as you went, as opposed to something as precise as baking (where one wrong measurement fucked everything up).

At Suite's indication, and Margy's subsequent burst, his attention dropped to her arm. He hadn't even noticed the burn, distracted by her flustered expression, and Bastille scowled at the burn. There was a brief temptation to grab her arm for further investigation, but he resisted -- he'd seen her shy away from contact once, and wasn't going to try again. He scowled even more at Hazel's dismissal, and pointed out, "Waiting to do it later is going to make it worse, you know." He was already taking one of the trays away from her, passing it off to Margy without so much as notice, and continuing, "Quit being stubborn and go fix that. I'm pretty sure we can keep the cookies away from Arion for five minutes."