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stubborn raven [★] pure sunlight - Printable Version

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stubborn raven [★] pure sunlight - suvi. - 09-08-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]and͠ I w̙͐a̗͘n̠̓t ̨̄a̩̓ mom̶̜̿eṋ̌t̞͐ t̘̋ŏ̝ ̺͞be r̳͘é͚al
It was well and clear that the petite vixen never went without her satchel.  While in more recent days it held her notebook and quill, it was something of a medkit, marked by the familiar red cross.  Only one of two she kept up with.  The other a small travel kit belonged to her avian companion.  Just in case.

They needed to be restocked.  A task she dutifully kept up with, though she found herself in a conundrum when Fiachra refused to come down from his perch.  Her personal satchel sat on her side, already restocked in full.  Small jars of poultices.  Bandages.  A canteen.  Book and quill.

The pesky raven who carried her emergency travel kit sat high above her reach, stubbornly atop a thin tree branch.  Her mitch-matched hues narrowed in exasperation, a soft noise of complaint building in her throat.  She should've just unharnessed the medkit as soon as she had her supplies.  Before he could've taken off.  Now, Kiira was practically stuck glaring at the bird until he decided to give in.

Thought he only got this way with da.

Re: stubborn raven [★] pure sunlight - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-14-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Ravens were smart creatures and half the time, they were too smart for their own good. They were pesky creatures truthfully, though Vigenere personally never really dealt with one unless it was a messenger bird. And he hadn't used any sort of messenger bird in years. The last time was... when he was in the Guard, if he remembered correctly. He remembered the ravens almost having a mind of their own and half the time, they refused to do what they were told unless they were bribed.

"Need some help?" Vigenere mused as he approached Kiira, looking up at the branch where her raven stubbornly perched. His whiskered twitched with amusement as he came over, having noticed her from one of his patrols and was mostly curious as to why she was just. Staring up at a tree. Of course, as he drew near, he would realize why exactly.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]