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Some kind of Animal Cannibal [Lost's Bio] - Printable Version

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Some kind of Animal Cannibal [Lost's Bio] - SirDio - 09-05-2020

"I am blind, yes, but that does not mean I cannot see."

Name, age, gender, appearance
Name: Lost (originally Celyne, but she forgot her name and others called her lost)
Age: 2 years, 3 months. Aging scheme is realistic, as she ages on the 20th of every month.
Gender: Female, prefers She/Her pronouns but not against They/Them
Appearance: Lost is an unnaturally created hybrid - her base body is a tortoiseshell cat. Her right leg is a brindled dog leg, her left hind leg is a white dog leg. Her right ear is a brown dog ear, her tail is made up of three segments. The base of her tail is her original tortoiseshell tail, the middle segment is a white cat's tail, and the tail tip is a long-haired brown dog's tail. Her chest fur is from a fluffy orange tabby. Stitches permanently keep her body together - but can be broken only by extreme force or really stong scissors. Agony is etched in on her face via large self-inflicted scars across her eyes, which are stitched shut.

Lost is permanently mellowed out due to past issues. She manner of speech is long, drawn out and quiet. Her voice, however, is eerie - a calm tone with more sinister undertones. Despite this, she seems poses little to no threat to anyone. She's a sweetheart by default, and despite everything that has happened to her, she treats everyone as kindly as possible.

One small quirk about her though - she tends to lean to cannibalism. This is due to not being fed correctly at the facility and growing a taste for cat - and dog. This hardly happens now that she's now on the island, but she wouldn't turn the opportunity up should it present itself. Should anyone treat her with disrespect, she may find ways that would make them regret ever doing so.

~ Voice claim: (Warning, this video is pretty on the creepy side.)
~ Face claim: Sharon from Possibly in Michigan