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she dreams more than she wakes // trading - Printable Version

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she dreams more than she wakes // trading - ROSEMARY - 09-04-2020

[div style="width: px; font-family: GEORGIA; color: #422426; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"][align=center]ARE YOU GOOD WITH CHAOS ?!
Moonshine bottles clanked together from every step the ocelot took. The healer’s Typhoon scent and the noise announced her arrival in Tanglewood’s town better than any verbal announcement; useful, given her labored breathing. The feline took a seat in the town square, smack in the middle of the lumpy marble statue’s shade.

The witch cast off the satchel, shaking her head and cooling down without the leather sticking to fur. Her four eyes locked onto it, and she used her magic to levitate the bottles out of her bag. Each glass looked wildly different from the other, and each appeared to be a liquor bottle with the label peeled off. Upcycling or sheer laziness? Rosemary thought of it as practical.

“I’m here to trade for… romance books, specifically queer women romances, but I'll look at any books you're willing to part with,” Rosemary sighed. Since her house burned down, the witch missed the comfort fiction. The Typhoon’s library made up nonfiction, with the occasional fiction of a higher narrative quality. Rosemary enjoyed reading those types of books as well—she read far more ideological and war strategy books than any outsider would expect—but sometimes she wanted her trashy romance novels, okay.

She cleared her throat, holding a paw to her muzzle. “And herbs local to your area, of course. I have herbal ointments and teas, as well.”


Re: she dreams more than she wakes // trading - suvi. - 09-04-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]and͠ I w̙͐a̗͘n̠̓t ̨̄a̩̓ mom̶̜̿eṋ̌t̞͐ t̘̋ŏ̝ ̺͞be r̳͘é͚al
The scent of salt in soothing.  Though the petite vixen had not seen the shore in some time.  Her mitch-matched hues watched the ocelot in silence, curious.  Hesitant.  Reclusive as she had been, the former medic wasn't feeling particularly outgoing.  But the request for books...

Romance had never been the vixen's favorite.  She enjoyed adventure.  And most of her books... Lost when her house caved from the tremors.  But Kiira loved reading far too deeply to go without, gathering familiar and new books alike as she recovered from illness.

Torren's house was now the house she called home.  Until he returned.  She wouldn't trade his books.  But she had a few she'd brought in... And sharing always made her smile.

Slowly, the scrawny arctic fox padded forward, after snatching a newer favorite from her shelf.  As she approached Rosemary, she found her chest grow uncomfortably heavy.  The words in her throat had grown fleeting.

She pulled out the notebook she carried in her satchel now, holding it in the air with care through her telekinesis.  A pen softly hovering along side it, writing in gentle but neat strokes.  Would you like this? It is a kind of retelling of Peter Pan you might like.

With a shy smile, Kiira pushed her copy of Peter Darling over.  I don't need anything in return.  Books are worth sharing.

Re: she dreams more than she wakes // trading - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-07-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Two years ago, the mere fact that a Typhooner was on their land would have caused Vigenere to go search for them, to chase them out, especially after he learned that Caesar was apart of the group. In his absence, The Typhoon had become allies with Tanglewood, and while the Luminary was hesitant about it at first, he learned that Caesar was no longer welcome among the ranks of the pirates. Vigenere felt more at ease, but he knew this meant that Caesar was lurking elsewhere - and considering he was exiled from all of the groups (save for Tanglewood, but Vigenere knew Caesar wouldn't come back knowing he wasn't welcome), it meant he had to always be on guard.

Vigenere was quick to look over from talking to an NPC whenever he heard the noise of glass clinking together, his ears pricked to try and identify where it was coming from. Eventually, Rosemary came and sight and the savannah relaxed, briefly said his farewell to the NPC before walking over to the Typhoon witch. "Hey, welcome to Tanglewood." He greeted with a dip of his head, coming to stand beside Kiira and gave her a reassuring smile, before he looked back over at their visitor. "Vigenere Cipher, the leader here. We're glad to have you." Speaking of which, he needed to send a couple of people over to learn from Roan - but that was something to mention at the meeting.

"I don't know if Delilah had any herbs in her home but..." Vigenere trailed off, glancing over sadly at the Sawbone's old home. "I'd be happy to take you for a stroll if you'd like to pick out herbs."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: she dreams more than she wakes // trading - ROSEMARY - 09-15-2020


Rosemary’s forked tail swished. Her head tilted to the side, and she politely nodded to the arctic fox. Her four eyes bounced between the vixen’s mismatched eyes, simultaneously watching Suvi’s face as the words manifested on the page.

The ocelot nodded, this time her chin almost tucking to her chest, and she reached to gently take the book in paw. “Thank you… I have a soft spot for fairy tail retellings,” she said. She thought back to the anthology she shared with Vanye, and considered sharing this gift with the fluffy kitten. After she’d read it, of course.

“I’ll come by with a book for you? If. At some point. I head back to the Tanglewoods, I mean.” Rosemary spoke with an odd cadence to her voice, and it became more noticeable in her last sentence. She nodded again, ears flicking.

Rosemary squinted, all four eyes darting to the luminary. The ocelot rarely left the Typhoon—except during her stay in the Rosebloods—and she had no idea who he was. But the resemblance to Caesar, former officer of the Typhoon under her brother, failed to escape her notice. She carefully packed the vixen’s book into her satchel, as though ready to run, before she answered the luminary.

“Rosemary Roux.” She took a deep breath, tempted to dive straight into his mind. But she already knew he wasn’t a threat—Goldie wouldn’t tolerate an alliance with the Tanglers otherwise—so she restrained herself. “A stroll would be nice. I wouldn’t mind trading some of my finished salves for fresh herbs. I know you’re short on medics here. It’s the least I can do. To help an ally.”

Re: she dreams more than she wakes // trading - trojan g. - 09-16-2020

Curiosity picked at the serval's brain as he heard the call from the border, asking for things such as books and herbs for a trade to be done. Nicabar didn't know very many who read here in Tanglewood, and although he knew how to read he didn't do it too often. Coming to a stop beside his clanmates for a moment, he would offer a smile to the other, his head dipping slightly in greeting. "On the walk we could stop by the library in town if you'd like. I'll be heading to the Typhoon myself here soon for a day or two for learning, I could always carry stuff back home from there if we'd want to trade books." He could probably do with some reading himself, and wanted to learn about traps and hunting to help fix and make new ones for around the territory. "speech"

Re: she dreams more than she wakes // trading - ROSEMARY - 09-18-2020


Ah, another man joined the little group. She had forgotten the only two higher ranked animals in the entire group were men. Her tail flicked in annoyance, and she considered the Pitt suffered less from this issue. Hadn’t the Pitt, at least, had a woman leading at some point?

“Are you Vigenere’s cousin? You look like him,” she told Nicabar. He looked younger and a little more… wild? But they resembled each other. Given she came from the Typhoon, which seemed like a gathering spot of Roux’s and their queer friends, she assumed other groups had similarly strong family units.

Rosemary’s ear twitched when he mentioned the library, and this caught her attention. “A library? I didn’t know you folks had a library. The closest thing we have in the Typhoon is a single floor of the lighthouse.” Her treehouse almost doubled as a library (filled exclusively with cathartic sapphic romance novels and medical texts) until it burned down, but she hated dwelling on the lost novels—it made her sad. “A visit there sounds… fun.”

Re: she dreams more than she wakes // trading - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-19-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Quite honestly, if Vigenere could hear Rosemary's thoughts on him, he'd likely chuckle and agree with her. In a way, the mere fact he was related to Caesar was definitely something to be wary of, but Rosemary definitely had nothing to fear with him. If Rosemary asked, Vigenere probably would allow her to scan his mind to see he was of no threat - but he definitely wouldn't allow her to travel far and would hope that she would respect him boundaries.

Of course, everything above was just assuming Vigenere even heard the witch's thoughts. Despite beign a dream demon like Caesar, Vigenere wasn't one to probe around someone's mind without permission. Hearing her mention how similar he and Nicabar looked made the Luminary chuckle however, shaking his head in amusement. "Depends on what you mean by that, I suppose?" He responded. "Our species are related, but Nicabar and I have no blood relations to each other." Honestly, if they did, Vigenere would be quite surprised - especially considering he wasn't from this earth.

"We can go on a walk later if you'd prefer, Rosemary. I have some things I need to catch up on first, if you'll excuse me."

//I can make a private thread if you'd like?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: she dreams more than she wakes // trading - ROSEMARY - 09-22-2020


“Ah, I was mistaken. Thank you for explaining, though,” Rosemary said. She glanced at Nicabar with one set of eyes, as though re-analyzing their physical similarities and differences.

“I’d appreciate that, Vigenere. I’m not in any rush to get back to the Typhoon, anyway.”

// yes yes !