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DESIGNER SCI-FI ☆ urgent visitor - Printable Version

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DESIGNER SCI-FI ☆ urgent visitor - roan ; - 09-04-2020

Grief was a feeling that Roan had grown far too used to. Ever since he had been just a young child, he had grown used to the feeling of loss, and the pain that was inflicted upon so many that he loved. He wasn't numb to it, but it certainly didn't have the same effect anymore. No longer did he feel devastated, or constantly dragged down by exhaustion whenever he lost someone. Instead, he just felt it in the small things. His limbs felt heavier with every movement, and his chest ached whenever he tried to think about his family. He tried to imagine the line up of he and all of his siblings, only for it to feel like an agonizing burn whenever he got to Jaime. All he could imagine was his brother's corpse on the edge of the shore, charred from the inside out. He thought about how he had failed, and how Jaime wouldn't have died, if he had just seen the signs sooner. It had just made him want to hide away, and go back to the hermit lifestyle that he had thought of letting himself fall into before. However, he knew that The Typhoon needed him. Not only did The Typhoon need him, but there was someone else who needed him too. His brother, the one who still didn't know that their family was down one of their own.

The soothsayer had waited until it seemed as though things were finally calmed down within his island home. Only then had he decided to make the journey from The Typhoon to The Pitt, knowing full well where Ry was. Michael wasn't the type to just give up precious information like where Trygve often went, but Roan wasn't stupid. He had learned of Ry's connection to The Pitt when he had first come to visit, meeting Aine and hearing all about his little brother's exploits. It didn't take a genius to figure out where Trygve would run to, and Roan wasn't about to wait and see if the other had any plans to come back. Thankfully, the trip was mostly uneventful, after he choked down some traveling herbs and stretched out his wings. He had padded carefully over the Typhoon's border in the dead of night, not really looking to be stopped by anyone who was worried about where or why he was going. The last thing he needed was his mama stopping him, and having to make up some kind of excuse so that he didn't blow Ry's cover.

When he eventually reached The Pitt's territory, he resisted the strong urge to recoil from the heat beating down upon his back. He had to stop flying, not willing to sweat his ass off only to potentially go plummeting out of the sky. His dark paws sunk against hot sand as he trotted his way slowly through the last leg of the trip, eventually reaching where the jungle trees met the unyielding desert sun. Clearing his throat, the siamese ducked down beneath the cool shade of the trees before he called out, "Hello? Don't attack me! My name is Roan Ó Faoláin-Roux, and I'm a soothsayer of The Typhoon. I didn't come here for any trouble. I'm here with news for my brother, Trygve. It's about our family." Hopefully that would be clear enough that no one would try to attack him on sight. After all, he didn't really want to have to exhaust himself bringing down lightning upon a Pittian's head. As he stood there, he seemed exhausted, with tired eyes and an aggravated look on his face – he really wished that he didn't need to bring news like this. Not so soon after so much shit had happened.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: DESIGNER SCI-FI ☆ urgent visitor - gael - 09-04-2020

The sound of his cousin's son's voice left the new Ardent uneasy -- he disliked these visits.  He may find Roan a bright young boy, but he found the likelihood of a Pittian attacking him relatively high, regardless of the boy's previous stay.  They possessed only enemies beyond the desert.  Despite this, the vulpine followed the sound with a quickened step and cold determination to see him unharmed.

"Roan," the faerie found his voice lowering without thought, concerned.  The pain in his cousin's eyes reflected one he had suffered many times in the years -- an unfortunate and uncomfortable thought.  He may not enjoy the young pirate's reckless visit but he knew whatever news Roan brought, Trygve needed to know.

"You are under my protection." A solemn promise for swift retaliation for those who thought of attacking the Soothsayer.  "I would prefer if you kept this brief but... I understand."
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: DESIGNER SCI-FI ☆ urgent visitor - j a c k . - 09-04-2020

When Trygrv had first approached the Pitt, he had said the words that his last names were just that- names. He fell into a useful member for the Pitt, and no matter his family, his trifle, he was a part of them now, and it was hard to distinguish the loyalty he felt to the people- ever present reminds that showed up at the borders in form of ghosts haunting his friends. Then there was the part of him loyal to the clan, It claimed this place as under his protection and Jack held himself to honor that protection.

Jack didn't know Roan, he had a flavor of salt, of fresh herbs and something that shouldn't be familiar, but herbs- life reminded him of Salem with the ever present vines that usually curled along his brother's legs. Even without Gael's words- the Ardent's voice cutting through whatever response would've elected from the Marauder otherwise- There was another hidden one that Jack refused to admit. Salem's- his brother's clanmate: Jack refused to attack on pricipal, the less amount of time that Jack spent angering that clan, the less the tension that would strike between them.

Still, there was less a matter of principal for his later loyalty to the clan, and more to the primarily one: Trygrv came into this clan mourning, angry and hurt. It was his own clan that drew him away, so he sought out another connection without such strings of loyalty to choke him with. Here- he was here because he wanted to be, not because his family was there. Not because of the guilt of pitting against his clan.

"now, hold on, Roan" Jack piqued, and he was small in comparison, only slightly smaller in comparison to the Ardent sure- but he didn't need his size for this, didn't need the winter present in his spine to press into his voice and make it [glow=#add8e6,2,300]Chilling[/glow]. But it was there, an ever preset reminder that Jack had been welcomed and worked within the Pitt well- violence such as that doesn't come artificially.

"It's up to the Pale blood if he wants to hear you out." The kodkod hummed out, and his voice were neutral, his body posture was lax, but it was a hunter's faux promise. Such a size, such a child-like youth. Jack felt his own claws bite into the sand under paws, and his smile was pearly fanged.

Re: DESIGNER SCI-FI ☆ urgent visitor - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 09-04-2020

[glow=white,1,400]THEY WANNA SEE BLOOD, THEY WANNA SEE HATE !。+゚.[/glow]
As much as Dante enjoyed visiting The Typhoon that one day, the hybrid wasn't too fond to see one of them on The Pitt's terf - hypocritical of him, sure, but he didn't care for that. So whenever he caught whiff of The Typhoon's scent nearby, Dante followed it to investigate - arriving in time to faintly hear Roan call out and Gael's words.

"Enough of this family bullshit." Dante grunted, rolling his cigarette in his mouth for a brief moment, his long tail flicking. "You're too fucking soft on anyone coming here looking for 'family', Gael." Disgusting, really. But the hybrid made no move to harm Roan - but he did glare at the Soothslayer.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: DESIGNER SCI-FI ☆ urgent visitor - T. ROUX - 09-05-2020

you think you know about me
Trygve had not been doing well that morning that he had risen, he felt pain and sadness though it was not his own. Something had happened yet he had chosen to muffle it with his own thoughts despite how selfish it was. Trygve had already gone through a rollercoaster of emotions during that week and frankly, he didn't know how else to feel about it yet he noticed some of his clanmates leaving the shade of the jungle in the direction of a voice. A familiar voice and the draconic jaguar bit down on his tongue not wishing to see... He knew who it was and well, his relationship with his older brother was poor. It had been his fault really... For snapping at the other when he had gotten injured, Roan was always exhausted and... Irritable whenever someone got hurt. Ry could clearly see it even when the Soothsayer would try to hide it. Michael had told him in the letter to find happiness elsewhere and he had done it... So, why were these assholes still haunting him? Pulling at his strings?

Rolling off the tree branch where he had laid within the jungle, the draconic boy made his way over seeing Gael, Jack, and  Dante already there confronting Roan. Gael already telling Roan that he would defend him from the other Pittians. A soft snort leaving the apprentice as a smoke left his nostrils, the fire inside of him already burning and ready if need be. Roan was family or that's what he had to remind himself... Roan was a Roux... A true Roux yet to Trygve it had only become a name, one he wished not to possess or refer himself to. With his forked tongue pressed against his gritted teeth only to swipe across his lips, his eyes fixated onto the small Siamese whilst his mottled tail lashed behind him.  He shouldn't stay quiet. He had to find the words but the pain Natyli had felt, it lingered within his mind and chest, constructing the beating organ within that chest of his. It was bad news, he could only assume and it kept him mute for a good moment before hearing what Jack said.

"It's up to the pale blood if he wants to hear you out."

As much as Trygve wanted to be ignorant and lock himself away rather selfishly, he knew that a part of him wished to know even if it would likely only hurt him and return the waves of agony and loss that Natyli had felt earlier. Trygve had to remind himself that Roan hadn't left him like Michael, if he kept this comparison in his head then the other would be... Tolerable, at least. He could feel his snout wrinkle in the slightest though it went away as he finally took a deep breath and nodded slowly in the direction of Roan though his fiery words were directed to Dante "Refrain from talking to your Ardent like that, Dante." His pupils narrowed into dangerous slits as he concentrated all of his attention onto Roan, Trygve might've put on a facade but really... He didn't want to hear the news or let alone be anywhere near this Roux.

"Speak." Was what finally slipped from his parted maw and it took him a moment to add "Tell me the news... brother..." The word brother feeling odd on his tongue, foreign almost. It especially felt odd to be calling Roan that though... Whatever it was, hopefully, the usage of brother would prompt the other to speak quicker. Rip the bandaid off before it began to hurt. Whatever left the lips of Roan, it was going to hurt. And Trygve would only find comfort in his own anger and sadness once more. Everything went to shit eventually, he supposed. And he knew it was only going to get shittier.

Re: DESIGNER SCI-FI ☆ urgent visitor - roan ; - 09-06-2020

The arrival of others was enough to make Roan tense up, even if the young soothsayer knew that The Pitt was no longer under Silent's control. He had been at the meeting with his mama, and he had seen Gael as well, presenting himself as the new ardent of The Pitt. The siamese had little idea of why his relative would want the position in the first place, but he wasn't displeased about it. At least this way, he knew the place wouldn't be enacting senseless violence just for the hell of it. Gael was far too smart to see the appeal of such a thing. So, when the fox was the first to arrive on the scene, Roan found himself relaxing slightly. Gael's words only soothed him further, reassuring him that he wasn't about to be attacked on sight – or at least, if he was, there would be dire punishment for whoever incited such violence. Dipping his head go the new ardent, Roan's voice seemed to crack ever so slightly as he spoke, "Dia dhuit, Gael. It's good to see you... and thank you. I promise I'll try to keep this as brief as I can." He meant it, too. He wanted to provide Ry with comfort if his brother needed it, but besides that, he had no wish to remain within the desert territory.

The arrival of two others caused Roan to turn, his gaze landing on Jack first. The kodkod spoke of his brother as if he knew him, although he still referred to the other as simply a "pale blood." The draconic feline supposed that, on some level, Jack did know Trygve, considering this was where his brother lived the majority of the time now. It still set his teeth on edge, and he found he couldn't muster any words in response, simply jerkily nodding his head in the other's direction. If Ry really didn't want to hear him out, Roan would respect his wishes, but he had a feeling that wouldn't be the case. Trygve Roux was stubborn as all hell, but he cared for his family, even if this particular little endeavor was his way of trying to pull away from them. In comparison, Dante warranted essentially no reaction in Roan's eyes, instead causing the medic to just give a lazy flick of his tail. He had already heard about the strange mutated male intruding on Typhoon territory, so the soothsayer really didn't think he had any room to speak on any of it. Even if he probably wouldn't have thought he had a right to speak regardless of whether or not he had been splashing around in The Typhoon's waves.

Finally, Trygve arrived, and Roan felt as though all of the air had been snatched cruelly from his lungs. It wasn't even necessarily his brother's presence that caused his emotions to spill over. No, it was simply the fact that he needed to tell Ry of what had happened, while also trying to keep himself together. It was a herculean task, and Roan selfishly ignored all of the signs of Trygve's discomfort or anger with his presence. He didn't have time for petty squabbles or relatively minor family drama – their brother was dead, and there was no getting around that. After taking a painful breath inward, Roan managed to force his voice above a whisper, "Ry... I came to tell you that... that Jaime is dead. He passed away a few days ago." The words left him in a rush, leaving stinging burns where they had scraped against the corners of his mouth. Once he had gotten over the initial hump, it was slightly easier to continue, "Mutations... they ate him from the inside out. It was too much for his body to take, and there was nothing anyone could have done. We found him near the shore, and it was already too late." Roan had to convince himself that there was nothing that could've been done to make it better. Because if there had been, then he would spend eternity blaming himself for not doing it.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: DESIGNER SCI-FI ☆ urgent visitor - T. ROUX - 09-08-2020

you think you know about me
"Jaime is dead. He passed away a few days ago."

The words hit and sunk in causing the draconic boy to remain silent for the time being, his pupils widening slightly as he felt a wave of emotions crash onto him like waves during a furious storm. Trygve held his breath for the moment before glancing away from Roan, he knew full well that it should've been him to die... Jaime had people who cared deeply for him, he didn't end up butting heads with others, and he was much likable than Trygve could ever be. Now, Jaime was gone and he was still here walking on the cruel earth... Already having hit rough spots throughout the majority of his young life. And it only seemed to get worse. Their family was unfortunate... So much loss in such little time. Trygve had wanted to avoid more loss of those close to him yet he knew that word would come to him eventually, he bit the inside bit of his cheek trying to figure out how to reply.

Emotion gnawing and twisting the heart within his chest, his own pain blossoming and mingling with his sister's own agony from the loss of their own brother. His muzzle wrinkled though at this point, he refused to cry in front of all these people... His new clanmates. He was aware that showing emotion or shedding a few tears didn't signify weakness but the draconic jaguar preferred a more private setting away from judging eyes. Sadness in his eyes yet his face seemed to be scrunched up in anger, he wanted to blame someone... Yet he didn't know who... Trygve had been selfish and instead of spending Jaime's few days together, he had ran off to live on Haven Island and then eventually had ran off to the Pitt. A second home but... With everything as of late, it might as well be his first.

But those words were trapped in his throat as he parted his jaws slowly as if to speak yet nothing slipped from his lips. Jaws that usually held spitfire comments was silenced in that moment, he took a deep breath with ears flattened against his skull trying to figure out what to say. It hurt. It hurt knowing that he lost his brother to their own genetics, the fire that always burned in his chest causing him to grow concerned... Would it eat him from the inside out and eventually kill him slowly too? He hoped it did. That's what he deserved for being a shitty brother and a damned son...  He was no better than the father that had left them. He gritted his teeth as he turned his head away from Roan feeling his eyes begin to sting but no tears slipped down from his eyes. That was it, wasn't it? The end of Jaime Alexander Roux? A simple soft breeze in the wind and a hushed whisper that sent him into agony.

He shut his eyes tightly finally finding his voice, it was gruff and barely breaking with droplets of emotion "I see..." There was no one to blame but himself for chosing to distance himself from another family member once again. He had distanced himself from so many after Elduin had left and Michael having done as well even if the coyote had returned. He wished for them to stay away yet... He was shoving away his older brother in the process too. What if the same fate happened to Roan? The thought made the fur on his spine prickle, he reopened his eyes slowly only to glance in the direction of the draconic Siamese that was his brother. "I'll miss him..." Was what he finally decided to say only to turn away slowly though his movements were accompanied with hesitation, a frown tugging at his lips. "Thank you for telling me... I'll be there if... There's a... funeral... In my own time,"

With heavy steps, the draconic boy would add not looking over his shoulder "Until then... hermano," Whiskers twitched and Trygve took a few more steps before spreading out his wings slowly did he take to the skies not looking back. The only thing he could feel was the pain and rage mingling with one another, manifesting in his chest.

/ out