Beasts of Beyond
GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE // open - Printable Version

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[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
//trigger warning: small gore (fourth paragraph), paranoia (basically whole oneshot). Just a note: fourth and fifth paragraphs are hallucinations and aren't real (other than Vigenere screaming)

Had anyone noticed how different he had been since his capture? Quite honestly, Vigenere wasn't sure, and that partially made his worries grow much worse. What if they have noticed, He thought to himself, wrapping his tail around him in an attempt to comfort himself. The Luminary was in his den, laying on his bed, but obviously he could not fall asleep, despite the sun starting to rise. And they just haven't said anything to me? That would be the worse case scenario, in the savannah's mind. If that were the case, did they think he was going mad? Were they afraid of offending him if they brought it up?

What was reassuring was the fact that when he returned, all of his clanmates were here. Nobody had been burned alive, thank the gods, but still, Vigenere couldn't help but feel this fear in the back of his mind every moment of the day. The fear that Caesar was lurking around made him uneasy. What if he was telling secrets to The Pitt? What if he was plotting to do something to Tanglewood, to get revenge for not being allowed here? Alan. His son suddenly crossed his mind - he assumed that his son had gone off to be with Morgan and wasn't happy with life in Tanglewood anymore (which was fine), but now Vigenere worried that Caesar had gotten a hold of him.

No, no, he's fine. He's fine. He's with Morgan. Vigenere told himself, trying to ease his growing worry for his son. He dug his claws into his bed, trying to calm his shaking body. Alan is with Morgan, he is safe. A pause in his thoughts. But what if he's not? Vigenere shook his head at that thought, telling himself now, Alan is safe. You are safe, and your clan is safe. Were they entirely free of Caesar or The Pitt's grasp? Perhaps not yet, but right now, they were safe.

Vigenere laid his head down, trying to calm his nerves. It seemed to work for a minute or two, until the image of Athena, his ex, laid before him - her throat torn out and blue blood gushing from the wound. Her mouth was agape in a silent scream, a plead for Vigenere to help her, but the savannah could only stare in horror at what he was seeing. No, no. I can't be reliving this... Athena was long gone; he had Morgan now. Shakily, Vigenere reached out one of his paws to touch Athena's body, only for it to be replaced by the body of Morgan - instead of blue blood, it was the normal red blood most mortals have. Vigenere recoiled back, gritting his teeth before screaming out loud, "MORGAN!" He bolted from his bed, tripping over the frame, though he wasted no time in getting back up and yowling the name of his boyfriend again.

"Morgan, please, wake up..." Vigenere sobbed, his entire body trembling as he crouched next to the canine's body. Completely unaware this wasn't real, the savannah laid his head on Morgan's body, crying into his fur. He tried to lick his partner's ears and neck, trying to encourage Morgan to wake up - but his attempts failed. Morgan was already gone at this point, whether or not the Luminary wanted to accept it. If Morgan was dead, then where was Alan? Where was their son? The realization hit Vigenere like a truck and he let out another scream, "ALAN?" There was no response - not within their own home and not within this vision.

Morgan would want him to make sure their son was okay first. Vigenere yelled out for Alan again, walking in his own hut to search for the cat-dog hybrid. To Vigenere, the savannah was out in the loner lands and not within Tanglewood, so he didn't realize he was still at home and as such, Vigenere ran into one of the walls of his home. He stepped backwards a few paces, faintly aware of his black-colored blood trickling from his nose and from the small wound on his head, before he eventually crashed onto the ground.

//TL;DR - Vig is worried abt his clanmates thinking he's gone crazy (literally) and thinks that Caesar/The Pitt is out to get him and his clanmates and eventually hallucinates Morgan's dead body in front of him (due to the lack of sleep). He's tumbling about in his own home (not aware he's hallucinating) and knocks himself out whenever he hits a wall; Tanglers are likely to be alerted to the noise considering Vigenere had yelled/screamed a couple of times[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]