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joiners? [★] THE SUN CAN BEND AN ORANGE SKY - Printable Version

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joiners? [★] THE SUN CAN BEND AN ORANGE SKY - summer. - 09-01-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #536ea9; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px;"]HERE [color=#7489a9]COM[color=#8497aa]ES A [color=#94a4aa]THOU[color=#a4b2aa]GHT
The waves on the shore were a mercy to the sea's rough rhythm.  Lulling gently as the sun began to rise over the horizon, turning the water pink and orange.  As the heat began to sink into her spotted fur, Summer began to follow the sun's example and rise.

Soft smoke, the petite kodkod breathed, warming herself against the water's chill.  Quiet, until, memory and alarm clicked into place.  "[color=#eef2af]Westley!"

Unsteady, her paws nearly tripped over each other.  Desperate, pulling the sand around her to stabilize herself.  Breathe.  A dive into the ocean during rough weather in an act of desperation had been... Well.  Desperate.  And reckless.  But the youth treasured her books so dearly.

Now they were lost.  The pages likely ruined by the water anyway.  And Summer didn't know where she was.  An island.  One that had seen better days.  One she had to scour until she found him.  Seas... He shouldn't have jumped in after her.  She shouldn't have jumped at all.  Overestimated herself.  Foolish.  Breathe.

Okay.  The little wildcat turned her sea-colored hues back towards the ocean, watching the sun ascend from its depths.  Okay.  Sticking to the shoreline, close enough for the waves to brush her paws, she began to walk along the sand.  He had to be around here somewhere.  He had to.  "Westley?"

[member=16139]westley h.[/member]

Re: joiners? [★] THE SUN CAN BEND AN ORANGE SKY - westley h. - 09-01-2020

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: courier; font-size: 10px;"]But th[color=#163a67]e nee[color=#19406d]dle i[color=#1c4774]n ou[color=#1e4d7a]r com[color=#205381]pass i[color=#235988]s tremb[color=#265f8e]ling
To open his eyes to an unfamiliar shore brought a familiar sense of displacement.  Westley leveled his breath slowly and coughed, quick to promise himself never to dive into the ocean without shifting first.  Fighting rough waves as a clouded leopard only brought an unnecessary amount of pain and exhaustion to his body.

Beneath the rising sun, the feline remained as he lay, dismissive of the waves still soaking salt water into his fur.  He could not have been amongst the sea for a disastrous amount of time, since he still held air within his lungs.  Assessing the island he washed upon sounded like the next course of acti- "Westley?"

Ah - there we are.  Westley heaved himself up without another moment's thought, relief escaping his chest at the sound of Summer's voice.  Off-kilter, he found himself face first in the sand hardly a second later, blinking in momentarily bewilderment.  With a soft grunt, he rose again, tail curling behind him for balance.  There we go.

"Over here, I'm alright." He offered gently, attempting to shake both the water and sand off his coat.  "Let's take a break from surprise dives into the ocean, yeah?"  In the end, the leopard knew only luck saved them from calling the depths a permanent home.  Marvelous luck.

"Now then," to business, Westley grinned, "I can't say I've been to this island before."  For all the years he could travel, the world always found new challenges and adventures to offer.  Perhaps I really should take up cartography.
[align=right]**Ikigai. (n.)

Re: joiners? [★] THE SUN CAN BEND AN ORANGE SKY - ARGUS - 09-01-2020

there was a part of Argus that sat up, in attention to the tone in Summer's voice. it called in a voice that drifted under her scales, a tension of fiber strung- coiled ready to snap in overexersion from living so close to the place she had been ruined by. It lived in silence under the damned mother's skin, it coiled tight and cooed sweetly into the night as argus huddled along the beach wtihout shade, without a home. Looking off to a sea that was unforgiving and merciless.

It sat up, and hissed weakness into Argus' spine, it dogged her vision, a narrow lilt onto the pair as she glanced ath the pair of them. Ten eyes scrutinizing towards the pair that had seemed to wash up towards the clan. It seemed the most obvious and common for joiners: wash up her seeking a home, and a home they would be provided here- if they so wished it. If not, then it was their prison.

"[glow=grey,2,300]you are right, in that very few know of this island's existence [/glow]" Argus' voice was coy as she came to land along the beach. Ivory bone claws digging into the sand with practiced ease. Landing without little kick up. her large form loomed over the pair, and at the right angle she draped her own shadow over the pair. She coked her head, her elongated neck showing a unnerving feature of her.

"[glow=grey,2,300]you are lucky to be caught by the island's tides, otherwise there wouldn't be much to catch you, for a long... while[/glow]" She made a fleeting gesture towards the sea- the lack of isles beyond the typhoon and the main island only covered a corner of the Condemned's borders. The rest? was an open sea, a sea no one had in record returned from to Argus' knowledge, and her mind sprawled farther back than the discovery of the island herself.

"[glow=grey,2,300]Westley , was it?[/glow]" the dragon hummed, the rough sound in her voice shaking through her frame with a rumble: the question sounded more like a challenge. "[glow=grey,2,300] you both are alright? Would you need the guru's help- a healer?[/glow]"

Re: joiners? [★] THE SUN CAN BEND AN ORANGE SKY - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-01-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
"It's not wise to lead strangers through our territory, dumbass." Caesar's voice came from behind the large dragoness, his tone in a growl as he spoke. He was curious where Argus was heading and as such, followed her, only to hear voices speaking in the distance - two creatures who were seemingly washed up shore.

"Better to leave them to die." Caesar grunted, walking to stand beside Argus and glare at Westley and Summer; he clearly wasn't too fond of them already, for whatever reason. They looked weak was the reason and it irritated him. If the Coalition were to survive, it would need strong members, not ones that would bring them down.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: joiners? [★] THE SUN CAN BEND AN ORANGE SKY - summer. - 09-01-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #536ea9; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px;"]HERE [color=#7489a9]COM[color=#8497aa]ES A [color=#94a4aa]THOU[color=#a4b2aa]GHT
Thank goodness.  As Westley made himself known, the feline breathed out and bounded to his side.  Sheepishly, she felt her ears flick back as he commented on their surprise trip into the ocean.  He was right of course.

Summer opened her mouth, intent on apologies when another voice interrupted her trail of thought.  Her ears twitched as she fell into attentive silence.  The open ocean did not frighten her, but she could only manipulate the water so long...

Softly, she hummed in agreement, glancing at Westley once more in a sheepish apology.  No more surprise dives into the ocean.  She could do that.  Probably.

The mention of a healer made her pause.  Wary.  A growing trepidation as another's more sharper voice cut the air.  She let out a snort.  What stepped on his tail today?

She let her eyes narrow, a wave of water raising defensively behind her.  "[color=#eef2af]You got a problem?"  If the stupidly bright tom thought they were just going to lie down and die, he had another thing coming to him.

Re: joiners? [★] THE SUN CAN BEND AN ORANGE SKY - SirDio - 09-01-2020

Ezrakel Tsune
"It's as if he's haunting me, wanting me to break under his maddening presence."

He wasn't even following Argus or Caesar, just wandering and exploring as he felt that constant presence of being watched. Close enough to hear them speaking, and just able to hear Caesar's remarks and a stranger's voice, he curiously walked to the scene. Of course, he'd stay a good distance since there was a damn good show going on.

Sitting down a ways away from the group, he watched as the small feline brought a wave to her beck and call, and he made an expression of suppressed awe. His feathered tail swayed gently, kicking up sand slightly. He was... unusually quiet now, settling down into a laying position. He turned his gaze toward Caesar and Argus, wondering what either of them would do.

Re: joiners? [★] THE SUN CAN BEND AN ORANGE SKY - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-03-2020

[glow=black,1,400]CLEVER GOT ME THIS FAR, THEN TRICKY GOT ME IN !。+゚.[/glow]
Perhaps if fire elementals were his only defense, Caesar would be afraid of the water looming behind Summer. In a way, he was worried; drowning wasn't a way that he would want to go out. But that being said, he wasn't afraid of dying in of itself. Caesar was, however, amused by the girl's attempts to seem threatening; So they aren't just weaklings who happened to stumble here. That was good to know, but they were still intruders to him nonetheless.

Not taking Summer's hint, Caesar stepped forward and tilted his head up slightly. "Yeah, actually." He stated. "You two don't belong here." Obviously, not his right to say that - but did he care? Not really. "Go back where you came from."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: joiners? [★] THE SUN CAN BEND AN ORANGE SKY - westley h. - 09-03-2020

[div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; margin-left: 10px; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: 0.7px; line-height: 100%"]But th[color=#163a67]e nee[color=#19406d]dle i[color=#1c4774]n ou[color=#1e4d7a]r com[color=#205381]pass i[color=#235988]s tremb[color=#265f8e]ling
Westley smiles, bemused if nothing else.  The leopard had hardly expected residents on a battered island, but it inspires more intrigue.  He reaches a gentle paw forward, to place ahead of his more hot-headed companion, seemingly dismissive of the sound of threats.  He had heard it all before and didn't particularly want to see Summer waste her time on such.

Towards the dragoness, the feline bows his head politely. "That is what they call me," he offered cheekily.  "Westley Hawkins.  And I believe we're both fine, but thank you for offering.  It is very kind of you."

Between the dragon and savannah, Westley found the island a curious place.  It felt lacking in unity, if it were home to a group like the others he knew of.  A curious matter, leaving the leopard to raise his eyebrows at the more aggressive tom.  Where we came from?  A rather dull demand.  Nomads as they were, the feline failed to prevent a chuckle.  Did either of them even have something to return to?  Neither of their families waited for them in the places they 'came from'.

"Would that be the ocean then?" He inquired, whiskers twitching.  "'fraid we don't have a place we 'come from'."

Following that trail of thought, the traveler let his eyes wander the island.  Perhaps a storm came through here.  "Looks to me like you could use some extra paws, but if that's how you feel... 'Course it doesn't seem to me that you speak for the people here."
[align=right]**Ikigai. (n.)

Re: joiners? [★] THE SUN CAN BEND AN ORANGE SKY - ARGUS - 09-03-2020

Caesar’s voice was scathing, a cut across the cool exteriror Argus were trying to show; and it cracked, dissolved into annoyance as her large tail took the time to lash against the sands behind the savanna. Kicking up sands around him and hopefully giving him a good cough, if nothing else. He has only grown more aggressive in the time that she used to know him. She had half a mind to bury him in sand then and there, and if it weren’t for the audience she might have.

No, but it was the audience that kept her attention. Ruby eyes staring down the pair with benign curiosity. Caesar had a tone; a way of speaking to push other’s out, but there was stupidity and then there was narcissism: for Caesar’s case it seemed to be a bit on the nose of both. It was hard to remember that they had both been a part of the typhoon, but it were clear they were exiled for two different reasons. “[glow=grey,2,300]We are open to those that are able to find the island, prove that they do not have nefarious reasons for joining.[/glow]” She offered, towards Westly.

"[glow=grey,2,300]It would be the only reason this one is even kept around.[/glow]” She didn’t geasture towards Caesar, but it was obvious who she were talking about. And the coy smirk under her masked features remained hidden from view- it was obvious how she felt about the jibe, nothing short of spiteful amusement. “[glow=grey,2,300]I’m Argus, I believe the kingpin named you what- spots?[/glow]” Argus hummed, at this looking down towards Caesar.

She didn’t given him a chance to respond- or if he did; she didn’t respond towards it, instead looking towards Summer and Westley both. “[glow=grey,2,300]You both are welcome here, there is always a want for more help.[/glow]”

Re: joiners? [★] THE SUN CAN BEND AN ORANGE SKY - SirDio - 09-03-2020

Ezrakel Tsune
"It's as if he's haunting me, wanting me to break under his maddening presence."

The small tom let out an audible chuckle at Caesar's remarks, a rude but smooth chuckle. In reality, he wanted to give the dirty dandelion of a feline a good swipe across the nose, but refrained from doing so. As Argus began to speak, he rose from his spot and began to approach the group, paws hitting the ground softly and with little noise.

As he looked to the strangers, nodding to them, he sent Caesar a blank look. Then a smirk as he thought for a moment. "Spots, eh? Dirty Dandelion sounds better." His voice held little emotion aside from a pinch of amusement.

"My name is Ezrakel. Hello, you two." he said quietly to the newcomers, ears flicking to the sound of waves.