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ONE SMALL STEP FOR MAN // joining - Printable Version

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ONE SMALL STEP FOR MAN // joining - MysteriouslyMaple - 08-31-2020

"You've got MOXIE, kid."
A swamp! Fascinating...

Curiosity's ears pricked as they neared the border of Tanglewood, following the words of a couple kind NPCs that directed her towards this place. It wasn't hard to figure out that this was the border, given the scent markers, and although the caracal was rather excited to be here, she stopped herself from going any farther. You don't want to be disrespectful. They reminded themselves, claws digging into the wet ground subconsciously in an attempt to curb their energy. Curiosity's brown gaze scanned the territory, noting strange markings and signs on trees that appeared to be warning of something - but what exactly? She wasn't sure.
tags - penned by @/Mysteriously Maple
template by orion

Re: ONE SMALL STEP FOR MAN // joining - trojan g. - 08-31-2020

They were meant to be going in groups on patrols, and although Nicabar usually followed the rules that were set in place for occasions such as the ones that had seemed to happen a while ago, this was something that he hadn't followed yet. If there was to be a Pitt member on the border or in the territory, Nicabar knew that he would be able to hold his own and get away to find help quickly. So when there was someone at the border, waiting, Nicabar's ears pricked for a moment and his paws stopped in their place as he assessed the situation from quite a way away at first.

When he realized the other was just going to sit and wait, the male began to walk once more, stopping for a moment as he sat down near to the other. Close enough to be deemed as friendly but far enough away where he could see their whole body without having to move his head, just in case. Timing was important here. "Hello," The serval would offer, testing the waters at first as he offered a small smile to Curiosity. "M'name's Nicabar, how can Tanglewood help you today?" There was no point in telling the other his rank, if he did then and they were from the Pitt then that could backfire heavily.  "speech"

Re: ONE SMALL STEP FOR MAN // joining - MysteriouslyMaple - 09-05-2020

"You've got MOXIE, kid."
A small serval was approaching, a sight that wasn't too surprising to Curiosity - at least, not scientifically speaking. Servals enjoyed wetlands, although whether or not this swampy place could be considered too much might depend on the individual; obviously, Nicabar (as he introduced himself) appeared rather content here. At least, he seemed to know his way around the place which meant he had to be familiar with the area, no?

Leptailurus serval. Curiosity ran off the facts she knew about his species, her brown-eyed gaze studying Nicabar - almost seeming to ignore his greeting. Still appears to have his kitten fluff, cannot be much older than 12 months. Is his mother still around? A pause in their thoughts. Likely not, Leptailurus servals typically leave their mother at 12 months old.

Curiosity noted how Nicabar seemed to want to stay hidden. Not entirely strange for his species, but surely if a group lived here as rumors, wouldn't they want to approach visitors? "Oh! Sorry for staring. I must have spaced out." The caracal chirped, shaking her head to chase away their thoughts. "My name is Curiosity Vesmír and I was looking to join Tanglewood." There - introduction done.
tags - penned by @/Mysteriously Maple
template by orion

Re: ONE SMALL STEP FOR MAN // joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 09-14-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH AGAIN !。+゚.[/glow]
Vigenere had set the new 'travel buddy' rule for a reason, although he was slightly hypocritical in a sense to not really follow it himself, especially considering he had been captured by The Pitt in the first place. And truthfully, Vigenere didn't really expect the rule to be followed exactly, especially given Tanglewood's low population at the moment - though that in of itself should be concerning.

Hearing Nicabar's voice greeting someone in the distance, Vigenere decided to follow the sound and arrived in time to hear Curiosity introduce themselves. He smiled gently at her, dipping his head in a greeting. "You're welcome to stay here, Curiosity." He chirped. "Name's Vigenere Cipher, the Luminary - or leader - here."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ONE SMALL STEP FOR MAN // joining - MysteriouslyMaple - 09-24-2020

"You've got MOXIE, kid."
Oh, a savannah cat! Curiosity stared in awe at Vigenere as he approached, her large ears pricked as she studied him. Felis catus x Leptailurus serval. This one appears to be of the F1 variety; he has the identifiable markings of the serval, but his build is slightly more catus. Curiosity thought to themselves, honored to be in the presence of such a gorgeous creature; they were rare, that was for sure - especially an F1 savannah; the direct paring of a serval and domestic feline.

"Thank you, Vigenere Cipher." Curiosity dipped her head, taking note of Vigenere's status within Tanglewood. "I am honored to be here - but I will only be staying here temporarily, if that is okay?" They asked next, tilting their head, though they appeared to perk up whenever Vigenere gave them a reassuring nod. "Ah, I hope you do not mind my asking: but are you and Nicabar of any relation? It is interesting that a savannah outranks his genealogical brother."
tags - penned by @/Mysteriously Maple
template by orion