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THE VANISHING POINT | destiny rp thread - Printable Version

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THE VANISHING POINT | destiny rp thread - pallid-i - 08-31-2020

It was supposed to be a normal day, but no. She just had to blast off without him and to Traveler knows where!

Zealot stormed down to the Annex to where Benedict was (making sure not to pay any mind to a passing comment from the Drifter. Fuck that guy.) and made sure to pick up some bounties to complete for when Siren came back. Maybe it was time to sit down with her and ask her how she was feeling, because she obviously needed someone to listen to her issues. Siren just wasn't the same after Cayde died, and now that she was hanging out with the boss of the Tangled Shore more and more, it was like Zealot was seeing someone... different.

The titan sat down at a table in the bazaar and let out a long sigh, shaking his head. "That Siren is gonna be the death of me, I tell ya what." He muttered to himself.

Re: THE VANISHING POINT | destiny rp thread - kinglykingstone - 09-16-2020

A rare sight it was, to see Aadan without his partner. Often times the two were seemingly attached at the hip, a reflection of their bond. If Aadan was not accompanied by his fiance, he would tend to have Siren by his side. Niether accompanied the hunter today as he entered the bazaar.

His gaze would skate across the bazaar, landing on the exomind seated at a table. He would weave his way past those gathered to his friend, dropping himself on the chair across from Zealot. "Howdy, howdy," he greeted, propping his head up on his hand. His recognized the expression on the other's face, it was one he had recently started to adopt himself.

A sigh escaped him as he lifted a brow. "Let me guess, Siren ran off again?" he asked, hoping he was wrong. Maybe something else was bothering the exomind. One could hope, at least.
i should have gone myself, this is on me.

Re: THE VANISHING POINT | destiny rp thread - pallid-i - 10-05-2020

It was like Aadan's question had opened the floodgates, and the exo immediately started going off.

"I don't know why she does it! I mean she's an adult, she doesn't need anyone to baby her, but come on! She could do so many other things in the system, but she chooses to go see him!" Zealot slammed his fist down on the table, clearly frustrated. "The Spider is scummy and so incredibly shady, I just don't get it. It's like Siren has thrown her morals out the window just for him! The vanguard isn't gonna like this, I'm calling it now."

He went silent for a brief moment before he finally looked at Aadan in the eyes. "Am I overreacting? Am I wrong to be this concerned?" Siren was like a sister to him, of course he didn't want her to get hurt. Not after everything they had all gone through, and the friends they lost along the way.