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i live such a lonely life - joining, - Printable Version

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i live such a lonely life - joining, - palejaw - 08-30-2020

PALEJAW - male - carnotaurus - palmclan
[Image: carno_resized.png]

The branches underneath giant, hushed steps crackled as the giant, scaled creature slowly passed through the forest. The hurricane had done nothing to deter the rather extinct-yet-still-kicking dinosaur from ruling the forest. At least, until he had seen a rust-coloured tom -- for a split second, the Carno had thought the creature a Dilo at first, but decided it much much too small - a Galimimus, perhaps? -- rush through the forest like hell on wheels. Searching. The Carno huffed through slit nostrils as he was currently smelling a fresh scent. It seemed to have been what he thought an Oro, but instead just a bird. Good enough.

The bird was fast, detecting the large creature and instantly attempting flight. A wingbeat touched the ground and the seagull was in the air. The Carno was faster, large feet thumping against the ground as jaws snapped out, nearly taking the whole bird into its mouth. The dinosaur dropped the bird, putting its foot on the wing, and began to dig in. The sunlight filtered through the trees to show the pale, albino scales across the dino's flanks and face, a bright red running from his nose all the way down to the end of his tail, black spotted across the top of his nose, his head, his back, and a thin line all along his tail. Otherwise, the rest of his body was white and pink.

The dino's eyes were a reddish-pink as well, with a blue tinge to it. Albeit born with bad eyes, the Carno adjusted very well and picked up on scents and sounds not many would pick up at first. The pecking of the seagull that he now crunched on was what pinpointed its position to the large being. Now, the dino snacked on the bird, blowing the feathers out of its mouth to avoid eating such nasty pieces. He'd have eaten the bird all in one go, but the thought of eating feathers sickened the Carno. Anything that wasn't meat that could get in-between the pin-point teeth was disgusting, and perhaps that's why the dino hadn't attacked the clan. The thought of cat fur between his teeth had him reeling in disgust.

Instead, if any of them found him, he'd just talk with them. No sense in trying to scare off animals he could co-exist with, right? Especially if he didn't want to eat them.

Re: i live such a lonely life - joining, - RHINESTONE. - 08-30-2020

Surprisingly, dinosaurs were far from an unknown for the group known as Palmclan. Most would thing that a traditional group of warriors living on the beach would have little to no idea of the massive prehistoric reptiles, and for a while, they hadn't. Then Stormspine had shown up, and that had opened an entire world of new possibilities for the group. Perhaps that didn't make them quite as traditional as some would've liked, but Rhine didn't see the harm in it. Stormspine had never been a threat to any of them, and had even helped when the camp had been attacked by foxes. That didn't mean the tom would just trust any random dino he came across, but it also meant that he didn't feel quite as hostile towards them. There was still a healthy level of fear there, however, but that was mostly out of necessity. Even the smallest of the huge reptiles would be enough to seriously injure, if not kill, a fully grown warrior. So, Rhinestone acted with a healthy level of apprehension, especially when he found a scent on the air that smelled familiar. Salty and cool, like their territory as a whole, but also with a metallic, scaled edge. He immediately felt himself drawn towards it, if only to protect his clan.

Soft pawsteps drew the leader over to where the carno was, his pale blue eyes widening considerably when he caught sight of the creature. The albino and pink dinosaur was massive to the Palmclan leader, and although he had Stormspine as a basis, Rhine couldn't help the way his form slightly tensed. Taking a deep breath inwards in order to calm himself, Rhinestone cleared his throat before speaking, stepping slowly out of the shadows, "Welcome... I don't believe I've seen one of your kind before. Only something similar... you were hunting on Palmclan territory. I was wondering if perhaps I could have your name, and what business you have here?" It was obvious that the other had been hunting, but perhaps he had something else in mind as well. After all, Stormspine had observed them for a while before ultimately approaching them to join. It would be rather humorous, being a clan of warriors with two dinosaurs as well, but it also wouldn't be a bad thing. As long as they were peaceful, they'd be incredible warriors to have, especially if Palmclan ever came to combat with another group.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: i live such a lonely life - joining, - palejaw - 08-31-2020

PALEJAW - male - carnotaurus - palmclan
[Image: carno_resized.png]

Compared to most dinosaurs, the Carno was the smallest in the big-and-loud category. He was still giant to a small creature, and when he could smell fear lingering on the edge of the breeze -- although it was downwind, he could still smell it when the breeze passed -- and his head slowly rose. A thin tongue slithered out between needle-sharp teeth, flicking against his scaly lips as his nostrils took in the scene, driving him to face the tom with bared teeth.

When he saw him, his expression changed, and he tilted his head. He didn't know he'd be able to understand such weird creatures. He crouched, moving his head to as low as he could get it while the leader spoke to him, blue-pink eyes studying the tom while he spoke. Something similar, was there another dinosaur here? How similar? Was there a Majunga? A T-Rex? There could be an endless amount of dinos that would be similar to him -- and even some not. His giant head tilted again, a low gurgle leaving his throat, making the skin vibrate.

"Sorry," he started slowly, his voice booming. "I didn't know this was your territory. I don't have a name, and, as said, I didn't know this forest was yours. My biggest apologies. I was just hoping it would be fine if I co-existed with you." His tail swished slowly, moving the leaves underneath the large appendage. "I would not mind moving if you would like me to leave."

Re: i live such a lonely life - joining, - RHINESTONE. - 09-01-2020

On some level, Rhine could tell that the carnotaurus wasn't actually trying to intimidate him. After all, the other seemed friendly, and judging by his words, he was also a creature of compromise. Despite this, Rhinestone couldn't help the anxiety that bubbled in his chest, particularly at the low gurgle that left Palejaw's throat. The tom's claws dug loosely into the ground beneath him, stabilizing him as he tried to focus on what wasn't going on. The dinosaur hadn't attacked him, nor had he made any even vaguely threatening remarks... there was no reason to fear, aside from the sheer size difference between the two of them. It was hardly as if the other could change his height, however, so it would be unreasonable to expect anything else.

Perhaps the other wasn't quite the same as Stormspine. After all, Storm had been extremely enthusiastic, and had been more than eager to join Palmclan as a whole. The other dinosaur had wanted not only to exist alongside them, but also to be one of them. By comparison, this newcomer seemed to want to co-exist alongside them, something that Rhinestone honestly didn't mind. As long as the other wasn't threatening them, and didn't take all of the prey on the territory, then all would be well. Despite this, he felt as though he should make a suggestion, both for the good of the carno,and for the good of Palmclan as a whole. Smiling through the slight hint of fear that spread throughout his form, Rhinestone questioned the large reptile, "You don't need to move. I mean, we have no reason that you couldn't co-exist alongside us. However, if you'd like to... you could join us. Palmclan is a welcoming group, and we could both benefit if you became a member." Palmclan would gain a valuable ally both in hunting and fighting, while the carnotaurus would gain a home, and companionship.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]