Beasts of Beyond
How Sweet The Sound -- Medusa - Printable Version

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How Sweet The Sound -- Medusa - SirDio - 08-29-2020

"I know I'm not normal, please don't stare at me."

God, how the hybrid loved warmth. and August was full of it, yes it was. Her furless, and scaleless, paws loved the warmth of the river rocks. Medusa felt no eyes prying at her as she walked along the river, eyeing the water with staring, unblinking eyes. Her forked tongue flicked outward, and as she touched it back to her Jacobson's organ, she let in all the wonderful forest scents.

She spotted a large, flat rock poking up out of the river. The perfect perching rock, perfect sunbathing rock. Just, the perfect rock for the hybrid. However, the way to the rock was through the water. The cat part of her despised the idea of getting what little fur she had soaked, but the snake side of her wanted that perch rock. Her paws prodded the rocks as she crouched for the leap.

3...2....1... now!

She lept toward the rock, landing in the water near it. Her legs kicked into action and it wasn't long before she got to the rock. As she situated herself, laid on her side, her head somewhat hanging from the rock and her tail coiling itself up, she listened to the river as it bubbled. How sweet the sound, the river made, drowning out most everything else.

There, she drifted to a peaceful sleep, her eyes still open. If anyone who never saw a snake sunbathe saw her, they'd think she was dead.