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hallo, it's been, like, a long ass time - Printable Version

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hallo, it's been, like, a long ass time - axiom - 08-27-2020

it is me, a human-ito. call me axiom, axi, or if you know me from long, long, long ago... murk.

i'm a non-binary witch born in the moonlight. they/them pronouns. or neo pronouns. still deciding on what to use, really. but don't call me a gender-y word and i don't really care.

i write some stuff, some junk, some poetry, some published stuff, some podcast things. projects in work but who knows where any of it's going, you know? i also write code and shit like that. code. software. whatever. technology. i'm pretty disillusioned with the world, and wow does that sound both depressing and awesome.

you can usually find me doing weird creative stuff. sometimes i paint my own jeans. usually i'm writing something scifi-like. or reading books. or playing video games. exercising, too, gotta keep my dumbass body with chronic pain conditions from yeeting me out the window. sometimes i also roleplay?

i am kinda terrible at keeping up with people and messaging, but i do not bite. but i do devour plots. so, like, you wanna plot? i will do a plot.

Re: hallo, it's been, like, a long ass time - Luciferr - 08-28-2020

Hey axiom! Welcome back!

And you should be fine on keeping up to be fair! Most people around here are pretty casual RP it’s nowhere near so fast as to worry about!

I think I’m playing one of your characters kids on coalition at the moment! Excited to see ya round again c:

(Your name sounds familiar but I didn’t want to presume, if you knew me I used to go by HECATE before I was Luciferr, ignore that if I don’t sound familiar to you just thought I’d ask!)

Re: hallo, it's been, like, a long ass time - axiom - 08-28-2020

of course !! i remember !!! you !!!!
i used to play pandora, lancelot, and a whole host of other crazies on [ redacted ] with ya.

more recently, i played delta in the typhoon when you were in there. also rosemary roux, if you remember her.

Re: hallo, it's been, like, a long ass time - Luciferr - 08-28-2020


Oh oof there goes me forgetting who everyone is again, curse my terrible memory
Hopefully I’ll be back in typhoon at some point, as of rn I’m in Pitt, coalition and both backboards cx

I’m gonna be a total shill for the palmclan backboards but if you want chill beach vibes, we’re chilling with a semi traditional style one there (except for me who brought a dinosaur because I can never do things by halves dhdbdb)

Re: hallo, it's been, like, a long ass time - Whisper - 08-28-2020

wonderful person it's!!! good to see ya again ^^

I remember delta, for the brief moment that i saw her- and rosmary was a delight ta witness. it's good to see you again, and i? would love to plot, throw any and all my characters down for plots honestly.  I'm in most of the major clans- with tangle wood being a WIP currently.