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don't even try -- disappearance + promotion - Printable Version

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don't even try -- disappearance + promotion - Warringkingdoms - 08-27-2020

  In the midst of Elysium’s territory, as the sun began to creep over the horizon, the earth began to rumble.

  Throughout the lands, even extending as far as the sea town and as high as the mountain’s peak, the vibrations could be felt. Small pebbles and bits of snow came loose from their foundation and cascaded down the slopes of the mountain; a few free-standing objects in the houses on the beach clattered to the floor. Echoes of sinking stone could be heard near the entrance to the caverns, punctuated by the crash of falling rocks.

  Eventually, the tremors gave way to silence.

  Within the fields, the ground had shifted. A few sinkholes now opened up to the air, while other patches of land were sunken but otherwise intact. As the minutes passed with no further disturbance, eventually nature seemed to find its voice- birds perching in the nearby trees, shrews creeping through the grass, dragonflies buzzing about.

  In the town, a few Elysites barged through the crowds of confused creatures to locate Warringkingdoms’ house. The Magna would know something about this, and even if she didn’t, she would want to know that everyone was alright. As they approached her front steps, the frontmost Elysite- a stoat named Mark- flung open the suspiciously-unlocked door.

  No one was inside, and a note was left on the floor. Mark approached the note and read the hastily-scrawled writing aloud for the others.

  I have to deal with this once and for all. If I don’t come back, Clony is the new Magna.

  I’m sorry.

  -Warringkingdoms Kepler-Langley

/tl;dr: tremors occurred early in the morning in Elysium territory, causing large portions of the caverns opened by Jokul to collapse; everyone seems to be okay, but Rin is suspiciously absent, and a note has been found in her house saying that if she doesn’t come back, Clony will become Magna
/if Elysium attempts to dig through the rubble caused by the cave-ins, they won’t find any discernible cause of the tremors, nor will they find any bodies; all they’ll know is that Rin is missing in action
/from here, Clony (played by Kugawing) will be the next Magna
/I’ve elaborated some on my reasons for leaving here, but I just want to thank everyone in Elysium for all the good times I had RPing here, and I wish you all the best ^^

Re: don't even try -- disappearance + promotion - J. ADALGAR - 08-28-2020

[align=center][glow=grey,2,300] and what's wrong with being confident?[/glow]
it was strange, to watch the earth shake, to rip open and show it's teeth. Trenches split the earth; and hebi's first instinct was to his children. Blas was with him, and Furor, but Hel and Jor were both absent. A quick survey around the house left him scrambling, and he took flight- trying to catch their scents along the wind. The clan- or what remained of it were assembling near the manga's house, and Hebi fell to the whims of his curiosity. Knowing his children would be among the attendance. hearing the stranger's voice speak of the manga, her disappearance. it set him on edge. a new leader, clony?

"we cannot stand leaderless." Hebi spoke, trying to cut away the uncertainty. "it would be up to the bat himself, but if he wishes, to become the manga, i would stand beside him" Silver eyes looked around him, watching gauging people's reactions. to have a leader that left like this... it spoke volumes. people flocked to this place as quick as they left it it would seem. It left a lot of room for uncertainty.

Re: don't even try -- disappearance + promotion - Tena M. - 08-28-2020

[div style="width: 75px; height: 75px; background-image: url(; background-size: 290%; background-position: 75% 25%; border-radius: 100%; padding: 5px; float: left; margin: 0px; margin-right: 1px;"]
Tena Moonspinner
The earth did not scare the petite demdji.  When it shook and cracked, the sand cat leveled her paws, solidifying the ground beneath her.  Her ears flicked down, good eye flashing as she took notice of the attention.  Rin's house.  Go figure.  The former magna grit her teeth and bounded towards the scene, still off-kilter from the burns that left her half-blind, half-deaf.

She couldn't read.  Not more than a few letters, but she didn't have to, huffing at the announcement.  Her tail lashed as Hebi spoke, sniffing softly.  Tena had been magna before Rin.  She hadn't earned her respect upon taking over, either.  In the name of a 'curse'.  And now she was gone?  What happened to the buddy system she oh-so insisted on?  A united Elysium?  Watching each other's backs?

Clony.  She didn't know well.  She didn't think particularly high or low of them though their talk of lasers and the like often confused her.  Tena would offer no promises of allegiance, ears simply twitching.  This was no time to discuss hierarchy.  Who knows if someone had been trapped beneath the rumble caused by the tremors?  They had damage to asses.  "We can discuss this later -- we have to make sure no one is trapped or hurt."

[ ic opinions !
< 3 I wish you well Verdi ]
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free