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DAISY BELL // birthing - Printable Version

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DAISY BELL // birthing - APHRA CIPHER . - 08-26-2020

[glow=grey,1,400]FOR ONCE, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST COME AND CHASE ME ?。+゚.[/glow]
This was happening too early.

To say Aphra was shocked whenever her body convulsed early in the morning, jolting her awake, is an understatement. The bengal was panicking slightly, not knowing what to do if she happened to run into any problems. It was far too early for this - both in the day and in her pregnancy. She was alone in her room - actually, would anyone even help her if something bad started happening? She hoped so, despite the trouble she caused recently. The least that could be done is preserving the life of her children, right? Aphra didn't want these kittens by any means, but if she went through all this damn pain, she was going to want them to live at least a month or two.

Aphra grit her teeth as another convulsion went through her body. She was going to give birth, whether or not she was ready. She obviously couldn't delay this any longer, no matter how much she wanted to. If she died, then... she died, she supposed. Preparing herself, Aphra grabbed her pillow and bit down on it.


Three kittens... that's all there was. All that trouble for just three of them. Despite that, Aphra was exhausted; whether that was a bad sign or not, she didn't know, but instinct was taking over her as she went to clean off her children. "Vayne," Aphra whispered the name of the first kitten, one that looked like an average flame-point cat with bengal spots. She licked them, making sure they were alive, before setting them down and allowed them to feed.

Next was a kitten that looked almost like her mother. A silvery-blue color, and Aphra felt a strange tug at her as she looked down at this near-copy of herself. "Alia." A beautiful name for a beautiful daughter; Aphra knew this one was going to be her favorite (even if she still disliked them all regardless). Once again, after cleaning Alia and making sure she was breathing, Aphra set her down gently at her stomach.

And finally, the last kitten. This one was almost white in color, with slightly darker stripes. Would they darken out with age? Aphra didn't know, but just as she had done with the first two kittens, she cleaned the last one, murmuring the kitten's name as she did so, "Inferno."

Gods, it was finally over. After she finished cleaning the last kitten and making sure they suckled properly, Aphra laid her head down and tried to relax now. If someone were to stop by her room for whatever reason, there was no doubt they would notice her birth - whether it be the scent of it, or if they were checking to see why she wasn't out and causing drama; whatever it may be, Aphra knew she would have to deal with others coming in and inquiring about these hell spawn.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: DAISY BELL // birthing - trojan g. - 08-26-2020

we got no money, but we got heart ▸    ▸    ▸
Cold was the first sensation that Alia would ever feel, the scent of milk and salted water the second. A soft whine of protest would leave the kitten's maw as she pushed her way forward, trying to find more source of warmth, before she was licked clean and picked up, and she was content.

//rushed oop
▸    ▸    ▸  we're gonna rattle this ghost town

Re: DAISY BELL // birthing - Windowmemer - 08-27-2020

A flash of coldness before her body was fussed over my a rough tongue and she was brought into the belly of the female. Inferno grunted with a frown playing on her features, kicking out with her legs and attempting to bat whoever was around her. A wet nose nudged her towards a place that radiated the scent of milk, and with no hesitation she began drinking from it in greedy gulps.

(planning on making her super dominant lmao if that's fine?

Re: DAISY BELL // birthing - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 08-28-2020

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
// [member=16091]Windowmemer[/member] , Maple here!! That's fine ^^

Perhaps being the first born, Vayne should have been more aggressive; but truthfully, the newborn did not feel the urge to fight against her mother picking her up. Sure, Vayne didn't like suddenly being picked up and a rough tongue washing her, but she calmed down once Aphra placed her at her stomach. Sure enough, just like her siblings, Vayne nosed her way to start feeding.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: DAISY BELL // birthing - michael t. - 08-30-2020

Michael hadn't been around much lately, and he knew it. However, he did have a good reason for it. In fact, it was the same reason why Aphra was currently holed up in her room, curled up around a trio of kittens. While the reaver wasn't exactly having kittens, he was having pups, and he wanted to make sure they were as healthy as possible. So, the coyote had been spending most of his days at home, or around Roxie. His sister had been understandably pissed at him after his whole leaving stunt, but she also knew what being pregnant was like, so she was supportive. It was a good thing, too, since it wasn't as if Michael had ever planned for this, or had any experience. Unlike Aphra, he wasn't popping out kids every other month, or sleeping with some random person. He had found out about the stark white feline's pregnancy secondhand, since he and Rox were prone to gossiping when left alone together. At the time, he had found himself just rolling his eyes, grumbling something about how it should've been expected at this point. Aphra loved attention, and what better way to get it than through kids?

However, just because these little ones happened to be spawns of Aphra didn't mean he wouldn't protect them. They were still kids and crewmates, and it was part of his entire job to make sure that they remained safe. Part of him wanted to think that, surely, Aphra would keep her own young safe all on her own, but a larger part of him knew that, no, she probably wouldn't. He wasn't sure the feline had a single decent shred in her entire body, and Michael knew that practically everyone within the group would be watching her parenting like a hawk, including himself. That was why he had found himself drawn to Aphra's place that day in the first place. He had a basket in his jaws full of various things such as tea, blankets, and herbs for milk and such. Roan had given him a similar package to prepare for his own pregnancy, but the coyote hardly needed it all, so he figured he'd give some to Aphra, just to make sure she wouldn't hurt the kids. However, when he grew close to her home, he was caught off guard by new and unfamiliar scents, along with the soft mumbling of what sounded like names.

Peeking his head in the doorway, Michael was both surprised and unsurprised to see Aphra curled around her children. Surprised because it seemed rather early, but also unsurprised, since what else could she have been naming? The dark black coyote eyed Aphra's children for a moment, taking in the variety of colors that were present in them. After a long moment of thought, the reaver just snorted, putting his basket of goods down to the side of the door, "Congratulations, Aphra." He then let his eyes flick upwards, practically boring holes straight into her, "Don't fuck them up. Or I'll fuck you up." With that said, and his gift delivered, the canine turned and headed off, figuring he'd give the new mother privacy.
[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: DAISY BELL // birthing - Windowmemer - 08-31-2020

Having successfully claimed a few as hers to suckle on with a warning growl directed towards her siblings, she continued to drink happily until an unfamiliar voice and scent intruded. Her pelt bristled and she turned blindly in the direction of the newcomer with a snarl bursting from her throat. She felt no love whatsoever for her siblings and mother, but then again they were her blood and kin. She shivered at the thought of being holed up with this bunch for the next however long she was going to live for. Eh, anyways, if anyone decided to eat them she'd have three meat shields to  help her survive a bit longer.